Science Plate Tectonics and Electromagnetic Waves Flashcards
The component of the Earth that is composed of water
The component of the Earth that is composed of rocks and minerals
The component of the Earth that is composed of air and atmospheric gases
It is made up of the parts of Earth where life exists. The worldwide sum of all ecosystems
Were used to describe the deepest layers of the Earth
Seismic Waves
These waves travel through the interior of a body such as the Earth’s inner layers
Body Waves
A wave that is considered to be the fastest seismic waves. They travel parallel
P Waves
A wave that displaces the ground perpendicular to the direction of the propagation. They travel perpendicularly
S Waves
These waves travel more slowly through Earth material at the planet’s surface and are predominantly lower frequency than body waves
Surface Waves
A wave that shakes the surface side to side
Love Wave
A wave that moves the surface of the earth around in a circle, forward and down then back and up
Rayleigh Wave
It was the largest continent that existed 250 million years ago
This theory explains how major landforms are created as a result of Earth’s subterranean movements
The Theory of Plates Tectonics
This theory is mostly associated with the scientist Alfred Wegener. Landmasses would drift across the Earth, sometimes plowing through oceans and into each other
The Continental Drift Theory
German Meteorologist that proposed the Theory of Continental Draft.
Alfred Wegener
The process by which new oceanic crust is formed at mid-ocean ridges and spreads outwards, pushing older crust away from the ridge
Process of Seafloor Spreading
It is when tectonic plates beneath the Earth’s surface diverge
Continental Rift Valley
Two plates are moving away from each other. Will produce mid-oceanic ridges
Divergent Boundary
Two plates are moving towards each other forming either a subduction zone or an orogenic belt
Convergent Boundary
The plates slide against each other in the opposite directions. Horizontal strike-slip fault occurs. No mountains or volcanoes are produced
Transform Boundary
What are the effects of Divergent Boundaries
-Conti-Conti = Rift Valleys
-Oceanic-Oceanic = Mid Ocean Ridge
What are the effects of Convergent Boundaries
-Conti-Conti = Mountains
-Oceanic-Oceanic = Trenches
-Conti-Oceanic = Mountain Valleys
What are the effects of Transform Boundaries
-Earthquakes, Faults
A charged particle or body produces a field around itself
Electric Field
Is produced by accelerating charged particles from an equilibrium position, with the electric field and the magnetic field vibrating perpendicularly to each other and to the wave of propagation.
Electromagnetic Waves
Is the continuous range of electromagnetic waves arranged in order of frequency of wavelengths
The Electromagnetic (EM) Spectrum
These waves are the longest of all electromagnetic waves ranging from 10-1 to 104 m. The frequency ranges from 3.0x104 to 3.0x1012 Hz or from 30 kHz to 3000 MHz.
-Ex. Radios, Walkie Talkies
Radio Waves
These waves are in the EM spectrum lies somewhere between 3x108 Hz and 3x1011 Hz, which is from 300 MHz to 300 GHz. Are mainly used for communication.
-Ex. Cable, tumor removal, heat up food
These waves have a lower frequency than the red part of visible light. Its frequency ranges from 3x1011 to 4x1014 Hz, with a wavelength ranging from 7.5x10-7 to 10-3 m.
-Ex. Remote Control
Infrared Waves
Electromagnetic radiations in the range of 4x1014 to 8x1014 Hz with corresponding wavelengths of 4x10-7 to 8x10-7 m are the only ones seen by the naked eye. The segment of the electromagnetic spectrum that the human eye can view
-Ex. Light
Visible Light
Is the portion of the electromagnetic spectrum visible to human eyes
Visible Light Spectrum
Is a form of non-ionizing radiation that is emitted by the sun and artificial sources, such as tanning beds.
Ultraviolet Radiation
What are the three kinds of Ultraviolet Radiation (UV)
These X-rays can penetrate soft substances as flesh and bones
Soft X-Rays
Have higher energy mainly for industrial applications
Hard X-Rays
Astronomical objects such as the sun, interstellar clouds, and remnants of supernovae are sources of this. It is also given off by radioactive elements such as cobalt-60 and cesium-137.
Gamma Rays
A kind of radiation that acts by removing electrons from atoms and molecules of materials that include air, water, and living tissue. Can cause an immediate effect or delayed effect
Ionizing Radiation
A kind of radiation that are considered less dangerous but still poses certain health risks (other parts of the spectrum)
Nonionizing Radiation