Science- Reproduction Flashcards
Four main hormones that control the menstrual cycle and puberty.
Follicule stimulating hormone
Luteinizing hormone
Male repo system - testes
Produces sperm and testrostrone
MALE REPO system- scrotum
Regulates temerature for sperm and reproduction
Male repo system- penis
Delievers sperm to the inside of the female reproductive system
Male repo system- seminal vesicle
Produces seminal fluid that nourishes sperm
Male repo system- prostate
Produces fluid that helps to protect and transport sperm - fructose is a type of sugar which enegises it giving it energy
FRS- ovary
Ovary: Produces eggs (ova) and hormones (estrogen and progesterone).
FRS- uterus
Uterus: Supports fetal development during pregnancy
RPS- fallopian tube oviduct
Fallopian Tube (Oviduct): Site of fertilization and transports the egg to the uterus.
FRS- cervix
• Cervix: Opens into the uterus and allows passage of sperm and menstrual fluid.
FRS- vagina
Vagina: Birth canal and the receptacle for the penis during intercourse.
Provides nutrients and oygen to the fetus and removes waste
FRS- Umbilical cord
Connects the featus to the placenta supplying food and oxygen
Changes During the Menstrual Cycle
Ovary: Follicles mature, ovulation occurs (release of an egg), and the corpus luteum forms.
Uterus: The endometrium thickens in preparation for a potential pregnancy and sheds if fertilization does not occur.
Hormones: Estrogen levels rise before ovulation, followed by a surge in LH; progesterone rises after ovulation.
Body Temperature: Basal body temperature typically rises slightly after ovulation due to increased progesterone.
Definitions of key terms- ‘puberty
The stage of developement when a person because sexually mature and capable of reproduction
Definitions of key terms- menstruation
The monthly shedding of the uterine lining when pregnacy does not occur
Definitions of key terms-menopause
The end of a womans reproductive years
Definitions of key terms- ovulation
Is when its the release of an egg from the ovary
Definitions of key terms- conceive
To become pregnant the union of sperm and the egg
Definitions of key terms- conception
The fertilization of an egg by sperm
Definitions of key terms- pregnacy
The stages of pregnacys
(13-26 weeks) the embryo becomes a fetus formation of face and organs begin and movements.
(27-40 weeks) growth and maturation, final developmens and the positioning changes for the baby.
The period of development of the fetus in the womb typically lasting about 40 weeks in humans.
Definitions of key terms- semen
The fluid containing sperm and seminial fluid, aka fluid which contains sperm gamate to then meet with ova to create a baby
Definitions of key terms- fertile
The ability to conceive or produce offspring
Definitions of key terms- ovum egg
The female gamete or reproductive cell
Definitions of key terms- gamate
A reproductive cell (sperm or egg)
Definitions of key terms- gonads
The reproductive organ (testes in males, ovaries in females) the produce gametes and hormones
Definitions of key terms- fertilization
The process of sperm metting and penertrating an egg
Definitions of key terms- zygote
The fertilized egg that results from the union of sperm and egg
Definitions of key terms- embryo
The early stage of development after fertilzation until the end of the eighth week
Definitions of key terms- embryo
The early stage of development after fertilzation until the end of the eighth week
Definitions of key terms- foetus
The developing human from the ninth week until birth
Definitions of key terms- sex determination
The process of which the sex of an organism is established, determinded by the combination of sex chromosomes
(Xx for female)
(Xy for male)
Adaption of sperms
Adaptations: Streamlined shape for swimming, flagellum for movement, many mitochondria for energy, and an acrosome containing enzymes to penetrate the egg.
Adapations of egg
Large size to store nuteriens, protective jelly like layer, and a receptor system to recognise sperm.
Similaries for adaptions of sperm and egg cells
Both are gametes essential for reproduction
Differences between adaptations of sperm and egg cells
Sperm are small and mobile, eggs are large and stationary, and as they both do have chromosomes, they have different onces xx, xy
Menstrual cycle overview
The menstrual cycle involves the thickening of the uterine lining, ovulation (release of an egg), and shedding of the lining if fertilization does not occur basically preparing females for prenacy. If sperm fertilizes the egg, the resulting zygote implants in the uterus, leading to pregnancy and the period stops for 9 months and the cycle repeats until next pregnancy.
Fertilization steps
Fertilization is the process where a sperm cell from a male combines with an egg cell from a female to form a zygote, the first step in creating a new organism. This usually happens in the ampulla of the fallopian tube after the egg is released from the ovary during ovulation. Millions of sperm are released during ejaculation and travel through the cervix and uterus to reach the egg(ova )The sperm releases enzymes to help it break through the egg’s outer layers. Once a sperm successfully enters the egg, their membranes fuse, allowing the sperm’s nucleus to join with the egg’s nucleus. This creates a zygote with genetic material from both parents. The zygote then starts to divide and develop before implanting itself in the uterus to begin a pregnancy.
Changes during pregnancy
During pregnancy the body goes through hormonal changes to support fetal development, including the thickining of the uterine lining for the babys comfort , breast development and changes metabolism, this period for females is approx 40 weeks from the first day of the menstrual cycle
Stages of labour
During childbirth, labor occurs in three stages. In the first stage, the cervix opens to allow the baby to pass through. This starts with early labor, where contractions are mild and spaced out, then moves to active labor with stronger contractions that help the cervix dilate to 10 centimeters. In the second stage, once the cervix is fully open, the mother pushes during contractions, and the baby moves down the birth canal. The baby is usually born head first, followed by the rest of the body. After the baby is delivered, the third stage involves the delivery of the placenta, which is the organ that nourished the baby during pregnancy. This stage typically happens within 5 to 30 minutes after birth. After the placenta is out, the mother is monitored for any complications, and she can start bonding with her baby.
Development of twins -identical
Identical twins develop from a single fertilized egg that splits into two embryos sharing the same genetic material
Development of non identical twins
Develop from two separate eggs fertilized by two different sperm resulting in genitically unique siblings