sebaceous cysts Flashcards
definition of sebaceous cysts
epithelium lined, keratinous, debris filled cyst arising from a blocked hair follicle
more correctly known as epidermal cyst
aetiology of a sebaceous cyst
occlusion of the pilosebaceous gland
traumatic insertion of epidermal elements into the dermis and embryonic remnants
RF for sebaceous cysts
more frequent in Gardener’s syndrome
epidimology of sebaceous cysts
extremely common
any age
Sx of sebaceous cyst
nontender slow-growing skin lesion, often multiple
common on hair-bearing areas of the body, especially face, scalp, trunk or scrotum
may become red, hot, tender if superimposed inflammation or infection
firm, round, mobile SC nodules of varying size
signs of sebaceous cyst
smooth tethered lump with overlying central skin punctum
may express granular creamy material with an unpleasant smell
infection common and foul pus exits through the punctum
pathology of sebaceous cysts
not from sebaceous glands
from cystic proliferation of epidermal cells within the dermis
source of the dermis is the infundibulum of the hair follicle
inflammation is usually a foreign body, granulomatous reaction to materal contained within cysts
contain keratin not sebum
Ix of sebaceous cysts
none usually required
skin biopsy or FNA may be needed to rule out other dx
complications of sebaceous cyst
rupture into dermis -> swelling, red, tender
due to trauma / infection (satph aureus)
surgery -> bleeding, secondary infection, scarring
SCC rarely
mx of sebaceous cyst
surgical excision with intact capsule
infection -abx, incision and drainage
occasionally resolve spontaneosly