SCLOA Concepts Flashcards
SCLOA Principle 1
Human beings are social animals and need to belong
SCLOA Principle 2
Culture influences behavior
SCLOA Principle 3
Humans have a collective/social self because they are social animals
SCLOA Principle 4
People’s views/understanding of the world are resistant to change
Participant observation is used because…
psychologists can see the world through the eyes of the participants
Pros and cons of overt/covert observation?
Covert: secrecy, confidentiality, membership to the in-group, worse observations, risk
Overt: non-judgemental, longer, more ethical
Interviews/focus groups are used because…
psychologists get in-depth detail
Finding reasons to explain behavior
Fundamental Attribution Error
Tendency to overestimate dispositional factors in others while underestimating
Self-serving bias
If you do well, it’s dispositional
If you do badly, it’s situational
Ethical considerations?
Zimbardo, Haney, and Banks(1971)
protection, consent, right to withdraw, confidentiality, deception, debriefing
Social Identity Theory
Cialdini et al. (1976) College sportswear
Tajfel (1970) Kandinsky/Klee
Social categorization, Social identification, Social comparison/positive distinctiveness
Social categorization
Dividing people into in-groups and out-groups
Social identification
Adopting the identity of our in-group