this type of test is used to confirm the presence of disease and for diagnosis
diagnostic test
the ability of the test to detect the smallest concentration
ability of a test to be specific for a certain disease
screening is used for the _____________, _____________, and ____________ in an individual who does not show any signs of the disease
precursors of the disease
susceptibility of the disease
initial assumption (presumption) for the identification for those who probably have the disease from those who do not have disease
presumptive identification
objectives of screening programs
determine the frequency or describe the natural history of a condition;
prevention of a contagion and protection of public’s health
this is the detection of disease precursors as a guide to medical care of individuals
prescriptive screening
screening test that attacks a broader population with no selection of groups within the said population
prospective screening
8 uses of screening
case detection
case/disease control
health education
prescriptive screening
prospective screening
natural history of disease
public awareness
8 uses of screening
case detection
case/disease control
health education
prescriptive screening
prospective screening
natural history of disease
publ ic awareness
screening tests characteristics
tests for asymptomatic
tests for large groups
less accurate
not conclusive
less expensive
not basis for treatment
characteristics of diagnostic tests
suggestive of clinical procedure
single subject
conclusive (can diagnose)
basis for treatment
3 types of screening approach
mass/population approach
high-risk approach
multiphasic approach
type of screening approach for screening of large-scale population groups/no selection approach/process
mass/population approach
type of screeinng approach that is also known as selective screening, involving the selection of a specific group (high-risk group)
high-risk strategy/approach
type of screening approach that involves multiple screening; combination of 2 screening tests in a large-scale population
multiphasic approach (screening)
which type of screening test (approach) is more cost effective
high-risk strategy/approach
type of screening test (approach) that has the potential alter the root cause of disease
population/mass approach
cost effective screening test (approach) that is subject motivated
high-risk strategy
high-risk strategy deals with interventions appropriate to the individual
disease criteria
present in the population
high burden of public health concern
screening and intervention must improve outcome
known natural history of disease
test criteria
simple and inexpensive
very safe
acceptance to subjects and provides…
cost effective
exit strategy
refers to repeatability, reducibility, precision of results when the test is repeated on the same target individuals in the same setting
causes of unreliability
observer variation
subject variation (biological)
technic method error variation
in terms of acceptability, the test should not be:
socially not accepted
ability of the test to distinguish between who has the disease and who does not
positive validity refers to…
positive results
negative validity rrefers to…
negative results
refers to the ability of the test to truly identify those who have the disease
sensitivity (true positive over all people with disease)
ability of the test to identify those who do not have the disease
specificity (true negative over all people who do not have the disease)
proportion of individuals with positive test (with the disease)
positive predictive value (true positive over true and false positives)
proportion of indiivduals with negative test (without disease)
negative predictive value (true negative over true and false negatives)
as prevalence increases,
PPV ___________
NPV ___________
PPV increases
NPV decreases
as prevalence decreaes,
PPV ____________
NPV ____________
PPV decreases
NPV increases
as specificity increases, PPV __________
as sensitivity increases, NPV ________________