EXW Flashcards
Who is our TYCOM?
When is the Navy’s birthday?
- 13, October 1775
What does NECC stand for
- Navy Expeditionary Combat Command
When is the Seabees birthday?
- 05, March 1942
Who is the father of the Seabee?
- Adam Ben Moreel
Who is the Senior enlisted personnel also a liaison for the enlisted member?
What battle happened on June 6th, 1944
- Normandy
What was significant of Normandy?
- Largest amphibious operation in history
Who is in charge of N4 department?
Give me all of the N codes and departments in MDSU.
N1: Admin, N3: Ops, N4: Supply, N43 Transpo & Repair, N6 Comms, N7: Training, N9: Medical
What are the five steps of ORM?
Identify hazards, Assess hazards, Make risk decisions, Implement controls, Supervise
Give example of PPE
- Safety glasses, Earpro
What is the purpose of safety stand down?
To inform personnel about dangers in certain activities in work
What is the purpose of ORM?
- To minimize risk
At what decibel do you need single hearing protection?
At what decibel do you need single hearing protection?
- 85db-96db
At what decibel do you need double hearing protection?
- 96db>
What are the four principles of ORM?
- Accept risk when benefits outweigh cost, 2. Accept no unnecessary risk, 3. Anticipate and manage risk, 4. Make risk decisions at the right level
Who is responsible for mishap investigation?
- Safety Officer
What pallet do you use to transport gear by air?
What are the overall dimensions of 463L?
-88 x 108 inches
What are the useable dimensions of a 463L?
-84 x 104 inches
What is the max weight?
-10,000 LBS
Who bottoms line (OPR?) in supply?
What form do you use for replacing shit that you lose?
DD 200
What form for transfer of custody?
-DD 1149
What form do you use for DRMO?
-DD 1348
What MOV stand for?
-Material obligation validation
What does COSAL stand for?
-Coordinated shipboard allowance list
What does CPR stand for?
Cardio pulmonary resuscitation
What does AED stand for?
Automated external defibrillator
What is a tourniquet used for?
Arterial bleeding / controlling bleeding. Use as last resort
When do you take a tourniquet off a patient?
What is a NAAK?
Nerve agent antidote kit.
What makes up a NAAK?
DIA-ZE-PAM ( valium) 3 atro-phine and a wound pack.
What are the intervals for the administration of atrophine?
10-15 mins for the first two (third is administrated by buddy aid)
How many line on medivac report?
9 line
What are 3 type of bleeding?
Arterial, venous, capillary
What are three types of burns?
1st least, 2nd , 3rd nerve damage worst
What are the 4 speed of Naval message?
Routine, priority, immediate, flash
Unauthorized transmission over a radio network
-Bead Window
What are the 3 type of Frequencies?
What is the time line for FLASH?
10 mins or less
What does EEFI stand for?
Essential element of friendly information
What is the purpose of proword?
To expedite message
What proword is used when a radio circuit has been compromised?
Ginger bread
What is the hand held radio we used in the command
AN/PRC 152
What does SATCOM stand for?
Satellite communication
What is the frequency for HF?
3-30 MHZ
AT what FPCON level is liberty cancelled?
What are the FPCON levels?
Normal, Alpha, Bravo, Charlie, Delta
What does Ntas stand for?
National terrorist advisory system
What does FPCON stand for?
Force protection condition
At what level are entry points to buildings protected?
At what level a general threat with little credibility exists from terrorists?
What NTAS level is a credible, specific, and impending terrorist threat against the U.S.?
At what level are all non-essential personal barred from the base?
At what level an Incident occurs or intelligence indicates some terrorist action targeting personnel or facilities?
What FPCON level when no threat exist.
Define Deadly force
A force that a person uses causing substantial risk of death or serious bodily harm.
What is the deadly force triangle?
Capability, intent, opportunity
What is the difference between combatant and non-combatant?
Combatant are persons engaged in hostiles during an armed conflict
Non-combatants are member of the armed forces that do not take direct part in the hostility because of their status
Example of non-combatants
-medical and chaplain
What is an example of violation of LOAC?
