Bible Exam Flashcards
The book of Exodus records the ___________ of the people of Israel from slavery in Egypt and their __________as a nation governed by terms of God’s covenant and the laws of God.
redemption establishment
What concept is central to the book of Exodus?
Israel was redeemed from bondage in Egypt into a __________ relationship with God.
True or False
The ten plagues were direct challenges to the pagan Egyptian gods who were thought to protect Egyptian life and property.
True of false
The Hebrews were delivered from the final plague when they marked their houses with lamb’s blood on the doorposts.
What event is celebrated annually to commemorate God’s deliverance of Hebrew people from the slavery in Egypt?
What are the 2 sections of the Ten Commandments?
One was about the relationship of humans to humans and the other was about the relationship of Humans and God.
What 3 things were found inside the Ark of the Covenant?
The ten commandments, Aaron’s staff and a golden bowl of mana
What tribe was the priesthood set within?
The tribe of levi
What was the most important annual responsibility of the High Priest?
On the day of atonement, the high priest went into the holies of holies and would make a sacrifice for himself and the sins committed by the people.
In the Old Testament, the tabernacle is frequently called_____ _____ ___ ____________, as it was a primary place of _____________ between God and His people.
the tent of meeting, encounter
Around what concepts does Leviticus center?
Leviticus covers the holiness of God and how an unholy person can approach and still have fellowship with him, how the way to God is through blood sacrifice, and how walking with God is only possible if you are obedient to his laws.
The way to God is only through ________, and the walk with God is only through _______ to His Laws.
blood sacrifice, obedience
What word occurs ninety times in Leviticus?
Which offering signified one’s homage and thanksgiving to God.
Which offering expressed peace and fellowship between the offerer and God and culminated in a communal meal.
Which offering atoned for sins that were committed unknowingly, especially where no restitution (restitution means when someone has to pay something back) was possible.
Which feast is also known as the feast of weeks? It has prophetic significance in that it foreshadows the outpouring of the Holy Spirit?
Which feast represents the redeeming work of Christ more adequately than any other Old Testament type?
Day of Atonement
What other sacred time in Israel’s calendar was to proclaim liberty to those who were servants because of debt and to return land to their former owners?
Year of Jubilee
Numbers is the book of
True or false
In Numbers, the nation goes through a painful process of testing and maturing in which God teaches His people the consequences of rebellion.
The ____ years of wilderness experience transform them from a rabble of ex-slaves into a nation ready to take possession of the ________ ____ .
40, promised land
What does the book of Numbers illustrate?
the kindness of God, the severity of God, and the trust and dependence on God