the orderly process of defining community health problems, identifying unmet needs and surveying the resources to meet them, establishing priority goals that are realistic and feasible and projecting administrative action to accomplish the purpose of the proposed programme (WHO)
health planning
purpose of planning
to match limited resources with many problems
to eliminate wasteful expenditures and avoid duplication
to develop the best resource of action to accomplish a defined objective
deficiencies in health that call for preventive, curative, control, and eradication measures
health needs
an important element of planning is setting of the ….
measures the amount of progress towards goal
these are achieved by establishing targets
short-term and measures progress
objectives are split into discrete activities
ultimate desired state towards which the objectives and resources are directed
these are not constrained by time and resources because they are long-term and they are consumables
long-term outcome
planning cycle
analysis of health situation
establishment of objectives and goals
assessment of resources
fixing priorities
writing up of formulated plan
programming and implementation
assessment of resources involves the 3MSKT, namely:
money, manpower, material, skills, knowledge, technique
3 steps of planning
3 activities in planning
assessment of health issues/status
identification of desired state in the future
specification of interventions that are needed to achieve the desired state
2 processes of health program planning
health program planning
steps in health program planning
preparatory phase
preparatory phase of planning involves
- performance review and problems identification for each health program
- analysis of the problems
this involves assessing the accomplishment of each program and determines the percentage accomplishment
performance review and problems identification
a percentage accomplishment of <110% indicates…
a percentage accomplishment of >90% indicates…
methods of health program analysis
qualitative method
quantitative method
this is a method of health program analysis that involves the analysis of those who participated in the circumstances that surround the problem through focus group discussion (participant’s analysis)
qualitative method
this is a method of health program analysis where you construct a problem tree illustrating the direct and underlying causes of the problemProvide estimates (evidence-based) on the nature and extent of each cause through the use of indicators
quantitative method
situational analysis is also known as…
community assessment
this is the investigation of the current state of the community by identifying health-related issues and subsequent health projects
situational analysis
the problem analysis includes the demographics,, economic data, analysis of health resources present, and description of the health condition of the community
FALSE (problem analysis should be “situational analysis/community assessment”)
this involves the identification of the health-related issues and concerns logically following the situational analysis of the community
problem analysis
in problem analysis, identified problems are ranked from lowest to highest
FALSE (highest to lowest)
problem list
health service delivery
health information system
human resource for health
health financing
policy, standards, and regulation
governance for health
this is where the notable issues would be pitted against each other and rated using a set of criteria with corresponding weight
decision matrix
this is used to systematically identify the possible contributory factors that lead to the formation of a health problem
problem tree
the objective tree is where the core problem (highest ranked) which has emerged from the decision matrix is analyzed as its root causes and effects
FALSE (“problem tree” not “objective tree”)
the problem tree is a cause-and-effect network
the obstacle analysis matrix is included in the preparatory phase
this includes the overall goal of the health project and the network of its objectives and benefits
objective tree
this is based on the objective tree; identification of alternatives to solve the core/priority problem and the choice of the best option
alternative tree
this is based on the objective tree; identification of alternatives to solve the core/priority problem and the choice of the best option
alternative tree
purpose of developing a plan for a health program/project
to formalize commitment to achieve vision
to guide implementation of the program
to seek formal approval from the executive management and budgetary support
this involves the analysis of obstacles in the health service implementation and the identification of barriers and constraints that are specifically management problems
obstacle matrix/obstacle analysis matrix
these are factors that adversely affect the effectiveness and efficacy of the health projeect implementation
these are factors that adversely affect the effectiveness and efficacy of the health projeect implementation
these are assumptions that an existing program is already in place and takes the nature of strengthening an existing program
these are assumptions that an existing program is already in place and takes the nature of strengthening an existing program
planning phase
project title
introduction to the project
general objective
specific objectives
project components
project milestones
project activities
project flowchart
project activity-resource matrix
project monitoring worksheet
project budget worksheet
should be descriptive and includes the nature and scope of the health program
project title
this part of the planning phase includes the background, rationale, and significance of the health program implementation
introduction to the project
this states the resolution of the core problem
general objective of the project
this aims to allude to the completion of the selected solutions and are usually written in the format: at the end of the project, the following should have been” followed by end of project milestones
specific objective(s) of the project
these are inter-related activities that contribute to the attainment of at least one specific objective
project components
these are intervening events within each project component
project milestones
these are actions that are critical in reaching the project milestones
project activities
flow of activities when implemented rom the start to the end of the project as they pass through different milestones
project flowchart
this is the table that depicts all critical resource requirements to implement each activity
project activity-resource matrix
this allocates the time, human resource, and budget requirements for each activity
project monitoring worksheet
with a list of pre-determined budget expenditure, this contains an assessment on the number of resources needed to implement each activity
project budgeting/budget worksheet
considerations at the implementation stage should include:
define roles and tasks
selection, training, motivation, and supervision of the manpower involved
organization and communication
the efficiency of the implementing institution