Scene Three Flashcards
Scene Three is all about the…..
…….Poker Night!! Scene Three is arguably the most important scene to take place within “A Streetcar Named Desire” as at one stage, Williams nearly settled on naming the title of the play as “The Poker Night.”
Stage Directions -
[The poker players - Stanley, Steve, Mitch and Pablo - wear coloured shirts, solid blues, a purple, a red-and-white check, a light green, and they are at the peak of their…….
……..physical manhood.]
Stage Directions -
“The poker players are all men at the peak of their……
……..physical manhood.”
Stage Directions -
“The poker players are men at the peak of their physical manhood, as course and direct and powerful as the…….
……..primary colours.” - shows that they are all bold and strong personalities with striking characteristics; there is nothing subtle or faded about them.
Mitch: “Poker shouldn’t be played in a…….
…….house with women.”
(Blanche to Mitch)
“Thank you for being so………
……..kind! I need kindness now.”
Stage Directions -
“They come together with low……..
………animal moans.”
Stanley: “You hens cut out that…….
…………conversation in there!” - suggests they twitter around and peck at things.
Stella: “Blanche, this is Mr Gonzales and Mr Hubbel.”
Blanche: “Please don’t get………
Stanley: “Nobody’s going to get up, so don’t be worried.”
(Blanche talking to Stella about Mitch)
“I thought he had a sort of……
……..sensitive look.”
(Blanche talking to Stella about Mitch)
“That one seems - superior to the……..
(Blanche to Mitch)
“Stella hasn’t been so well lately, and I came down to help her for a while. She’s very…….
…….run down.”
Blanche: “I can’t stand a naked lightbulb, any more than I can a…….
……….rude remark or a vulgar action.”
Stanley: “Nothing belongs on a poker table but…….
………cards, chips and whisky.”
Stage Directions -
[A chair scrapes. Stanley gives a loud…….
……..whack of his hand on her thigh.] - Stanley is trying to impress his mates by dominating Stella.
(Stella after Stanley hits her)
“That’s not fun, Stanley. It makes me so mad when he……
…….does that in front of people.”
Mitch: “I wasn’t listenin’.”
Pablo: “What were you doing, then?”
Stanley: “He was………..
……..looking through them drapes.” [He jumps up and jerks roughly at the curtains to close them.]
Blanche: “Have you got any cigs?”
Blanche: “Oh, good. What a pretty case. Silver?”
Mitch: “Yes. Yes; read the inscription.”
Blanche: “Oh, is there an………..
…….inscription? I can’t make it out.” [He strikes a match and moves closer.] “Oh!” [Reading with feigned difficulty.]
Blanche: “Sick people have such deep,…….
……….sincere attachments.”
Blanche: “Sorrow makes for…….
…….sincerity, I think.”
Blanche: “Show me a person who hasn’t known any sorrow and I’ll show you……..
………..shuperficial - Listen to me!”
Mitch: “Miss DuBois?”
Blanche: “It’s a French name. It means woods and Blanche means……..
………white, so the two together mean white woods. Like an orchard in spring!”
Mitch: “You’re French?”
Blanche: “We are French by……
………extraction. Our first American ancestors were French Huguenots.”
Blanche: “Yes, Stella is my precious little sister. I call her little in spite of the fact…………
………she’s somewhat older than I. Just slightly. Less than a year.”
Stage Directions -
[Blanche waltzes to the music with romantic gestures. Mitch is delighted and moves in awkward………..
…….imitation like a dancing bear.]
Stella to Stanley: “Drunk - drunk - animal…….
……..thing, you!”
Stage Directions -
[He crosses to the small white radio and snatches it off the table. With a shouted oath, he………
…….tosses the instrument out of the window.]