scuba board questions Flashcards
Diver’s breathing air may be procured by what sources?
- Certified air compressor
- AMU approved Air compressor
- Air procured from a commercial or foreign military source
What is required if air is going to be procured from a commercial or foreign military source?
-Shall be certified in writing by the vendor as meeting the purity standards listed in chapter 4 of the Dive Manual
A compressor log shall be maintained with the compressor at all times. What shall be recorded on it?
-date, start/stop hour-meter readings, corrective/preventive maintenance accomplished, the component the compressor is charging, pressures not within parameters.
Air generated by non-U.S. Navy owned compressors (commercially supplied air) may be utilized for all diving operations with whose permission?
The Commanding Officer’s permission (all air purity standards must still be met with documentation)
What may the Commanding Officer authorize when a commercial air supplier is unable to provide documentation that the air meets the air purity standards?
- Authorize use of the commercial air for an individual mission, not to exceed 30 days, utilizing DP surface augmented diving apparatus or SCUBA in water 38 degrees and above.
- Air source shall be evaluated against the requirements of the Non-Navy Compressors Check Sheet.
Where can you find the compressor check sheet?
The compressor check sheet is available on the secure SUPSALV website at 00C3/diving publications.
Can the Analox ACG+ test for particulates/ can it be used as a substitute for periodic air sampling?
-The Analox ACG+ Analyzer cannot test for particulates. For this reason, the Analox ACG+ Analyzer is not a substitute for periodic sampling under the Diver’s Air Sampling Program.
Can you use the analox ACG+ analyzer to test non-navy aircompressors?
The Analox ACG+ Analyzer may be used to perform continuous on-line sampling or periodic verification of an ANU compressor’s output and to sample non-U.S. Navy owned air sources IAW paragraph 4-3.1 and the Non-Navy Compressors Checklist.
How long is the ACG+ analyzer valid for?
Analox ACG+ Analyzer results are only valid for 3 months. If mission requirements exceed 3 months, additional diver air sampling using the Analox ACG+ Analyzer shall be conducted. The Analox ACG+ Analyzer must be calibrated prior to use and safeguarded from rough handling.
What is the treatment for near drowning?
What are the three basic life lines?
Tending Line
Buddy Line
Float Line
What shall be contained in a lost diver kit?
- A clump with sufficient weight to avoid being dragged by a searching diver
- Line of sufficient length for the depth of the water
- A buoy of sufficient size to avoid being pulled underwater(Minimum 11 Inch buoy)
- A circling line of at least 25 feet attached to the clump.
Is decompression diving authorized in SCUBA? If so under what specific circumstances?
Yes. Only when considered absolutely necessary and authorized by the CO or OIC.
Whats the max current for scuba?
1knot max. greater current than 1 knot requires ORM analysis. At a minimum the divers must be tended or have a witness float.
What is the minimum equipment for SCUBA?
- Open circuit SCUBA with submersible pressure gauge
- Life preserver/buoyancy compensator
- Weight (if required)
- Dive knife
- Face Mask
- Swim Fins
- Submersible wrist watch
- Depth gauge
When is a small craft mandatory?
- For diver recovery during open ocean
- diving off a large platform
- when divers are untended and may be displaced from dive site
What is required in SCUBA if diving directly under the hull of a ship?
- Tending Line: required when there is no free ascent to the surface
What are some common factors in the majority of recovered lost divers?
- Nitrogen narcosis or other complications involving the breathing mixture, which can result in confusion, dizziness, anxiety, or panic.
What is required when using externally powered tools with SCUBA?
-Diver must have voice communications with the Diving Supervisor.
What are suitable materials for a life line?
-Nylon, Dacron, and Polypropylene
When may a float line be used?
-May be used instead of a tending line only when direct access to the surface is available.
When should a lifeline be used?
-When it is necessary to exchange signals, keep track of the diver’s location, or operate in limited visibility.
