Types of experimental designs
repeated measures
matched participants
independent groups
Repeated measures design
each participant takes part as both experiment and control groups
participant variables eliminated
takes time, confounding variables, drop-outs
Matched participants design
researcher identifies a likely confounding variable + eliminates it’s effects through ranking participants in accordance with their scores, + allocating to respective groups.
Independent groups design
groups allocated at random
drop-outs unlikely
needs large sample to match population
Placebo effect
participant behaviour influenced by their expectations of how they should behave
caused by belief that they have received treatment
eliminated using a single-blind procedure
Single bind procedure
participants do not know which group they have been allocated to
Double blind procedure
neither experimenter nor participants know which group they have been allocated to.
overcomes experimenter effect
overcomes order effects
half participants will first perform task with experimental condition + then perform task with control
other half of participants will experience conditions
in reverse order
Inter-rater reliability check
multiple raters assess same set of items + compare ratings for each item
Standard procedures
overcomes bias/distraction/confusion
ensuring variables for all participants are the same
Order effects
confounding variable
participants may perform better on task when doing it second time due to practice
participants may do worse second time due to fatigue/boredom
descriptions of characteristics of what is being studied
measurements/numerical info about variables being studied
based on opinion
no objective measurement
measured according to an identifiable external criterion