Offenses against the sick and wounded
What does LOAC stand for?
Law of Armed conflict
What does ROE stand for?
Rules of engagement
What is the meaning of Check fire?
Check where the fire is coming from
What is the meaning of open fire
What is the meaning of cease fire
-stop shooting
What does MHE and WHE mean and give example….
Material handling ex. forklift.
Weight handling ex. Crane
What is a DD 1970?
Trip ticket
What form do you fill out if involved in an accident?
What does CESE stand for?
Civil engineering support equipment
What class is assigned to CESE that are In the pool
Class C
What publication is use for weight handling guidance
What is the difference between organic and augment CESE?
Organic is designed to support a units mission as defined by the units ROC and POE.
What is OF/436?
Government license
Who controls the day to day assignment and CESE usage?
The dispatcher
What publication is used for management of shore based equipment?
What does RIB stand for?
Rigid Inflatable boat
What are the 3 types of security zones?
Assessment, intercept, Reaction
What does SALUT stand for?
Size, activity, location, unit, time
What are steadying lines used for?
Stabilizing the boat during hoisting ops
What does SCBAR stand for
Service, craft and boat accountability report
When engaging a hostile craft where should you direct your fire?
3 types of coastal riverine boats?
Recon, security, riverine support
How many boats are required for moving security zones?
What line is used to hold the bits in position under the davit?
Sea painter
What are the 4 types of casualties agents?
Blood, blister, choking, nerve
What does MOPP stand for?
Mission oriented Protective posture
Explain the 5 MOPP level
0- Gear at the carry, 1- Trouses and smock 2- Add boots 3- Add mask 4- Add gloves and tighten all down
What color does M9 paper turn when it comes into contact with a liquid nerve or blister agent?
When administering the NAAK, Which one do you administer first?
What does NSIPS stand for?
Navy standard integrated personnel systems
What does SSIC stand for?
Standard subject identification codes
Page 13
Administration record
Page 2
Which OP Rep-3 would you use to report DUI
Unit sitrep
What is an OPREP-3 Navy blue?
Message media interest
Page 4
Qual record
What replaced the enlisted field serve record?
Three types of correspondent?
Naval letter, memorandum, e-mail
How many lines in a medevac report?
What are the 3 types of NVG’s used?
AN/PVS- 18
Hero susceptible?
Ordinance that can be adversely affected by RF environments
Hero unsafe?
Ordinance with internal wiring exposed including ordinance that is being replaced
Max depth that NVG can be submerged?
66 feet
What does HERO stand for?
Hazard of electromagnetic radiation to ordinance
Hero safe?
Ordinance that is percussion initiated and sufficiently shielded
Hero unreliable?
Assembling, disassembling or subjecting ordnance to authorized conditions, the performance may be degraded if exposed to RF
Explain shielding?
Helps protect the susceptible component from RF
How long can NVG be submerged at max depth?
2 hours
What is the procedure for reporting a diving casualty?
Casualty/ mishaps shall be reported through WESS (web enabled safety system) or Naval message.
What are the types of recompression chambers authorized at MDSU-1?
SNDL ( standard navy double lock) trcs ( transportable recompression chamber system)
FTRC (facility treatment recompression chamber.
Three types of air diving equipment?
Open circuit scuba, MK-20 surface supplied, km-37
What is the max depth of km-37 SS for air and mixed gas?
Mixed gas-300ft
What does the term “lo-mu” in reference to the mk-16
Low magnetic signature
Who is in charge of overall diving operations?
What are MDSU-1 operation energy goals?
Reduce fuel consumption by 15%
Name 2 types of fighting positions
one man- hasty, skirmisher
two man-crew served
What does BAMCIS stand for?
Begin planning Arrange for reconnaissance Make reconnaissance complete the plan Issue the order Supervise
Two ways to hold a compass
Center hold method
compass to cheek method
a four digit grid gets you within what distance?
1000 meters
how many fire team leaders in a squad?
how many articles in the code of conduct
what are the three types of wire entanglement?
Tactical, protective, supplementary
what is a warning order?
a heads up for a future warning