Science Culminating Unit one Flashcards
What are the four Spheres of the Earth? Give an example of each.
Hydrosphere - All of Earths water in solid liquid and gas form
Hydro= water + Sphere = all = Hydrosphere
Lithosphere - Earths Solid outer layer
Atmosphere- The layer of gasses Surrounding the Earth
Biosphere- The Zone around Earth where any life can exist.
What are some Biotic and Abiotic factors
Biotic Factors- Living things, Their remains, & Features such as nests, even hair.
Abiotic Factors- Are non-livings physical and chemical components of an ecosystem
What is a sustainable Ecosystem?
An Ecosystem that is naturally maintained by nature
How does photosynthesis and Cellular Respiration work.
Photosynthesis- is the process in which the suns energy is converted to chemical energy. Living organisms such as Plants Take Carbon dioxide, Light/ Energy from the sun, and water to make sugar and oxygen
Cellular Respiration -
The process by which sugar and oxygen are converted into carbon dioxide and water to provide energy for the cell
what is a producer and consumer?
producer= An organism that makes its own energy- rich food compounds using sun’s energy
consumer= An organism that obtains its energy from consuming other organisms
the different types of consumers are
herbivores - only eat plants
Carnivores- Only eat animals / meat
Omnivore- Animals that eat both plant & meat
Scavenger- They feed off the remains of other organisms.
what are food chains/ food webs, and what are the levels? and how much percentage gets passed down from each level?
Food chain; A sequence of organisms each feeding on the next showing how energy is transferred from one organism to another
Food web: A representation of the feeding relationships within a community
Trophic level;
1= producers [100%]
2= Primary consumers (herbivores) [10%]
3= Secondary consumers ( Carnivores) [1%]
4= Tertiary consumers ( carnivores) [0.1%]
what is an Ecological Niche
The function of species serves in its ecosystem including what it eats what eats it and how it behaves
what are each biogeochemical cycles and
Biogeochemical Cycle =
The movement of matter between through the biotic and abiotic environment
There are three cycles The water cycle, the carbon cycle and The Nitrogen cycle.
Water cycle :
1) Evaporation; becomes water vapor
2) Condensation ; water vapor moves around the atmosphere turning in crystals
3) Precipitation; crystals returns to earth as rain, hail, or snow.
4) ground water; Precipitated water enters ground and becomes ground water.
5) Moving; Groundwater can still move around Makings its way to lakes, rivers and oceans.
6) Transpiration; Groundwater that is taken into plant roots can be released from the leaves.
Carbon cycle:
- moves through abiotic and biotic parts of an ecosystem.
- Carbon is cycled through the lithosphere, Atmosphere, Hydrosphere, and Biosphere.
- By burning fossil fuels you can release stored carbon into the atmosphere.
- it can also cause global climate change. increases ice caps, causes glaciers to melt, making sea levels rise and disturbing the ecosystem.
Nitrogen Cycle:
- Nitrogen compounds move through the biotic and abiotic parts of the environment.
- Nitrogen Fixation ; where nitrogen gas is turned into multiple Nitrogen compounds
- it is either taken by decomposers or is returned to the atmosphere in gas form by denitrifying bacteria.
what is tolerance rage and carrying captivity. explain how it works?
Tolerance Rage :
is the range of Abiotic conditions in which a species can survive.
Carrying Captivity ;
When population grows its the demands for resources such as food , water, shelter, to grow as well
- The Max species number an ecosystem can sustain.
What are natural services from the Ecosystem
Cultural services:
When we interact with our natural surrounding; backpacking, walking along the beach.
Ecotourism : Environmentally responsible when traveling to natural areas; Good for the economy
Regulate and maintain many important abiotic and biotic features of the environment. ;
mangroves protect Land from Storms along Coast where waves damage erodes the shoreline
what is Ecotourism & Ecotourist
Ecotourism :
Is a cultural service provided by ecosystems that benefits our community.
Ecotourists :
Engage in environmentally responsible travel to relatively undisturbed natural areas leavening nothing behind and taking nothing away.
What is the natural services between animals?
Mutualism :
Two individuals benefiting from each other ( fish clean hippo.)
Parasitism :
One individual live on or in and feeds on a host organism.
Commensalism :
One individual benefits and the other neither benefits nor is harmed.
What are native species
A species which is found in a natural ecosystem, no human has brought the species to the area and spread its influence around.
What are Non-Native Species? What are some ways to control invasive speces.
Non-Native species :
species that are brought into a different ecosystem and may or may not become invasive
● Invasive species compete with or feed on native species,
leading to population decline or extinction
● Invasive species change ecosystem dynamics by altering
nutrient cycles or energy flow
Chemical control :
pesticides are used in forests and agriculture. it helps with crop damage from pests
but hurts non target native species , as well as air, water and soil pollution.
Mechanical Control :
Physical barriers, burned, removed by hand, hunted, or trapped.
Biological control:
Introducing organisms to get rid of invasive species.
it may reduce population sizes to
ecologically tolerable levels.
When do species get invasive.
when the non-native species begin to fight with native species in the need of survival.
What is succession
its the after math or re-groth after a natural disaster
What are the four levels of animal endangerment.
1) Special concern:
a species that may become threatened or
endangered because of a combination of factors
2) Threatened:
a species that is likely to become endangered
if factors reducing its survival are not changed
a species facing imminent extirpation or
4) Extirpated:
a species that no longer exists in a specific area
What is an Engineered Ecosystems
a mix of living and non-living, natural and man-made elements
more uniform abiotic
*more intensely used by
*significantly less
*natural vegetation often
removed and replaced by
artificial surfaces (pavement)
or other plants (grass)
*cover a large portion of
Earth’s land area
*farms, urban centers, roads
What is Modern Agriculture
More farming
*natural vegetation
*high biodiversity
*not often directly used by
*lakes, rivers, ponds, forests,
marshes, wetlands
*abiotic features vary
What is an Agroecosystem
Devoting land to food production has dramatic
ecological implications. In addition to habitat loss, it
alters food webs as well as water and
biogeochemical cycles.
Has low biodiversity
non-native species
what are pests
Pests are organisms that might compete with or
damage crop species.
What are pesticides, and which ones are there
A poison that kills pests.
Herbicides kill plants
insecticides (insects),
rodenticides (rodents),
and fungicides (fungi).
what is Bioamplification/bioaccumulation
toxins stored in the fats and oils of
organisms at one trophic level are passed on to
the organisms at the next trophic level.
some pesticides
are not broken down or eliminated with other body
If an individual continues to eat food contaminated
with the pesticide, it will accumulate in the body