Cylinder valves that employ what, are preferred when diving in zero visibility where a gauge may not be able to be read because the J-valve will provide a warning that air is low?
A built in air reserve mechanism (J valve)
What are the restrictions of USN civilians conducting SCUBA dives?
- Depths deeper than 100fsw or outside no-decompression, requires a recompression chamber that is available within 5 minutes of the dive location.
- Cylinder manifold must be equipped with a manual reserve (J valve), or an independent reserve cylinder gas supply with a separate regulator.
- A submersible pressure gauge must be worn by each diver.
What is the normal and maximum working limit for SCUBA diving operations?
- Normal: 130fsw
- Maximum: 190fsw
Diving supervisors should consider employing an independent back-up air source for dives exceeding what depth?
Planned exceptional exposure dives shall not be conducted except by specific authorization from whom?
-Chief of Naval Operations (N97)
Where water temperature is 37 degrees and colder, one of the following three configurations shall be used:
1) Two single SCUBA bottles, each with its own K or J¬valve and first stage regulator.
2) One first stage regulator will supply the FFM and the other will supply an ANU cold water approved second stage regulator.
Treatment of Hypothermia.
1) Remove all wet clothing.
2) Wrap victim in a blanket (preferably wool).
3) Place in an area protected from wind.
4) If possible, place in a warm area (i.e. galley).
Warm water diving is defined as those diving operations that occur in water temperatures exceeding
88° F.
Diving in water temperatures above _____ should not be attempted without first contacting ________
Warm water diving
Hydration- 500 ML _____ HRS before and 500ml of water/ glucose/electrolyte beverage for every ____ of work
2 hours -BEFORE
Hyperthermia – should be considered when air temp exceeds _______ or water temperature is ABOVE _____
Treatments for mild to moderate Hyperthermia-
1) Remove clothes
2) Spray with fine mist of lukewarm water to cool water then fanning ( this helps the body increase evaporative cooling)
3) Avoid immersing the whole body in cold water (may slow the loss of heat due to vasoconstriction)
4) Have PX drink fluids until pee is clear
5) Cannot pee transport to hospital
Severe hyperthermia-
cooling measures started
GO to Hospital
-Give IV
WHAT TO DO FOR Contaminated diving
If it has been raining avoid diving and check websites for water contamination levels
Altitude diving
- At altitudes between 300 and 1000 feet, correction is required for dives deeper than 145 fsw (actual depth). At altitudes above 1000 feet, correction is required for all dives. Use SLED ( sea level equivalent depth )
Ascent to altitude- 12 hours
…. If dive with in 12 hours residual Nitrogen left over from sea level must be taken into account.
What is the emergency equipment on a dive side?
- Dive specific means of extracting a unconscious diver
- Diver recall
- lost diver kit (clump, line/polypropylene, buoy “11 in min diameter”, circling line 25 ft min)
- first aid
- Stretcher/ backboard
- 02
- Comms phone/ radio (channel 16)
- bag valve mask
WHAT IS IN A lost diver kit
buoy “11 in min diameter”,
circling line 25 ft min)
What is the witness float size? What is the lost diver buoy size?
- Witness float should be no smaller than an 11 inch buoy
- The lost diver buoy is 11 inch minimum diameter
Where do you find mishap reports?
Submitted through wess
What is the treatment of hypoxia?
- Basic first aid
- 100% oxygen
What is dyspnea?
- Shortness of breath
- Labored breathing
What are the four steps to remember when rescuing an unconscious drowning victim?
- Open/Maintain an airway.
- Check breathing
- Provide 5 rescue breaths if victim not breathing.
- DO NOT attempt chest compressions in water
It is important that we use the ABC method for drowning victims; explain it.
Airway = Make sure airway is open
Breathing = Check for breathing; if victim is not breathing, give 5 rescue breaths (if not already done in water rescue).
