SCI Flashcards
what is teh ASIA scale?
a scale that dtermeiens level fo injury
how is teh ASIA scale completed?
in uspine
includes sensory and motor exam
ASIA - Sensory Testing.
it is required sharp/dull pressure, deep anal sensation
28 key sensory points
what ASIA SENSORY scale components are not required?
joint movement
deep pressure (likely wth incomplete)
how is the ASIA scale scored?
1- trials i each demonstrates
ASIA motor level is scored by..
regular grades
the lowest key muscle with at least a 3/5
everything above must have a 5/5
What do we do in the Post Traumatic Phase?
- determined by sevrity of injury
- extent of recovery adn return cannot be guranteed
-recovery starts within first few weeks - strangthenging and ahrdwrok may increase fucntion
ensure aprop rehab goals
What is orthostatic hypertension?
high blood pressure
what is autonomic dysreflexia?
sensation and pain where sesnsation isn’t oresent
pain goes wher epain shouldn’t go - causing blood pressure to get higher, likely leading to stroke/death/heart attack
treatment for C1-C3
inervation: SCM, neck paraspinals and accessory muscles
may use AT and w/c with mod indep 0 our role
on a ventilator
treaement for C4
inervation: upper trap, diaphgram
scapular movmenet, inpsiration
TOTAL ASSIST - no ventilator
treatment for C5
TOTAL ASSIST: bowel/bladder, trasnfers, LB dressing, bathing
PARTIAL ASSIST: feeding, UP dressing, grooming, bed mobiility, positioning with appropriate AT
treatment for C6
becomes partial assist
PARTIAL ASSIST: bowel and bladder, feeding, bed mo, LB dressing and bathing, transfers (based on surfaces) , meal prep
Indep: UB dressing, UB bathiing, grooming (based on AT positioning), postioning, power WC mobility
treatment for C7/C8:
elbow extension (Manual WC)
PARTIAL ASSIST: bowel and bladder care, bed mob, LB dressing, trasnfers (based on surface), meal prep (dependent on extent)
INDEP: Ub dressing, UB bathing, feeding, grooming (based on AT), positioning, power and manual WC mob
Treatment for T1-0
has full UE and partial upper trunk
partial assist: homemaking tasks/ADL’s
switches from quad to para