Schools of Psychology Flashcards
first school of psychology, breaking down mental processes into the most basic components
Wundt and Titchener
reducing mental processes down into their most basic elements
James and Dewey and Carr
interested in the role mental processes play not the processes themselves
1950s Watson, Pavlov, Skinner
All behavior can be explained by environmental causes rather than by internal forces
Observable behavior
classical and operant conditioning
influence of the unconscious mind on behavior
id, ego, superego
Freud, Anna Freud, Carl Jung, Erik Erikson
Humanistic Psychology
focused on the individual’s free will, personal growth and concept of self-actualization
emphaisis on helping people achieve and fulfill their potential
Maslow, Rogers
positive psychology
Gestalt Psychology
based upon the idea that we experience things as unified wholes, must look at the whole of experience, whole is greater than the sum of its parts
Cognitive Psychology
mental processes including how people think, perceive, remember, and learn
Jean Piaget