Relationship Flashcards
Menstrual Cycling On Attraction (BLOA)
Personal relationships refer to close connections between people, formed by emotional bonds and interactions. These bonds often grow from and are strengthened by mutual experiences. Examples of personal relationships could be friendships, relationships between family members and even romantic partners.
Formation of Relationships
Gene selection theory, the modern explanation behind evolutionary biology, occurs through the desire for gene replication. Evolutionary psychology connects evolutionary principles with modern psychology and focuses primarily on psychological adaptations: changes in the way we think to improve our survival.
Johnston et al (BLOA)
Aim- Investigate The Influence of Menstrual Cycle on Female Attraction
Method- Natural Experiment
Procedure- The Sample Consisted of 42 Females from New Mexico State University, The Participants Manipulated Faces On A Computer Screen Until They Reached An Optimal “Target” (They Manipulated The Faced Until They Found It Most Attractive)
Results- When Females Were Ovulating (Most Fertile) They Showed The Highest Preference For Masculine Faces Due (Because They Are At Peak Fertility, They Are Subconsciously Attracted To High Testosterone Features In Men As They Would Give Them The Strongest Offspring (Healthy Immune System), Results Also Show That During Ovulation, Females Are At The Peak Of Testosterone Concentration Within Their Bodies & Testosterone Is Correlated With Sex Drive, So The Interplay Between The High Testosterone In Females During Ovulation In Tandem With The High Testosterone Features Of Men Might Influence Females Sexual Behavior
Conclusion- Testosterone Influences Female Attraction In 2 Ways: Females Attracted To High Testosterone Features In Men; Possible Boost In Sex Drive
Cross-Cultural Similarities & Differences In Mate Preferences Across Males & Females (BLOA & SCLOA)
Personal relationships refer to close connections between people, formed by emotional bonds and interactions. These bonds often grow from and are strengthened by mutual experiences. Examples of personal relationships could be friendships, relationships between family members and even romantic partners.
Formation of Relationships
Gene selection theory, the modern explanation behind evolutionary biology, occurs through the desire for gene replication. Evolutionary psychology connects evolutionary principles with modern psychology and focuses primarily on psychological adaptations: changes in the way we think to improve our survival.
Buss et al (BLOA & SCLOA)
Aim- Investigate The Cross-Cultural Similarities & Differences In Mate Preferences Between Males & Females
Method- Cross-Cultural Study/Questionnaires
Procedure- The Sample Consisted of 10,046 Respondents Across 36 Cultures, Respondents Were Asked To Complete 2 Questionnaires (1st, Asked Respondents To Rate 18 Characteristics Affecting Math Choice On A Scale From 1-3, Ex of Characteristics: Age, Looks, Financial Situation, Chastity, Ambition, Industriousness), (2nd, Required Respondents To Rank 18 Characteristics In Order Of Importance When Selecting A Mate)
Results- Across All 36 Cultures, Males Preferred Women Who Were Youthful & Females Preferred Older Men With High Financial Capabilities
Conclusion- Males Preferred Youthful Women As They Were More Fertile & Capable of Raising Children, Females Preferred Older Men With High Financial Capabilities As They Were More Capable Of Providing Resources for Her and Her Offspring In Order To Raise The Family
Cross-Cultural Differences In The Importance of Love In Maintaining/Establishing Marriage (SCLOA)
Personal relationships refer to close connections between people, formed by emotional bonds and interactions. These bonds often grow from and are strengthened by mutual experiences. Examples of personal relationships could be friendships, relationships between family members and even romantic partners.
Formation of Relationships
Collectivism stresses the importance of the community, while individualism is focused on the rights and concerns of each person. Where unity and selflessness or altruism are valued traits in collectivist cultures, independence and personal identity are promoted in individualistic cultures.
Levine et al (SCLOA) Individualism vs. Collectivism
Aim- Investigate The Cross-Cultural Differences In The Importance Of Love For The Maintenance/Establishment of Marriage
Method- Cross-Cultural Study/Surveys
Procedure- Data Was Collected Using A Survey On More Than 1000 Students Asking Them About Their Attitudes Towards The Importance of Love for Marriage and Divorce, Data Was Correlated With Hofstede’s Scores on Individualism & Collectivism
Results- Within Individualistic Cultures, Romantic Love Is More Important For Marriage Than In Collectivist Cultures, The Results Also Showed That Within Cultures That Placed A Higher Importance On Love In Marriage Had Higher Divorce Rates
Conclusion- Within Individualistic Cultures, Romantic Love Is More Important For Love Than In Collectivist Cultures Because In Collectivist Cultures, Social Norms and Duty Are More Important Than Personal Pleasure & Satisfaction Within The Marriage, The Researchers Also Concluded That The Reason Divorce Rates Were Higher In Individualistic Cultures Than In Collectivist Cultures Was Because Divorce In Collectivistic Cultures May Affect Relatives and Extended Family Or May Not Be A Social Practice Taken Well By Society, While In Individualistic Cultures, The Disappearance of Love May Be Enough To End A Marriage As The Individual No Longer Feels Satisfied With The Marriage, Hence The Divorce
Communication and Marital Satisfaction (BLOA)
Personal relationships refer to close connections between people, formed by emotional bonds and interactions. These bonds often grow from and are strengthened by mutual experiences. Examples of personal relationships could be friendships, relationships between family members and even romantic partners.
