Scrum in 3 Minutes Flashcards
What are the cycles of work called in Scrum?
Work is completed in short cycles of less than 1 month, called Sprints.
What does the project goal represent?
The Product Goal represents the long term objective for the Scrum Team and details why it is valuable
Where is the work to be done stored and who’s accountable for it?
The work to be Done to reach the Product Goal is held in an ordered Product Backlog which the Product Owner is accountable for.
What state do we want items at the top of the backlog to be in?
Items at the top of a Product Backlog are refined to a ready state by the Scrum Team so they are small enough, and enough is known about them to allow them to be Done in a Sprint.
What happens at the beginning of each sprint and what is done in this session? Who is responsible for the artifact created?
At the beginning of each Sprint, The Scrum Team conducts the Sprint Planning event. Here they set a Sprint Goal that and explains why we are completing the work. The work to be Done and a plan of how to do it is captured in the Sprint Backlog. The Developers are accountable for this artifact.
What happens during the sprint? What state must the increment be in by the end?
During the Sprint, the Developers manage and carry out the work with the aim of producing a Done Increment by the end of the Sprint. By the end of the Sprint, the Increment must be in a usable state. A Definition of Done helps us understand the quality required for the Increment.
During the Sprint, a self-managing and cross-functional Scrum Team carries out the work. Developers meet each day at the Daily Scrum to revisit and adapt the Sprint Backlog for the next 24 hours.
What is the benefit of producing a usable increment that meets definition of done and achieves sprint goal?
Producing a usable Increment that meets the Definition of Done and achieves the Sprint Goal each Sprint - exposes issues and helps the team understand the risks and challenges they face. Finding such issues from the first Sprint ensures the Scrum Team has the maximum possible time to resolve these issues.
What does Scrum Team do with the increment at the end of the sprint? How is this helpful for delivering more valuable product?
At the end of the Sprint, the Increment is inspected by the Scrum Team and stakeholders at a Sprint Review. Adaptions to the Product Backlog often result as more will now be known about the product and the domain within which we are operating. Incorporating these adaptions into the Product Backlog will help us to deliver a more valuable product.
What happens in the Sprint Retrospective?
In the Sprint Retrospective, the Scrum Team looks for ways to overcome issues and improve its ability to create the product, starting from the next Sprint.
What is the Scrum Master accountable for?
The Scrum Master is accountable for the adoption of this empirical approach and the use of Scrum. They help remove Impediments to the Scrum Team completing its work effectively. They help the Scrum Team become more able to deliver valuable usable Done Increments and are accountable for the team’s effectiveness.
What are the developers accountable for in the sprint? What artifacts are they accountable for?
The Developers are committed to creating any aspect of a usable Increment each Sprint. They are accountable for the Sprint backlog, adhering to the Definition of Done and adapting their Sprint Backlog each day towards achieving the Sprint Goal.
What are the Product Owners accountable for?
The Product Owner is accountable for maximising the value of the product resulting from the work of the Scrum Team. They are accountable for the Product Backlog which contains the valuable work the Developers may complete to deliver the product.