malignant melanoma Flashcards
definition of malignant melanoma
malignancy arising from neoplastic transformation of melanocytes - the pigment forming cells of the skin
leading cause of death from skin disease
aetiology of malignant melanoma
DNA damage in melanocytes caused by UV radiation = neoplastic transformation
short periods of intense UV exposure - particularly in the early years
50% arise in pre-existing naevi, 50% in previously normal skin
different histopathological types of malignant melanoma
superficial spreading (70%)
nodular (15%)
lentigo maligna (10%)
acral lentiginous (5%)
superficial spreading melanoma
arise in pre-existing naevus
expoand in radial fashion before vertical growth phase
grow slow and met later
better prognosis than nodular
nodular melanoma
arise de novo
no radial growth phase
invade deeply
met early
may be amelanotic in 5%
lentigo maligna melanoma
more common in elderly with sun damahe
large flat lesions
follow an indolent growth cause
usually on the face
evolve from pre-existing lentigo maligna
acral lentiginous melanoma
arise on palms, soles and subungal areas
most common type in non-white populations
epidemiology of malignant melanoma
steadily increasing incidence
6000/yr dx in UK
lifetime risk 1 in 80 in US
white races have 20 times increased risk to non-white
commonly affects younger people
sx of malignant melanoma
change in size, shape or colour of pigmented lesion
signs of malignant melanoma
ABCD criteria for examining moles
- A - asymmetry
- B - border irregularity/bleeding
- C - colour variation
- D - diameter >6mm
- E - elevation
Ix for malignant melanoma
excisional biopsy - for histological dx and determination of Clark’s levels or Breslow thickness
lymphoscintigraphy - radioactive compound is injected around the lesion and dynamic images are taken over course of 30mins to trace the lymph drainage and the sentinal nodes
sentinal LN biopsy (if primary and <1mm depth) - sentinal LN are dissected and histologically examined for met involvement
staging - US, CT, MRI, CXR
blood - LFT (liver common site of met)
Glasgow 7 point checklist for malignant melanoma
refer if 3 or more points, or with 1 point if suspicious
- change in size (2pts)
- change in shape (2pts)
- change in colour (2pts)
- inflammation (1pt)
- sensory change (1pt)
- dm >7mm (unless growth in a vertical plane) (1pt)
- Crusting/bleeding (1pt)
breslow thickness
depth of malignant melanoma in mm
prognostic factors for malignant melanoma
breslow thickness
tumour stahe
summarise congenital malignant naevi
usually >1cm
present at birth or in the early noenatal period
if >20cm = increased risk of malignant change