Schema’s Triggered by Narcissist Flashcards
Hard to ask for your needs without feeling unworthy or guilty. Torn by guilt and resentment.
Difficult to be assertive when it comes to your personal rights and opinions.
Narcissists intimidate, forcing you to bury anger or deny your point of view.
Abandonment / Instability
So fearful of being rejected, you will up with with bad behaviours from the narcissist.
Defectiveness / Shame
Because you feel inadequate and undesirable, you easily buy into the criticisms that are hurled by the narcissist, taking the blame and feeling it’s your fault and that you needs to fix it.
Emotional Inhibition
You keep your feelings to yourself, and are stoic and overly controlled when it comes to emotions. The narcissist can have emotional outbursts, while you remains silent.
Emotional Deprivation
You don’t believe that you can find to meet ones emotional needs, to really love and understand you, to protect you and care about you. The narcissist loves up to this expectation.
Mistrust / Abuse
Your relationship when the narcissist is in a hurtful or abusive mode feels like a re-enactment from the past.
You know how to put up with it. Feels impossible to fight it. Even when you try to fight it you usually end up giving in.
Unrelenting Standards
You try harder and harder to to be the perfect partner, friend, colleague, family member, employee because you believe this is what’s expected of you.
You compromise pleasure and own needs and wishes and spontaneity to live up to narcissists standards.