Schizophrenia Flashcards
Psychosis in the form of profound disruption to ones cognition and emotion, affecting language, thought, perception, emotions and sense of self.
Positive Symptoms
An excess or distortion of normal functions. This includes hallucinations, delusions, disorganised speech, and disorganised of catatonic behaviour.
Disorganised speech
Thoughts interrupt speech/ derail topics. Echolalia- rhyming words, Neologism- making up words.
Catatonic behaviour
Inability to motivate or initiate a task, rigid postures or aimless motor activity.
Negative Symptoms
Symptoms that reflect a reduction/ loss of normal function. This includes alogia, avolition, anhedonia and affective flattening.
Lessening of speech fluency and productivity.
Reduction of interest and desires.
Affective Flattening
Reduction in the range and intensity of emotions.
Loss of interest in pleasurable activities.
Milev et al 2005- defecit syndrome/ symptoms
Deficit syndrome = more than 2 negative symptoms for 12 months or longer. Those with deficit syndrome have more pronounced cognitive deficits and poorer outcomes.
Makinen et al 2008- negative symptoms ratio
1 in 3 schizophrenics suffer with negative symptoms.
Schizophrenia Diagnosis Kappa Score
According to Regier et al 2013 the diagnosis had a kappa score of 0.46.
Reliability Cultural Differences
- Significant variations between countries when it comes to a SZ diagnosis.
- Copeland 1971- 134 US and 194 British psychiatrists a description of patients: 69% of the US ones diagnosed SZ, whereas only 2% of the British did.
- Luhrman et al 2015- interviewed 60 adults, 20 from each of Ghana, India and the US,. Those from Africa and India had positive experiences with their voices, where the American ones were violent and hateful- no consistent characteristics.
Reliability- inter-rater
Whaley 2001- inter-rater reliability correlations in the diagnosis of SZ as low as 0.11 (kappa score).
Reliability- unreliable symptoms
Mojtabi and Nicholson 1995- 50 senior psychiatrists differentiated between bizarre and non bizarre delusions, producing an inter-rater reliability of 0.4- subjective.