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Basking In Reflected Glory


Social identity theory proposed by Tajfel and Turner (1986) suggests that individuals experience collective identity based on their membership in a group, such as racial/ethnic and gender identities.


Aim- Investigate The Tendency For Individuals To Publicly Associate Oneself With Successful Others (Basking In Reflected Glory)
Method- Field Experiment & Interviews
Procedure- The Participants of The Study Consisted of Fans From Large U.S Prestigious Football Universities, The Research Took Place In Large Lecture Halls Across These 7 Schools, Wherein The Participants Were Observed, Specifically In What Clothes/Apparel They Wore The Monday Following The Big Game, Furthermore The Researchers Conducted Interviews With These Students To Ask Them About The Performance Of Their Schools After The Big Game
Results- Results Of The Field Experiment Showed That Students Tended To Wear More Apparel Associating Themselves With Their University If Their Team Had Won Compared To When They Had Lost, Results Also Showed That Participants Tended To Use The Pronoun “We” More In Describing Their Team If They Had Won & Used The Word “They” If Their Team Had Lost
Conclusion- The Researchers Concluded That Social Representations May Become The Basis For Both Positive and Negative Stereo Typing, and This Contributes To Social Identity

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Favoritism and Intergroup Discrimination


Social identity theory proposed by Tajfel and Turner (1986) suggests that individuals experience collective identity based on their membership in a group, such as racial/ethnic and gender identities.

Tajfel et Turner

Aim- Investigate If Boys Placed In Random Groups Based On Arbitrary Tasks Would Display Ingroup Favoritism and Intergroup Discrimination
Method- Laboratory Experiment
Procedure- The Sample Consisted of 64 School Boys Aged 14-15 From A State School In The UK, Participants Were Grouped Randomly, Then The Groups Were Shown Clusters of Varying Dots Flashed on A Screen, Then They Had To Estimate The Number Of Dots In Each Cluster, Afterwards, Participants Were Asked To Rate Their Group’s Performance Against Other Groups’ Performance
Results- Results Showed That On Average, Participants Rated Their Groups Performance Better Than Outgroups Performance Despite Being Unaware of The Outgroups’ Performance
Conclusion- The Researchers Concluded That Ingroup Biases Influenced The Participants Behavior

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Culture of Honor


Social identity theory proposed by Tajfel and Turner (1986) suggests that individuals experience collective identity based on their membership in a group, such as racial/ethnic and gender identities.

Cohen et al

Aim- Investigate The Influences of Cultural Norms on Aggressive Behavior
Method- Quasi Experiment
Procedure- The Sample Consisted Of College-Aged Male Students From The Southern/Northern Parts of The U.S, Culture Of Honor Is When A Man’s Reputation Is Threatened They Must Earn It Back Through Violence, In The Southern Part Of The U.S There Is High Culture Of Honor & In The North There is Little Culture Of Honor, 1st Participants Gave Samples’ Of Their Saliva Then Were Instructed To Answer A Questionnaire, After Completing The Questionnaire, Participants Were Asked To Place Their Papers On A Desk At The End of A Hallway, Whilst Participants Walked Through The Hallway They Were Bumped By A Confederate Who Said “Watch Out Asshole!”, Researchers Then Observed The Participants Reaction To This Scenario, Soon After This, Participants Gave Another Sample of Their Saliva
Results- Participants From The South Reacted Violently To The Interaction And Felt As If Their Masculinity Was Threatened, Northerners Didn’t React Violently, Furthermore, There Was A 12% Increase In Southerners’ Testosterone Whilst Only A 4% Increase In Northerners (Testosterone Associated With Aggression and Dominance), Additionally There Was A Larger Increase In Cortisol Levels In Southerners to Northerners
Conclusion- Southerners Are More Likely To Consider Aggression As An Appropriate Response To Insults Due To Their Culture Of Honor, Given That Their Reputation and Masculinity Was Threatened, Their Cortisol & Testosterone Levels Increased To Counterbalance Self-Esteem, Thus Cultural Values Influences Behavior (Aggression)

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Bobo Dolls & Aggressive Behavior


Social Cognitive Theory (SCT) describes the influence of individual experiences, the actions of others, and environmental factors on individuals’ own behaviors.