Role of Communication In Relationship
Communication is the exchange of information, ideas and feelings. As you have seen, communication plays a significant role in how close and connected we feel with another person - more frequent and higher quality communication increases intimacy. Higher quality communication are positive such as (content of discussions, the manner in which they were spoken and body language)
Gottman et Levinson 1985 (BLOA)
Aim- Investigate The Correlation Between Biological & Cognitive Factors Which May Explain Why Some Couples Remain Happily Married Whilst Others Divorce
Method- Longitudinal/Interviews/Correlational Study
Procedure- The Sample Consisted of 21 Married Couples Who Were Followed Longitudinally for 3 Years, The Couples Were Interviewed and The Data Was Gathered To Monitor Their Marriage Over The 3 Year Period
Results- Results Showed That There Was A Strong Correlation Between High Levels of Physiological Arousal (Stress) & Marital Dissatisfaction, This Was Shown Via The Husbands Heart Rate, As There Was A .91 Negative Correlation Between The Husbands Heart Rate During An Intense Couples Argument & Marital Satisfaction
Conclusion- The Researchers Concluded That Because The Husbands Display Higher Levels of Physiological Arousal Than Females During Arguments, It Takes Men Longer To Reduce Their Arousal, This Explains Why Males Tend To Withdraw From Communication and Stonewall Their Partners In An Attempt To Reduce Their High Levels of Emotion and Physiological Arousal, This Stonewalling Does Not Solve Any Issues and Causes The Wife To Feel Frustrated, Increasing Her Negative Emotions (Physiological Arousal) Which Consequently Leads To The Husband Becoming Even More Physiologically Aroused (Stressed), This Bidirectional Relationship Between Physiological Arousal & Communication Leads To A Vicious Cycle That Continues Until Both Parties Agree To Dissolve The Relationship
Communication and Marital Satisfaction ‘Love Lab’ (CLOA)
Personal relationships refer to close connections between people, formed by emotional bonds and interactions. These bonds often grow from and are strengthened by mutual experiences. Examples of personal relationships could be friendships, relationships between family members and even romantic partners.
Role of Communication In Relationship
Communication is the exchange of information, ideas and feelings. As you have seen, communication plays a significant role in how close and connected we feel with another person - more frequent and higher quality communication increases intimacy. Higher quality communication are positive such as (content of discussions, the manner in which they were spoken and body language)
Gottman et Levenson 1992 (CLOA)
Aim- Investigate The Effects of Varying Patterns of Communication With Married Couples On Their Marital Satisfaction
Method- Experimental/Questionnaires/Correlational Methods
Procedure- The Sample Consisted of 73 Married Couples From Indiana With Varying Ranges of Marital Satisfaction, The Participants Were Observed In A ‘Love Lab’ Which Was An Apartment Designed To Look As Realistic As Possible With Cameras Hidden Throughout It To Monitor The Couple’s Behavior (Discussions & Body Language) and Physiological Changes (Blood Pressure & Heart Rate) Depending On Their Interactions, The Procedure Involved The Participants Coming To The ‘Love Lab’ For Short Periods of Time To Engage In Discussions, At This Point The Couples Had Not Spoken To Each Other For At Least 8 Hours, Once In The ‘Love Lab’ Participants Were Asked To Touch On 3 Topics: 1. What Each Person Did During The Day; 2. A Source of Conflict Within Their Marriage; 3. A Mutually Agreed “Pleasant” Topic, The Couple’s Patterns of Behavior & Communication Were Then Analyzed Using Coding Strategies Such As RCISS, From Observation Data, Participants Were Separated Into 2 Groups: Regulated/Non-Regulated Couples
Results- Results Showed That Regulated Couples Reported Higher Levels of Marital Satisfaction Due To Their more Positive Interactions (Content of Discussions, Manner of Speaking, Body Language) With One Another
Conclusion- The Researchers Concluded That Communication Plays An Important Role In Maintaining A Stable Marriage As A Stable Marriage Requires 5 Positive Interactions:1 Negative Interaction To Experience Increasing Marital Satisfaction
Marital Satisfaction & Communication Patterns Across Different Cultures (SCLOA)
Personal relationships refer to close connections between people, formed by emotional bonds and interactions. These bonds often grow from and are strengthened by mutual experiences. Examples of personal relationships could be friendships, relationships between family members and even romantic partners.
