Scene Four Flashcards
Stage Directions: [Stella is lying down in the bedroom. her face is……..
……………..serene in the early morning sunlight. One hand rests on her belly, rounding slightly with new maternity.] - Stella doesn’t hide away from the light like Blanche does / Buddah like imagery.
Stage Directions: [Her eyes and lips have that almost………….
…………narcotized tranquillity that is in the face of Eastern idols.] - narcotized means on drugs / her drug is Stanley.
Blanche: “You’re married to a madman!”
Stella: “No!”
Blanche: “Yes, you are……………
………….your fix is worse than mine is.”
Stella: “But there are things that happen between a man and……….
……..a woman in the dark - that sort of make everything else seem - unimportant.”
Stella: “Haven’t you ever……….
……..ridden on that Streetcar?”
Blanche: “It bought me here.”
- Here Stella is questioning Blanche by asking, haven’t you ever felt desire? Her answer is ambiguous. On one hand she could mean that her feelings of desire bought her to Stella’s house, in that way she could have felt desire before, or, she could be responding literally to the statement by saying that she rode the streetcar, called desire, to get to Stella’s house.
Blanche: “Well - if you’ll forgive me…………..
………..he’s common!”
Blanche: “He acts like an animal, has an animal’s habits!……..
………..Eats like one, moves like one, talks like one!”
Blanche: “There’s even something sub…………
………human - something not quite to the stage of humanity yet!”
Blanche: “Thousands and thousands of years have passed him right by, and there he is…………
………Stanley Kowlaski - survivor of the Stone Age!”
Blanche: “Bearing the raw……….
………meat home from the kill in the jungle! And you - you here - waiting for him!”
Blanche: “His poker night! - you………..
…………call it - this party of apes! Somebody growls - some creature snatches at something - the fight is on!”
Stage Directions: [Stanley hesitates………..
………licking his lips.]
Stanley: “Hiyah Blanche. [He…….
…….grins at her.]
Blanche: “God! Maybe we are a long way away from being in………
………God’s image, but Stella - my sister - there has been some progress since then! Such things as art - as poetry and music - such kinds of new light have come into the world since then!”
Blanche: “Night falls and the other apes……..
……….gather! There in front of the cave, all grunting like him, and swilling and gnawing and hulking!”
Blanche: “What you are talking about is brutal………
…….desire - just - Desire! - the name of that rattle-tap streetcar that bangs through the Quarter, up one old narrow street and down another…”
Blanche: “You can’t have forgotten that much of our…………..
………….bringing up, Stella, that you just suppose that any part of a gentle-man’s in his nature! Not one particle, no!”
Blanche: “There’s something downright………
………bestial - about him!”
Blanche: “Baby, my………
…… sister!”
Blanche: “Why! I’ve been half crazy, Stella! When I found out you’d been………….
……..insane enough to come back here after what happened - I started to rush in after you!”
Stella: “I’m glad you didn’t.”
Blanche: “How could you come back in this place…………..
………last night? Why, you must have slept with him!”
Stella: “In the first place, when men are drinking and playing………..
………….poker anything can happen. It’s always a powder-keg.” - suggests something’s always about to explode.
Stella: “He didn’t know what he was doing….. He was as good as a lamb when………
……..I came back and he’s really very, very ashamed of himself.”
Stella: “He smashed all the light bulbs………
…….with the heel of my slipper!” [She laughs.]
Blanche: “And you - you let him? Didn’t run, didn’t scream?”
Stella: “No, it isn’t all right for anybody to make such a terrible row, but………..
………….people do sometimes.”
Stella: “Stanley’s always………
……….smashed things.”
Stella: “Why, on our wedding night - soon as we came in here………….
……….he snatched off one of my slippers and rushed about the place smashing light bulbs with it.”
Stella: “I was - sort of………..
……..thrilled by it.”
Blanche: “But you’ve given in………….
……….And that isn’t right, you’re not old! You can get out.”
Stella: [slowly and emphatically] “I’m not in anything I want to get out of.”
Stella: “I said I’m not in anything I have a……..
……..desire to get out of.”
Stella: “He promised this morning that he was going to quit having these poker…………..
…………parties, but you know how long such a promise is going to keep.”
Stella: “Oh, well, it’s his………..
………..pleasure, like mine is movies and bridge. People have got to tolerate each other’s habits, I guess.”
Blanche: “I don’t understand you. I don’t understand your indifference. Is this a……….
………Chinese philosophy you’ve cultivated?”
Blanche: “Listen to me. I have an idea of some kind. Do you remember………..
………….Shep Huntleigh? Of course you remember Shep Huntleigh. I went out with him at college and wore his pin for a while.”
Blanche (when talking about Shep Huntleigh): “He has them, all over Texas. Texas is literally……….
……..spouting gold in his pockets.”
Blanche (when talking about Shep Huntleigh): “Honey, would I be here……….
…………if the man weren’t married?”
Blanche: “How do I get to Western Union? Operator…………….
Western Union!”
Stella: “That’s a dial phone, honey.”
Blanche: “Let me see now…… [She bites the pencil.]
“Darling Shep. Sister and I in………..
……….desperate situation.”
Stella: “I beg your pardon!”
Blanche: “Sister and I in desperate situation. Will explain details later. Would you be interested in -?” [She bites the pencil again.] “Would - you be - interested - in….” [She smashes the pencil on the table and springs up.] “You never get anywhere with direct appeals!”
Stella: “Don’t be so ridiculous, darling!”
Blanche: “But I’ll think of something, I’ve got to think of……….
…………..some-thing! Don’t, don’t laugh at me, Stella! Please, please don’t - I - I want you to look at the contents of my purse!”
Stella: “Blanche, you saw him at his worst last night.”………….
………….Blanche: “On the contrary, I saw him at his best!”
Blanche: “What such a man has to offer is animal force and he gave a………..
…………wonderful exhibition of that!”
Blanche: “But the only way to live with such a man is to……….
………….go to bed with him! And that’s your job - not mine!”
Blanche: “I take it for granted that you still have sufficient memory of Belle Reve to find……………
………….this place and these poker players impossible to live with.”
Stage Directions: [As the light fades away, with a lingering brightness on their embrace, the music of the…………
…………..’blue piano’ and trumpet and drums is heard.] - three different thought processes going on; Stanley knows he’s won as he will always have Stella’s loyalty and is therefore enjoying watching Blanche’s discomfort - he clasps his teeth together and licks his lips as if Blanche is his prey.