Bandura, Ross et Ross

Aim- Investigate Whether Kids Would Reproduce Aggressive Behavior They Observe From A Model
Method- Independent Measures Design
Procedure- Sample Consisted of Nursery Level Kids From The University of Stanford, Participants Were First Split Into 3 Groups, 1st Group Exposed To An Adult Model Aggressively Playing With The Bobo Doll, 2nd Group Exposed To An Adult Model Engaged In Non-Aggressive Play With The Bobo Doll, 3rd Group (Control Group) Not Exposed To Any Model, Beforehand All The Children Were Rated By Their Nursery Teachers On Their Levels Of Aggression, Across All Groups, A Child Was Seated In One Corner Of A Room While A Model Was Escorted By The Experimenter Into The Same Room But In A Different Corner, The Child Was Given Toys To Play With In His/Her Corner, The Model’s Corner Contained Toys, A Mallet, And A Bobo Doll, Once The Model and The Child Were Seated and Playing With Their Toys, The Experimenter Left The Room, In The Non-Aggressive Condition (The Model Ignored The Bobo Doll and Played Quietly With The Toys), In The Aggressive Condition (The Model Briefly Played With The Toys Then Turned To The Bobo Doll & “Aggresses Towards It” Both Verbally and Physically For The Rest of The Time, The Model Hit The Bobo Doll In Different Ways So That “Imitation” Could Be Identified As Opposed To Unrelated Aggressive Play), After 10 Minutes, The Child Was Escorted By The Experimenter Into Another Room Where They Were Observed By Another Experimenter To See Whether They Would “Imitate” The Behavior of The Model By Aggressively Attacking The Bobo Doll
Results- Children Who Witnessed Aggressive Models Were Significantly More Aggressive Themselves, Children Who Observed Aggressive Models Mimicked Their Violent Actions and Even Made New Methods To Attack The Bobo Doll, There Was Little Difference Between Aggression In The Control & Non-Aggressive Groups
Conclusion- Observing Violent Reactions Lead One To Be The Same

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Violence Observed During Childhood In Adult Violence


Social Cognitive Theory (SCT) describes the influence of individual experiences, the actions of others, and environmental factors on individuals’ own behaviors.

Mihalic et Eliott

Aim- Investigate Whether Observing Violence In Childhood Positively Correlated With Violent Behavior
Method- Correlational/Longitudinal Study
Procedure- The Researchers Conducted A Longitudinal Correlational Study In 11-15 Years Old Participants (Male/Female), Participants Were Initially Interviewed Regarding Violence They Experienced/Observed In Childhood, Afterwards, Participants Were Interviewed Every 4 Years Then Every 3 Years For 9 Years, They Were Interviewed About The Amount Of Violence They Observed, The Violent Actions They Have Done And How Violent They Thought They Were
Results- Males/Females WHo Endured More Violence As Children Had Higher Martial Violence As Adults, These Finding Support SCT
Conclusion- Amount of Observed Violence In Childhood Positively Correlated With Violence In Adulthood

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Different Reasons Why Individualists & Collectivists Engage In Prosocial Behavior


Hofstede’s cultural dimensions are a framework developed by social psychologist Geert Hofstede to analyze and understand cultural differences between societies.

Collectivism stresses the importance of the community, while individualism is focused on the rights and concerns of each person.

Aim- Investigate The Influence of Culture On Volunteering
Method- Qualitative Study
Procedure- The Researchers Asked 194 US University Undergrads To Complete Online Questionnaires In Exchange for College Credit, The Questionnaire Consisted of Questions Relating To 2 Hypothesized Reasons For Volunteering; 1st: They Want To Help Other People, 2nd They Wanna Indirectly Help Themselves As Volunteering Would Line-Up With Their Values and Support Their Identity
Results- Individualists Were Motivated To Volunteer for Career-Related Reasons Which Indirectly Help Themselves, Collectivists Volunteer To Strengthen Social Bonds
Conclusion- Both Collectivists and Individualists Are Willing To Engage In Prosocial Behavior But for Different Reasons

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Western Advertisements In Chinese Culture


Cultural acculturation refers to the process through which individuals or groups from one cultural background come into contact with, and potentially adopt elements of, another culture.

