Science Unit 8 Lesson 2 Flashcards
Cuyahoga River was called the River that oozes rather than flows. How did it get to that point?
For over a century, the Cuyahoga River was used by the city of Cleveland as a dumping ground for chemical and sewage wastes.
Due the ambulance of chemicals in the Cuyahoga River, what happened? When did they finally address the problem?
It was such a problem that the oil slicks on the river caught fire 13 times. However, when the river caught fire on June 22, 1969, the country finally took notice. This is because the cultural revolution of the 1960s and 1970s included a new awareness and appreciation of the environment.
What is the Clean Water Act (CWA)?
regulates discharges of pollutants into U.S. waters and regulates the quality standards for surface water
What is the Enviromental Protection Agency (EPA)?
a federal agency of the United States government that sets and enforces guidelines that protect the environment
How much sewage water does the US produce every day?
The United States produces roughly 34 billion gallons of sewage every day.
Where did wastewater go pior to the Clean Water Act?
Prior to the Clean Water Act (CWA), wastewater could be legally dumped into surface waters with little or no treatment. Industrial wastewater was also dumped directly into the nearest body of water. These practices led to situations like the Cuyahoga River fire.
What lead to the creation of the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)?
In 1970, President Nixon signed the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA), which led to the creation of the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA).
Why was the clean water act created?
To regulate water pollution
What authority does the CWA give to the EPA?
It gave the EPA the authority to set standards for industrial wastewater. It made it illegal for anyone to discharge pollutants without a tightly controlled permit.
What did the CWA do to help with point-source pollution?
The CWA also funded the construction of sewage treatment plants to help reduce municipal point-source pollution.
What are some Environmental regulations costs?
The costs include businesses having to find a way to safely dispose of wastes, instead of simply discharging them into the water or ground. Because the CWA made point-source pollution illegal, the EPA can fine businesses that break the law.
What are benefits of having cleaner water?
- Municipalities save money on cleaning water for drinking when the water is less polluted.
- Tourism earnings increase when the water is clean enough to swim or fish in.
- Waterfront property usually has a higher value when the water is cleaner.
What do supports of the CWA agrue?
Supporters of the CWA argue that all water is connected in the water cycle. Therefore, wastes that are discharged into ditches or ponds will run into larger bodies of water over time.
What is a major benefit of the CWA?
Another major benefit of the CWA is that by the late 1990s, it provided more than $62 billion in grant money for municipalities to construct or expand their treatment works. In the late 1980s, the CWA was amended to include the State Revolving Fund, which has provided over $126 billion in loans to states. As the money is repaid, it returns to the fund where it can be loaned to fund additional projects.
How are waterways like pior to the CWA and now?
Prior to the CWA, only about one-third of U.S. waterways were safe for swimming and fishing; now nearly two-thirds of waterways qualify.