Role of Communication In Relationship
Communication is the exchange of information, ideas and feelings. As you have seen, communication plays a significant role in how close and connected we feel with another person - more frequent and higher quality communication increases intimacy. Higher quality communication are positive such as (content of discussions, the manner in which they were spoken and body language)
Rehman et Holtz-Munro (SCLOA)
Aim- Investigate Marital Satisfaction & Communication Patterns Across Different Cultures
Method- Correlational Study
Procedure- The Researchers Compared 3 Groups of Married Couples With ~50 Couples/Group: American Couples/Pakistani Couples/Pakistani Immigrant Couples Within The US, The Researchers Gathered Data On Communication Styles & Marital Satisfaction of Each Group
Results- Couples With More Positive Communication Patterns Had Higher Levels of Marital Satisfaction, This Correlation Was Stronger In American Couples Than The Pakistani/Pakistani Immigrant Couples
Conclusion- The Researchers Concluded That The Results Suggest That Communication Can Affect Marriage Across Different Cultures, But It May Be More Influential In Western Cultures
Correlation Between Attributions & Marital Satisfaction (CLOA)
Personal relationships refer to close connections between people, formed by emotional bonds and interactions. These bonds often grow from and are strengthened by mutual experiences. Examples of personal relationships could be friendships, relationships between family members and even romantic partners.
Attributions are an area of social psychology that deals with how people explain the causes of their behavior and the behavior of others. The cause may be environmental, a situational attribution. Or it may be internal, a dispositional attribution such as a trait.
Relationships Ending and Attributions
Fincham et al (CLOA)
Aim- Explore The Correlations Between Attribution Styles and Marital Satisfaction
Method- Correlational Study
Procedure- The Sample Consisted of 130 Mostly White Couples From Small Towns In The Midwest of The USA (All of Them Have Been Married For 15-20 Months), The Researchers Then Measured The Couples Marital Satisfaction Using The Quality Marriage Index (QMI) and The Data Was Collected Over 3 Times Using Questionnaires During An 18 Month Time Period
Results- Results Showed That Marital Satisfaction Was Negatively Correlated With Negative Attributions At The Beginning of The Study (-.44) and After 18 Months (-.41)
Conclusion- The Researchers Concluded That These Findings Support Other Studies As When Individuals Make A Negative Attribution Of Their Partner’s Behavior By Explaining Their Negative Behavior Being Due To Dispositional or Internal Factors, Their Marital Satisfaction Decreases, Thus Eventually Leading To The Relationship Dissolving
Examine The Impact of Stress on Marital Quality (CLOA)
Personal relationships refer to close connections between people, formed by emotional bonds and interactions. These bonds often grow from and are strengthened by mutual experiences. Examples of personal relationships could be friendships, relationships between family members and even romantic partners.
Attributions are an area of social psychology that deals with how people explain the causes of their behavior and the behavior of others. The cause may be environmental, a situational attribution. Or it may be internal, a dispositional attribution such as a trait.
Relationships Ending and Attributions
Graham et Coloney (CLOA)
Aim- Examine The Impact of Stress on Marital Quality & Explore Whether Couples’ Attributions Can Influence This Effect, Potentially Increasing or Decreasing It
Method- Correlational Study
Procedure- The Sample Consisted of 58 Mostly White (93%) Middle-Class Couples From Texas USA, The Researchers Measured The Participants’ Stress Using A Standard Measure of Stress They Have Experienced In The Past 12 Months, The Participants’ Attributions Towards Their Partners Were Measured By The Researchers By Giving 10 Hypothetical Situations Asking Them how They Would Attribute Certain Behaviors By Their Partners and Whether or Not These Causes Would Be Internal/External, Then The researchers Measured Their Marital Quality Using standard Questionnaires Given To Them Participants
Results- The Results Showed That Attribution Styles Could Moderate The Relationship Between Stressful Events and Marital Satisfaction
Conclusion- The Researchers Concluded That Stressful Events Had Less of An Impact On Marital Satisfaction For Those Couples’ Who Where More Likely To Make Positive Attributions of Their Partner’s Behavior, Compared With Those Who Were More Likely To make Negative Attributions, The Researchers Also Concluded That Attributions Can Act As A Buffer Between Stress and Marital Satisfaction