Scientific Discovery (Chemical ,Medicine) Flashcards
Farmers use pesticides and herbicides to kill pests and weeds. They use fertilisers (like nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium) to promote plant growth.
fertile describes land that can produce a large number of good quality crop
pesticides :/ˈpes.tɪ.saɪd/
a chemical substance used to kill harmful insects, small animals, wild plants and other unwanted organisms:
The pesticides that farmers spray on their crops kill pests but they can also damage people’s health.
# herbicide ɜː.bɪ.saɪd a chemical which is used to destroy plants, especially weeds
a substance added to soil to make plants grow more successfully:
artificial / chemical fertilizers * liquid fertilizer * a bag of fertilizer
a mixture of carbon and hydrogen
something that can act like a metal
urban myth
a commonly told story not based on fact
the amount of medicine you should take
a chemical that combines two or more elements
polluted location
contaminated site
come into contact with
exposure can take place
what we eat
the food we consume
the idea
the notion
analysing / assessing
potential consequences
possible interactions
mixing chemicals may cause a chemical ……
#to make sth white or pale by a chemical process or by the effect of sunlight; to become white or pale in this #a chemical that is used to make sth become white or pale and as a DISINFECTANT (= to prevent infection from spreading)
the release of gas
the chemicals derived from petrol or natural gas
the chemical added to food
opposite of synthetic
the different types of synthetic material which can be moulded and shaped to make many products
a form of energy from nuclear power which is dangerous to humans and animals
material with particular physical characteristics:
an organic/chemical substance
What sort of substance could withstand those temperatures?
natural remedies
1.a way of dealing with or improving an unpleasant or difficult situation:
There is no simple remedy for unemployment. * There are a number of possible remedies to this problem.
2 a treatment or medicine to cure a disease or reduce pain that is not very serious:
a natural / herbal remedy * an excellent home remedy for sore throats
probable skilled valued addictive unusual recommended educated
absolutely \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ essential terrible necessary crucial useless vital awful ------------------------- essentially \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ probable anxious addictive controversial disappointing overweight difficult