Schreiben, S. 82 + AB, S. 100 Flashcards
tap sb./sth. v
tip sth. v · touch on v · touch upon v · touch lightly v
tap 2 verb ( past tense and past participle tapped , present participle tapping )
1 hit lightly [ intransitive and transitive ] to hit your fingers lightly on something, for example to get someone’s attention
tap somebody on the shoulder/arm/chest etc
He turned as someone tapped him on the shoulder.
tap on
I went up and tapped on the window.
tap something on/against/from etc something
Mark tapped his fingers on the tabletop impatiently.
She tapped ash from her cigarette.
2 music [ transitive ] to make a regular pattern of sounds with your fingers or feet, especially when you are listening to music :
She tapped her feet in time to the music.
a toe-tapping tune
3 energy/money [ transitive ] ( also tap into ) to use or take what is needed from something such as an energy supply or an amount of money :
People are tapping into the power supply illegally.
We hope that additional sources of funding can be tapped.
4 ideas [ transitive ] ( also tap into ) to make as much use as possible of the ideas, experience, knowledge etc that a group of people has :
Your adviser’s experience is there to be tapped.
helping people tap into training opportunities
5 telephone [ transitive ] to listen secretly to someone’s telephone by using a special piece of electronic equipment :
Murray’s phone calls to Australia were tapped .
6 tree [ transitive ] to get liquid from the trunk of a tree by making a hole in it
7 player [ transitive ] ( also tap up ) British English informal if a football club taps a player from another team, it illegally tries to persuade that player to join its team
tap something ↔ in ( also tap something into something ) phrasal verb British English
to put information, numbers etc into a computer, telephone etc by pressing buttons or keys :
Tap in your password before you log on.
tap something ↔ out phrasal verb
1 to hit something lightly, especially with your fingers or foot, in order to make a pattern of sounds :
He whistled the tune and tapped out the rhythm.
2 to write something with a computer :
Brian tapped out a name on his small electronic organizer.
antippen (jdn./etw.Akk ~) Verb
Zum Entsperren tippte ich den Bildschirm des Tablets an.
I tapped the screen of the tablet to unlock it.
leichtes Antippen nt—light tap n · light touch n · light push n
die Bremse antippen v—
parapet n (meistens verwendet) balustrade n
par‧a‧pet / pærəpət, pærəpɪt, -pet / noun [ countable ]
1 a low wall at the edge of a high roof, bridge etc
2 a protective wall of earth or stone built in front of a trench in a war
3 put/stick your head above the parapet British English to take a risk
bal‧us‧trade / bæləstreɪd $ bæləstreɪd / noun [ countable ]
a row of wooden, stone, or metal posts that stop someone falling from a bridge or balcony
Brüstung Substantiv, feminin
stroll v (strolled, strolled) (meistens verwendet)
wander v (wandered, wandered)
saunter v (sauntered, sauntered)
amble v (ambled, ambled)
saun‧ter / sɔntə $ sɒntər / verb [ intransitive always + adverb/preposition ]
to walk in a slow relaxed way, especially so that you look confident or proud → stroll
saunter along/around/in etc
He came sauntering down the road with his hands in his pockets.
— saunter noun [ singular ]
am‧ble / æmb ə l / verb [ intransitive always + adverb/preposition ]
to walk slowly in a relaxed way SYN saunter :
An old man came out and ambled over for a chat.
— amble noun [ singular ] :
a pleasant amble by the river
schlendern Verb
Ich schlendere gern durch den Park.
I like to stroll in the park.
Ich schlendere gerne ziellos durch die Straßen der alten Stadt.
I like to wander aimlessly through the streets of the old town.
Ich schlendere gern durch die Straßen der Altstadt.
I like to saunter through the streets of the old town.
Ich schlendere gern durch die Gassen meiner Heimatstadt.
tender adj (meistens verwendet)
fond adj · gentle adj · affectionate adj · caressing adj
tenderly adv
gently adv · fondly adv · affectionately adv · lovingly adv · endearingly adv · caressingly adv
zärtlich Adjektiv
Er gab seiner Frau jeden Abend vor dem Schlafengehen einen zärtlichen Kuss.
He gave his wife a tender kiss every night before going to sleep.
zärtlich Adverb
viable adj
sustainable adj
stable adj
vi‧a‧ble / vaɪəb ə l / adjective
1 a viable idea, plan, or method can work successfully
viable alternative/proposition/option etc
The committee came forward with one viable solution.
economically/commercially/financially viable
Will a hotel here be financially viable?
2 technical able to continue to live or to develop into a living thing OPP non-viable :
viable seeds
— viably adverb
— viability / vaɪəbɪləti, vaɪəbɪlɪti / noun [ uncountable ] :
the long-term economic viability of the company
tragfähig Adjektiv
Wir brauchen eine tragfähige, langfristige Lösung.
We need a sustainable long-term solution.
Die Brücke sieht zwar heruntergekommen aus, ist aber noch sehr tragfähig.
