gilded age/reconstruction Flashcards
Way for southern states to get back into union
10% of voters had to be loyal
Black codes
Laws designed to limit freedom of African Americans
13th amendment
banned slavery
15th amendment
African Americans could vote but women couldn’t
14th amendment
granted citizenship to all born in the US expect for native Americans
Who took over after Lincoln was assassinated
President Johnson
Jim Crow Laws
Laws that forced segregation
southerns who joined the republican party
northern people who went to the south to get rich
Causes of industrial revolution
growth of the nation
Innovative spirit of the times
sympathetic government
new sources of power
Captains of the industry
Conrelirus Vanderbilt- known for railroads
Anderw Carnegie- he created a steel empire
John D. Rockefeller- founded the Standard Oil Company
J.P. Morgan- financier and investment banker who dominated corporate finance
Henry Ford- founder of Ford Motor Company, and chief developer of the assembly line technique of mass production
Transcontinental railroad
Union Pacific started in Omhaha, Nebraska
Mostly Irish immigrant workers
Central pacific started in sacramento, California
Mostly chinese immigrants workers
Met at promotory, Utah, on May 10, 1869
2000 miles long
4-6 months to 3 and a half days
Pros of industrial rev.
more jobs
cheaper prices on goods due to increased production
Cons of industrial rev.
child labor, poor sanitation, over crowded houses and cities
Homestead act
settlers could get 160acres of land for free if their settled on it for five years
Gold rush
People who tried to get rich from gold 49ers
San frisco
California’s population boomed
Leaders of Sioux tribe
Sitting bull and crazy horse
goal of Indian wars for the American government
Push Indians out so settlers could have more land
battle of Little Bighorn (clusters last stand)
Gold discovery brought settlers to Sioux lands
Custer led an attack-he ended up surround and killed
Major Sioux victory
wounded knee massacre
25 soldiers and 150 Indians dead half women half children
Causes of WW1 (MANIA)
Militarism-policy of building up a strong military to prepare for war
Alliances-agreements between nations to provide aid and protect one another
Nationalism-extreme pride in your country
Imperialism-when one country takes over another country economically and politically
Assassination-of Austrian Archduke Francis Ferdinand
Woodrow Wilson
He kept America out of the war till 1917
He pled for peace
He made the treaty of versailles
Helped establish the League of Nations
Two reasons for the U.S. joining WW1
Sinking of the Lusitania-it was carrying 128 Americans who all died
The Zimmerman telegram- it was a secret message from Germany to Mexico about attacking the U.S. before the US was in the war
Selective Service Act
Only 200,000 men were in service when the U.S declared war
All men between the ages 21 and 30 had to enter the draft