Scrum Flashcards
What is a scrum?
Scrum is of the agile development model, a project is divided into small work parts that can incrementally developed and delivered over time boxes that are called sprints.
Each sprint is typically 2 to 4 weeks long.
Key roles and responsibilities
- Product owner
- Scrum Master
- Team Member
Product owner
The product owner represents customers perspective and guides the team towards building the right software. In various meetings, product owner takes the responsibility of communicating the customers views to the development team
Scrum Master
The scrum master acts a project management for the development of the project. The responsibilities of scrum master includes removing any obstacles the the project may face, ensuring that the team is fully productive by fostering close cooperation among all the team members
Scrum Team
Usually consists of cross-functional team members with expertise in areas such as quality assurance, programming, user interface design and testing.
Scrum ceremonies
The term scrum ceremonies is used to denote the meeting that are mandatorily held during the duration of a project.
Including three diff types of meeting: sprint planning, daily scrum and sprint review meeting
Sprint planning
During the sprint planning meeting, the team members commit to develop and delivery certain features in ensuing next sprint, those listed in product backlog.
In this meeting, the product owner works with the team members to negotiate with product backlog items , the team should work on on the next sprint in order to meet the release goals.
Daily scrum
The daily scrum is a short stand up meeting conducted every morning to review status of progress and major issues being faced on day to day basis.
The daily scrum meeting is not a problem solving meeting rather each members updates the team mates what he has achieved the previous day.
The team members focuses on answering three questions: what did he do yesterday, what he will do today and what obstacles are on his way?
To keep meeting short (usually 15 to 20 minutes), and focused the meeting is taken with team members standing up
Sprint review meeting
At the end of each sprint, sprint review meeting is conducted. In this meeting team members demonstrates, new functionality developed during the sprint that was just completed to the product owner and to the stake holders.
Feedback are taken in account by the participants of the meeting which are either taken in account in the next sprint or added to product backlog