Search and Rescue Flashcards
What are the 3 basic Command organization levels? And what is their role?
1: Strategic level: IC, determines overall direction and goals of the incident
2: Tactical level: Identifies the objectives that the tactical officer must achieve to meet strategic goals
3: Task level: Does the specific tasks needed to meet tactical-level requirements and assigns these tasks to operational units, companies, teams and individuals
What determines commands priorities when it comes to search?
Where is the information from to determine this?
- The probability and survivability of victims
- Information from eye witnesses, dispatch, incident size up
The purpose of a size up is to consider the following:
- Facts of the situation
- Understanding the probabilities
- Developing situational awareness
- Make a decision
- Formulate an action plan
The facts of the situation include:
- Evaluating the call
- type/ time of call, pre-incident plans, district familiarization - Determining operational priorities
- Life, incident, property…, confirm or suspected victims, number and location of victims, rescue or recovery - Evaluating the structure
- building type, building material, size, condition, incident floor - Structure contents
- What is the fire load? types of materials, haz materials involved?
Prioritizing the search location falls into 3 categories
- Last known victim location
- Area of highest risk
- Exploratory
What does VIES stand for
Vent, Isolate, Enter, Search
What is the first priority of the firefighter entering the room during VEIS?
Isolate the room, closing the door
What is the search priority order for a multi-story structure?
1st: survivable areas nearest the fire, then systematically search outward, clearing the rest of that floor.
2nd: floor directly above the fire floor
3rd: higher level floors
4th/last: floors below the fire and any extension
Search should be completed in this priority, but one step doesn’t have to finish for the next to begin
how often should you stretch into a room while searching?
every 2 meters
AT what point does a firefighter let his officer know his air level?
at half air, at no time should a firefighter be working at 33-35% air
How can firefighter limit the flow path
close doors and windows when they come across open ones
What 3 ways can a door open?
- Away
- Towards
- Sliding/ pocket door
How do you stack on a door?
- Door opens AWAY, handle on the LEFT, stack LEFT
- Door open AWAY, handle on the RIGHT, stack RIGHT
- Door opens TOWARDS, handle on the LEFT, stack RIGHT
- Door opens TOWARDS, handle on the RIGHT, stack LEFT
Stack properly, open the door slightly and look and listen for….?
People or problems
What is the longest a sweep should take
15 seconds
what do you do when you find an end wall or outside corner?
- Reach back on the wall your on, extend out in a chopping motion to establish if the opening is truly an end wall or outside corner or if its a threshold or door.
After chopping and end wall/ outside corner what should you do?
- Anchor your foot
- Full stretch Sweep back from known to unknown
What is the pointmans primary responsibility??
- Safe guard the egress
- Provide guidance for the search team during search ops
- Act as a reference point for search members
- Monitor any changes in the heat and smoke conditions
-If a problem occurs the point man can call the members back and leave the structure
What things does the searcher vocalize he finds?
- Hazards
- Victims
- Exits
- Special features
When searching large occupant buildings, what does the / and X signify?
- / means primary search complete
- X means secondary search complete
True or false: A hallway is treated as a compartment?
What do you do when a victim is found?
- Notify point man and perform an immediate search of the area around the victim
What are the 3 approved methods of victim drag?
- The incline drag
- The feet first drag
- The sheet or blanket drag
What is B.O.A?
Breathe, Organize, Act
Activate PASS
Low Illuminate Volume Exit Shield Airway