Seabird Diversity Flashcards
Birds way to keep a constant body temperature
5 groups of Seabirds
- Penguins
- Gulls and relatives
- Tubenoses
- Pelicans and friends
- Shorebirds
Penguin characteristics
- Flightless; high bone density to reduce buoyancy
- Pursuit diving
- Preen or oil glands to waterproof feathers
- Blubber
- Paddle like feet
Largest penguin species
Emperor Penguin
Smallest penguin species
Gulls and relatives (species)
- Seagulls
- Auks
- Jaegers
- Skuas
- Terns
- Puffins
- Common murre
Characteristics of ‘Gulls and Relatives’
- Diverse feeding strategies; Seagulls dip and jaegers aerial pursuit
- Puffins plunge dive
Feeding method of Puffins
Surface divers
- Albatrosses, shearwaters, and petrels
- Surface predators
Pelicans and Friends
- Pelicans
- Cormorants
- Gannets
- Boobies
- Frigate birds
Characteristics of the ‘Pelicans and Friends’
- Prominent web between toes
- Feathers are not waterproof
Belongs to the group ‘Tubenoses’
- Characterized by high partner fidelity
- North Pacific and Southern oceans
Where do Pelicans live?
Southern USA, Central and South America
Double Crested Cormorant
Belongs to the group ‘Pelicans and Friends’
Frigate bird
Belong to the group ‘Pelicans and Friends’
- Also called ‘Man-o-war’ or pirate of the sea
- Males grow a red balloon to intimidate other males
Shorebird group
- Plovers
- Sandpipers
- Asian dowitcher
- Snipe
Characteristics of Shorebirds
- Species have specialized bills for different feeding; diet varies slightly allowing diverse groups in one area
- Feed on low tide areas
Two feeding strategies of Shorebirds
- Sandpiper way
- Small eyes high in head, long bill and legs
- Slow movements, probe below the surface
- Pressure sensitive pits on bills in some species - Plover way
- Large eyes, short bills
- Run and stop for visual detection
- Pick food off surface in ambush