Circulation = Check circulation by feeling for pulse; if pulse is absent, initiate chest compressions.
Even if AGE/DCS cannot be ruled out for a drowning victim, immediately transport patient to nearest hospital for continued treatment of what?
Cardiac/respiratory arrest. The mildest cases of drowning will still require post rescue hospitalization and possibly intensive care.
Victims of near drowning who have no neurological symptoms should be evaluated by a Diving Medical Officer for what?
- Pulmonary aspiration
- Pneumonia is the classic result of near drowning
What is the most common type of barotrauma?
- Middle ear barotrauma
How is vertigo caused?
- Caused by violent disturbance of the malleus, incus, and stapes
Can you have a squeeze in the inner ear?
- No, the inner ear does not contain any gas
Increased pressure in the middle ear can cause what kind of paralysis?
- Facial Baroparesis: paralysis of the facial muscles
- Over-pressurization cuts off blood to the nerve causing it to stop transmitting nuero impulses to the facial muscles (10 – 30 min)
- Takes 5 -10 minutes for full function to return
What are symptoms of mediastinal emphysema?
- Mild cases unnoticed by diver
- Pain under breast bone: often described as dull ache or feeling of tightness. Pain may radiate to shoulders and may increase upon deep inspiration, coughing or swallowing.
Treatment of mediastinal and subcutaneous emphysema?
- 100% O2 (mild) / Shallow water recompression on 100% O2 (severe) recommended by a DMO / Usually 5 or 10 fsw (1 hour should be sufficient)
Symptoms of simple/tension pneumothorax?
Simple: sudden sharp chest pain, followed by shortness of breath, labored breathing, rapid heart rate, weak pulse, anxiety.
Tension: same symptoms as simple but more severe
If a pneumothorax, if present in combination with arterial gas embolism or decompression sickness, should immediate recompression therapy be delayed?
- What is the treatment of immersion pulmonary edema?
100% O2
Transported to medical facility
Signs and symptoms will usually resolve spontaneously over 24 hours with just bed rest and 100% O2
when can you conduct decompression scuba dives and dive deeper than 130 fsw?
Decompression dives may be made with approval of the Commanding Officer or Officer-in-Charge.
dive deeper than 130 fsw for for operationally necessary dives.
When is a small craft mandatory?
- For diver recovery during open ocean
- diving off a large platform
- when divers are untended and may be displaced from dive site
can you work with power tools in scuba?
When using externally powered tools with SCUBA, the diver must have voice communications with the Diving Supervisor.
when is an octopus required?
Standby SCUBA diver shall Be equipped with an octopus rig.
an octopus is also required at At Commanding Officer’s discretion based on ORM.
list all “life lines”
tending line
float line
buddy line
`when is a buddy line required?
at night
when visibility is poor.
May be used with a tending line or float line.
where can a diver secure their knife?
attached to the body and not a piece of equipment that can be ditched
minimum equipment for scuba
open circuit scuba face mask life preserver/BC weights as required knife swim fin submersible presure gauge watch depth gauge octopus
depth lints for scuba
130 normal
190 max
Line pull 2-2-2 and 3-3-3
2-2-2 I’m fouled and need you
3-3-3 I’m fouled but can free myself
line pull 3-2
more air
line pull 4-3
less air
line pull 2-1-2
send me a slate
line pull signal 7
go on and off search signal
you are about to cut into ice. what shapes and sizes are they?
rectangle 6ftx3ft
triangle 6 ft sides
what is the diameter of the wagon wheel?
lost diver under ice
stop, go up slowly, screw yourself in.
wait for standby to come get you .
line pull signal 1
are you okay?
When descending, one pull means “Stop” or “I am on the bottom.”
line pull signal 2
“Going Down.”
During ascent, two pulls mean “You have come up too far; go back down until we stop you.”
line pull signal 3
3 Pulls
“Stand by to come up.”
line pull signal 4
4 Pulls
“Come up.”