Scene Two Flashcards
“In the state of Louisiana we have the Napoleonic code according to which what belongs…….
………to the wife belongs to the husband and vice versa. For instance, if I had a piece of property - “
Stella: “My head is…..
……..swimming.” - suggests she is a bit ditsy and unintelligent.
“It looks to me like you have been swindled, baby, and when you’re……
…….swindled under the Napoleonic code I’m swindled too. And I don’t like to be swindled.”
“And I don’t like to be……
Stage Directions - [He stalks into the bedroom, and……
……..she follows him.] - animalistic description of Stanley in that he “stalks.”
“Open your eyes to this stuff! You think she got them out of…..
…….a teacher’s pay?”
“I got an acquaintance who deals in this sort of…….
……..merchandise. I’ll have him here to appraise it.”
“And what have we here? The treasure chest of a……
“Are you kidding? I have an acquaintance that works in a…..
……jewellery store.”
“The Kowalski’s and the DuBois have……
……..different notions.”
Stella: “You come out with me while Blanche is getting dressed.”
Stanley: “Since when do you…….
……..give me orders?”
“Some men are took in by all this Hollywood glamour stuff and…….
…….some men are not.”
“Now let’s cut the……
“If I didn’t know that you was my wife’s sister…….
…….I’d get ideas about you!”
“What’s in the back of that…….
……..little boy’s mind of yours.”
(When Stanley begins to touch Blanche’s love letters from her deceased boyfriend).
Stanley: “I’ll have a look at them first.”
Blanche: “The touch of your hand……
…….insults them!”
- shows what she thinks of Stanley
“Now that you’ve touched them I’ll…..
…….burn them.”
(Regarding Blanche’s love letters).
Stanley: “What in hell are they?”
Blanche: “Poems a……
……dead boy wrote.”
“I have a lawyer acquaintance……
…….who will study these out.”
Stanley: “You see, under the Napoleonic code - a man has to take an interest in his wife’s affairs - especially now that she’s……
……..going to have a baby.”
(Blanche to Stella)
“I laughed and treated it all as a joke, called him a little boy and laughed - and flirted! Yes - I was……
……..flirting with your husband, Stella!”
(Blanche is in conversation with Stella, talking about her newly met brother-in-law, Stanley)
“But maybe he’s what we need to mix with our……
…….blood now that we’ve lost Belle Reve and have to go on without Belle Reve to protect us.”
Stage Directions -
[Then there is a bellowing laugh from the interior of the flat. Then the ‘blue piano’ and the……
…….hot trumpet sound louder.”
Stanley: “What’s rhinestone?”
Stella: “Next door to…..
Stanley: “Pearls! Ropes of them! What is this sister of yours, a deep-sea diver who……
…….brings up sunken treasures?”
Stanley: “I’m willing to bet you there’s thousands of dollars…..
…….invested in this stuff here!”
Stanley: “Look at these feathers and furs that she comes here to…..
…….preen herself in!”
Stanley: “A solid-gold dress……
…….I believe!”
Stanley: “Fox pieces! [He blows on them.] Genuine fox fur-pieces, a half a…….
…….mile long! Where are your fox-pieces, Stella?”
Stanley: “Where are your fur fox…….
……..pieces, Stella?”
Stanley to Stella, regarding Blanche’s expensive looking fox pieces:
“Bushy snow-white ones, no less! Where are your…..
……..white fox-pieces?”
Stanley: “And diamonds! A crown for an……
Stella: “Those are inexpensive summer furs that……..
……..Blanche has had a long time.”
Stanley: “And diamonds! A crown for an empress!”
Stella: “A rhinestone tiara she wore to a…….
……….costume ball.”
Stanley to Stella: “Bracelets of solid gold, too! Where are your pearls and……
………gold bracelets?”