Despite its dilapidated look, the bridge is very stable.
level n (fast immer verwendet) (Plural: levels)
plane n (Plural: planes)
tier n (Plural: tiers)
plain n (Geografie) (Plural: plains)
tier / tɪə $ tɪr / noun [ countable ]
1 one of several levels or layers that rise up one above the other :
The lower tier has 10,000 seats.
in tiers
Terraces of olive trees rose in tiers.
two-tiered/three-tiered etc (= having two, three etc levels or layers )
a three-tiered wedding cake
2 one of several levels in an organization or system
tier of
the most senior tier of management
the first/second etc tier
The second tier of the programme is in-house training.
a two-tier system of government
plane 1 S2 W2 / pleɪn / noun [ countable ]
1 aircraft a vehicle that flies in the air and has wings and at least one engine :
It is a big airline with a large fleet of planes.
It’s much quicker to go by plane .
She slept on the plane .
2 level a level or standard of thought, conversation etc :
The two newspapers are on completely different intellectual planes.
tool a tool that has a flat bottom with a sharp blade in it, used for making wooden surfaces smooth
4 tree a plane tree
5 surface technical a completely flat surface in geometry
plain 2 noun
1 ( also plains ) [ countable ] a large area of flat dry land → prairie :
The grassy plain gave way to an extensive swamp.
the vast plains of central China
2 [ uncountable ] the ordinary stitch in knitting
the open plain(s) On the open plains of east Africa are zebras, antelopes, and gazelles.
the vast/great plain(s) Beyond lay the vast plains of the Central Valley.
a flat plain Here a group of small hills rises unexpectedly out of the flat plain.
a grassy plain The village is situated on the high grassy plains at the foot of the Sierra.
a fertile plain The rains washed soil down to create fertile plains.
Ebene Substantiv, feminin (Plural: Ebenen)
Der Bahnsteig ist auf einer anderen Ebene des Bahnhofs.
The platform is on another level of the train station.
Die Forschungszusammenarbeit auf internationaler Ebene wird immer wichtiger.
Cooperation in research on an international level is getting more and more important.
Ein Tisch ist eine horizontale Ebene.
A table is a horizontal plane.
Das System hat drei Ebenen von Sicherheitsmaßnahmen.
The system has three tiers of security measures.
Im Sommer wird die Ebene sehr trocken.
The plain becomes very dry in summer.
_____ Ebene
die, n
Mediterranean region n
Mittelmeerraum Substantiv, maskulin
___ Mittelmeerraum
moderate adj (meistens verwendet)
modest adj
mediocre adj
mäßig Adjektiv
Das Unternehmen wird das neue Produkt zu einem mäßigen Preis verkaufen.
The company will sell the new product at a moderate price.
Es war leider nur eine mäßige Vorstellung.
Unfortunately, it was only a mediocre performance.
____ Vortrag Wort ____ Wort notieren
order v (ordered, ordered) (fast immer verwendet)
arrange v (arranged, arranged)
mandate v
enjoin sth. v
man‧date 2 / mændeɪt / verb [ transitive ]
1 formal to tell someone that they must do a particular thing :
These measures were mandated by the IMF.
mandate that
Justice mandates that we should treat all candidates equally.
2 [ usually passive ] to give someone the right or power to do something :
The committee was mandated to co-ordinate measures to help Poland.
en‧join / ɪndʒɔɪn / verb [ transitive ]
1 formal to order or try to persuade someone to do something
enjoin somebody to do something
The organisation has been enjoined to end all restrictions.
2 law to legally prevent someone from doing something
enjoin somebody from doing something
The defendant was enjoined from using the patent.
anordnen (etw.Akk ~) Verb
Ich ordne die Fotos in einer Reihe an.
I am arranging the photos in a row.
Die Regierung ordnete mehrere Änderungen in der Bildungspolitik an.
The government mandated several changes to the education policy.
Die neuen Leiter ordneten nachdrücklich ein neues Vorgehen an.
The new leaders forcefully enjoined a new course of action.
highlight (sth.) v (highlighted, highlighted)
emphasize sth.AE v (emphasized, emphasized)
stress sth. v (stressed, stressed)
emphasise sth.BE v (emphasised, emphasised)
hervorheben (etw.Akk ~) Verb
Der Direktor hob in seiner Präsentation den positiven Trend hervor.
The director highlighted the positive trend in his presentation.
Es gibt einen Punkt, den ich gerne hervorheben möchte.
There is one aspect I would like to emphasize.
Der Lehrer hob die wichtigsten Aspekte des Textes hervor.
The teacher stressed the main points of the text.
Der Ingenieur hob die Vorteile des Projekts hervor.
The engineer emphasised the project’s advantages.
box n
case n
crate n
crate 1 / kreɪt / noun [ countable ]
1 a large box made of wood or plastic that is used for carrying fruit, bottles etc
crate of
a crate of beer
2 old-fashioned a very old car or plane that does not work very well
Kasten Substantiv, maskulin
Die Bierflaschen wurden in einem Kasten geliefert.
The beer bottles were delivered in a crate.
___ Kasten
der, ä