Learning Flashcards
process of acquiring new + lasting info/behaviours as result of experience
Simple learning- habituation
decreasing response to stimulus with repeated exposure to it- eg: announcements/car horns
Complex learning
AKA behavioural learning
stimulus event provokes a response
5 components of conditioning
neutral stimulus
unconditioned stimulus
unconditioned response
conditioned stimulus
conditioned response
diminishing of a leaned/conditioned response when an unconditioned stim. does not follow a conditioned stim.
not complete elimination- merely suppresses conditioned response + can reappear during spontaneous recovery
Spontaneous recovery
response after a rest period of an extinguished conditioned response
weaker than original CR
Stimulus discrimination
ability to distinguish between one stimulus + other stimuli
Stim. generalisation
CR transferred to other similar objects
irrational fear
Behaviour modification
systematic application of learning principles + techniques to assess + improve individuals behaviours in order to help them function more fully in society
Behaviour mod. activities
develop new
strengthen existing
maintain existing
stop inappropriate
modify emotional
Systematic desensitisation
type of behavioural therapy based on classical conditioning
Wolpe (1950s)
aims to remove fear response of a phobia + substitute a relaxation response to CS gradually using counter conditioning
Ian Pavlov
original studying salivation + digestion
classical conditioning
dogs first acclimated to lab environment to minimise stress + distraction
Pre-cond. phase
dogs exposed to US (food) to measure natural salivary responses
established baseline
Conditioning phase
paired neutral stim. (metronome/bell) with presentation of food at same time/just before
creates association through repetition
Post cond. phase
after, dogs salivary responses to neutral stim. alone measured to determine if dogs developed CR
Graded exposure
gradual intro of things from least to most fearful in individuals fear hierarchy
in vitro + in vivo
In vitro
client imagines exposure to phobic stim.
in vivo
client actually exposed to phobic stim.
Systematic desensitisation phases
taught deep muscle relax. technique + breathing exercises
create fear hierarchy starting at stim that created fear + build in stages
work way up hierarchy starting at least unpleasant + prac. relaxation techniques- when comfortable, move on to next- if upset, can return to previous + regain relaxed state
Operant conditioning
probability of behavioural response changed by consequences/stim. following response
active learning
observable behaviour an organism uses to operate in its environment
presentation/removal of stim. after a behaviour
strengthens response + makes it more likely to occur again
Positive reinforcement
stim. presented after a response
inc. probability of it happening again
Negative reinforcement
removal of unpleasant/adverse stim.
inc. probability of it happening again
adverse/disliked stim. occurs after a behaviour + dec. probability of happening again
Positive punishment
Undesirable event follows behaviour
Negative punishment
Desirable event ends/item taken away after behaviour
Op. conditioning ABCs
stim. precedes a behaviour
setting event
response displayed after antecedent
behaviour of interest