Science Unit 8 Lesson 1 Flashcards
What charateristic of water makes it susceptible to pollution?
Water is a universal solvent, which means it dissolves more substances than any other liquid. This characteristic of water makes it susceptible to pollution.
What is water pollution?
harmful substances contaminating a stream, river, lake, ocean, aquifer, or other body of water, lowering water quality and making the water toxic
What does water pollution affect?
Water pollution is a widespread problem that affects water resources, water quality, the environment, and the health of all living organisms.
What is the definition of groundwater?
Water stored in the cracks and space of underground rock
What is the definition of surface water?
Bodies of water on the surface of earth such as oceans, rivers, and lakes
What is the definition of point source pollution?
Pollution that comes from a known and specific location
What is the definition of nonpoint source pollution?
Pollution that does not have specific point of origin
How does groundwater get polluted?
Groundwater gets polluted when contaminants seep down into the aquifer.
Why is it difficult to save polluted aquifers?
Once an aquifer is polluted it can be very difficult and costly to make
the water safe again.
How does surfacewater get contaminated?
Surfacewater gets contaminated when biological, chemical, and physical contaminants are dumped or runoff into water supplies.
What is point source pollution?
Point source pollution is pollution that comes from a known and specific location, such as pipes from a factory or treatment plant or a leaking storage tank.
What is non point source pollution?
Pollution that does not have a specific point of origin. These contaminants are difficult to trace to a specific site. Runoff carries nonpoint source pollution from places such as cities, farms, or feedlots.
What is the cause of algae to form on water?
Occurs when there are too many nutrients, warm water temperatures, or reduced water flow.
What affects does algal booms have on the ecosystem?
Harms aquatic life by clogging fish gills, reducing oxygen levels, and smothering streams, lake beds, and submerged vegetation; Some algae blooms can produce poisons that harm humans, pets, wildlife, and livestock when swallowed.
What are ways to prevent algae booms?
Reduce algae blooms by using fertilizer sparingly, regularly checking and pumping septic tanks, and properly storing and disposing of animal and plant waste.
What causes dioxins to get into the water?
Formed by burning trash or leaded gasoline and from manufacturing some pesticides.
What effect does dioxins have on the ecosystem?
Increases cancer risk and may harm the immune system, hormone levels, and fetal development.
What are some ways to prevent dioxins?
Exposure to dioxins occurs largely through the food eaten; Pay attention to local fishing advisories for fish you catch and eat yourself
What cause mercury the pollute the ecosystem?
Released into the air by coal-fired power plants, it is washed into waterways; Spills and improper treatment can increase mercury levels in water.
How does mercury affect the ecosystem?
Mercury can build up in fish, which then poses health risks to people and animals that eat them.
What are ways to prevent mercury consumption?
Purchase mercury-free products and correctly dispose of products that contain mercury.
How do nutrients (nitrogen and phosphorus) pollute the environment?
Present in fertilizers and can get washed up in waterways with agricultural runoff.
How do nutrients effect the environment?
Causes harmful algae blooms; can also create low oxygen conditions that harm fish and other aquatic life.
How do can you reduce the amount of nutrient pollution?
Reduce the use of lawn and plant fertilizers.
How does oil and grease pollute the environment?
Results from leaks and spills occurring on land and on the water.
How does oil and grease affect the environment?
Oil and grease can be toxic to plants and animals even in small amounts.
How to reduce the amount the oil and grease that pollutes the environment?
Dispose of car oil and paints properly and never in storm sewers and drains, clean up spilled oil and grease with absorbent towels instead of hosing them into the street, and fix oil leaks from vehicles right away.