Hsu and Barker

Aim-Investigate How The Opening Of Chinese Trade To The Western Part of The World Influenced Their Rates on Consumer Culture
Method- Content Analysis of 566 TV Advertisements
Procedure- The Researchers Analyzed 566 TV Advertisements With Different Target Demographics, Then Proceeded to Rate Each TV Ad. For Its Level of Individualism or Collectivism Prominence of Traditional Chinese Culture vs. More Western Themes
Results- Results Showed That Ads. Shown To Younger Chinese Citizens Are Rated .51 In Individualism and .43 on Collectivism Whilst The Advertisements Shown To Older Chinese Citizens Are Rated .20 On Individualism and .36 on Collectivism
Conclusion- The Researchers Concluded That This Study Demonstrates The Acculturation of Western Culture In China Since The Opening of Trade in The 19th Century

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Globalization refers to the process of interaction and integration among the people, companies and governments of different nations. Global Social Identity (GSI) is an extension of the Social Identity Theory. Giddens referred to GSI as this potential global identity that would socialize a “cosmopolitan” individual for whom mankind becomes a “we” and there are no “others”.

Buchan et al (2011)

Aim- Investigate If Identification With A Global Culture Could Motivate Cooperation In The Context of A Global Collective
Method- Correlational Study
Procedure- The Researchers Sample Were From The USA, Italy, Russia, Argentina, South African and Iran (Totaling 1,122 Participants), The Researchers Measured 2 Items (Participants Social Identity As Local, National, Global) & (Their Concern For Global Affairs Like Global Warming, Spreading of Pandemics, The Empowering of The International Court of Justice & The Wage Gap Between The Rich and Poor, Additionally The Researchers Instructed Participants To Allocate Funds To Either A Personal, National or Global Investment, The Global Accounts Paid Back The Contribution Multiplied by 3, National Investments Paid The Contribution Multiplied By 2 & The Personal Investments Paid Back The Contribution Amount, In Other Words Participants Had The Choice To Be Guaranteed A Small Payout If They Deposited In Personal Account, But The Maximum Benefit For All Would Occur If All Participants Paid Into The Global Account Then Shared Out The Return, Investing Into The Global Account Requires A Global Social Identity With Global Partners and Trust In Those People
Results- Social Identification With A Global Community May Influence Sharing Behavior In Regards To Global Public Good, and This Occurred Without An Expectation Regarding How Much Others Were Contributing
Conclusion- Social Identification With A Global Community/Culture Seems To Increase Cooperative Behaviors Contributing To Global Public Good

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Assimilation of Cultural Values In US & Canada


Aim- Investigate Whether Cultural Values of Canadians Would Gradually Assimilate US Values
Method- Survey Consisting of 86 Value Statements With Representative Samples From Both US & Canadian Populations (Totaling 14,000 Participants)
Procedure- The Researcher Studied Cultural Values of Citizens of The USA and Canada At 3 Different Points In Time; 1992, 1996, 2000
Results- Cultural Value Profiles of The 2 Countries Did Not Converge Over The Course Of Time-They Remained Distinctly Different and In some Cases The Differences Became Larger, An Example Is The Statement “The Father Of The Family Must Be The Master Of His House”, The Percentage Agreeing With This Statement In The Canadian National Sample From 1991 to 2000 Decreased From 26% to 18%, While The Percentage Agreeing In The US National Sample Increased From 42% to 49%
Conclusion- Globalization Is Not Necessarily A Straightforward Process In Which The Dominant Culture Subsumes Non-Dominant Cultures, The Outcomes of Globalization Depends On The Acculturation Strategy Chosen

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