Science Flashcards
What is the difference between weathering and erosion?
Weathering = the breaking down of rocks
Erosion = moving of rocks
What is mechanical weathering?
Breaking big rocks into small rocks without making a new substance
What is chemical weathering?
Breaking big rocks into small rock WHILE making a new substance
What is sediment and how does it form?
Sediment is the broken bits of rock, minerals, and organic matter.
Sediment forms through weathering
Describe root wedging and classify it as weathering or erosion.
Roots of plants grow through rock and break it into small pieces
What is acid rain and its effect on rocks?
Precipitation that is acidic falls down on rock (mainly limestone) and breaks the rock down
Explain frost wedging.
Liquid water seeps in cracks and crevices of rocks and then freezes. Water expands as it freezes, cracking the rock apart.
What happens during crystallization or crystal wedging?
Water that has dissolved salts within it creep into crevices and cracks within rocks. As the water evaporates, crystals begin to form, which can break apart rock.
What is the effect of shoreline breaking down?
Wind and water can break apart rocks and move them away from the shoreline
What is creeping in the context of erosion?
Slow movement of soil that leads to the leaning of posts and fences
How does a river become more curvy?
High-velocity water in a stream erodes the cut bank and slower water deposits sediment on the point bar
What happens when glaciers melt?
Glaciers pick up and carry rocks as they grow and melt. Rocks stuck in the ice will scrape the land underneath the glacier
How does a waterfall cause erosion?
A stream of water falls off of a cliff causing a lot of erosion under the waterfall with little erosion at the top of the waterfall
What is rusting in rocks?
Oxygen reacts with the metal in rocks to rust them
What is exfoliation?
Rocks expand and contract due to the temperature changes between day and night, causing huge sheets of rock to slough off
What is abrasion?
Wind or water picks up small bits of rock or sand and ‘throws’ it against rock formations, thus sanding them
What is a slump in erosion?
Movement of soil layers cause a whole section of soil on a hill to ‘slump’ downward
What factors affect the rate of rock weathering?
- Softer the rock, the greater the weathering
- The more time, the greater the weathering
- The faster the wind, water, etc., the greater the weathering
- The more weathering forces at play, the greater the weathering
How does the speed of a stream affect sediment size?
The speed of a stream determines the size of sediment the stream can carry. The faster the stream, the greater the size of sediment it can carry.
Where are sediments deposited in a curving river?
Sediments are deposited on the point bar, or the inside of the meander, where water flow slows.
Which bank is eroded away in a curving river?
The cutbank of a meander, or the outside of a curve, is eroded away due to the highest velocity of the stream.
What is a cutbank?
The outside of meander of a stream
What is a point bar?
The inside meander of a stream
What is differential erosion?
Differential erosion is when two areas that are close together experience different rates of erosion.