Scene One Flashcards
- One evening in May 1947, Eunice is talking to a neighbour outside her home in the ironically named Elysian Fields, a shabby street in a poor district of New Orleans. Stanley Kowalski and Mitch arrive, on their way to go bowling. Stanley throws his wife, Stella, a meat package.
- Blanche DuBois arrives, looking for her sister Stella’s apartment. As Eunice and her husband Steve own the apartment, Eunice is able to let Blanche in.
- Blanche nervously helps herself to a drink while Eunice fetches Stella.
- When Stella arrives, the sisters embrace, but there is clearly an undercurrent of tension. Blanche is critical of the apartment, and then admits the loss of the family home, Belle Reve.
- Stanley greets Blanche pleasantly but there is an uneasy atmosphere. Blanche tells him about the death of her husband some years ago.
“A gentle woman about twenty-five, and of the background obviously quite different from…….
………her husbands.”
“He heaves a package at her. She cries out in protest but……
…….manages to catch it.”
“Her appearance is incongruous to…..
………the setting.”
“She is daintily dressed in a white suit with a fluffy bodice, necklace and ear - rings of pearl, white gloves and hat, looking as if……
…….she was arriving at a summer tea or cocktail party.”
“Her delicate beauty must avoid…….
……strong light.”
“When he’s away for a week I nearly go wild, and when he comes back I cry on his…..
……lap like a baby.”
“You’ve put on some weight, yes, you’re just as plump as a…..
……little partridge.”
“All of those deaths! The long…..
…….parade to the graveyard! Father, mother! Margaret, that dreadful way!”
“Liquor goes fast in……
……hot weather.”
(About the liquor)
Stanley; “Have a shot?”
Blanche; “No, I - rarely touch it.”
Stanley - “Some people rarely touch it, but……
……it touches them often.”
“He sizes women up at a glance, with sexual classifications, crude images flashing into his mind and determining the way……
…..he smiles at them.”
“Everything that is his, that bears his emblem of the…….
…….gaudy seed-bearer.”
“The loss……
…….the loss.”
Stella; “They’re Stanley’s friends.”
Blanche; “Polacks?”
Stella; “They’re a……
…….mixed lot Blanche.”
Blanche; “Is he so different?”
Stella; “Yes…….
……..A different species.”
“I know you must have some liquor on the place! Where could it be, I wonder?………
……..Oh, I spy, I spy!”
Stage Directions - “Blanche sits in a chair very stiffly with her shoulders slightly hunched, her legs…….
…….pressed close together, and her hands tightly clutching her purse as if she were quite cold.”
Stage Directions - “She pours herself half a tumbler of whisky and…….
…….tosses it down.”
Eunice: “Stella spoke of you”
Blanche: “Yes?”
Eunice: “She said you taught in a school.”…….
Blanche: “Yes.”
Eunice: “And you’re from Mississippi, huh?”
Blanche: “Yes.”
“Stella, oh Stella, Stella! Stella for…..
“Now don’t get worried, your sister hasn’t turned into a….
…..drunkard, she’s just all shaken up and hot and tired and dirty.”
Blanche: “Why didn’t you tell me, why didn’t you write me, honey, why didn’t you let me know?”…….
…….Stella: “Tell you what, Blanche?”
Blanche: “Why, that you had to live in these conditions!”
“New Orleans isn’t like…..
……other cities.”
“Forgive me, blessed……
……baby! The subject is closed.”
(About the liquor)
Stella: “Won’t you have another?”
Blanche: “No, one’s my……
Blanche to Stella -
“Look at how you sit there with your hands folded like a……
…….cherub in choir!”
Blanche: “I want to be near you, got to be with somebody, I can’t be alone! Because - as you must have noticed - …….
……I’m not very well.”
“You left! I stayed……
……and struggled!”
“You came to New Orleans and looked out for yourself! I stayed at Belle Reve and tried to……
……hold it together! I’m not meaning this in any reproachful way, but all the burden descended on my shoulders.”
“But you are the one that abandoned Belle Reve, not I! I stayed and fought for it…….
……..bled for it, almost died for it!”
“But funerals are quiet, with pretty flowers. And, oh, what gorgeous boxes…..
……they pack them away in!”
“Why, the Grim Reaper had put up his…..
……tent on our doorstep!”
“Sit there and stare at me thinking I let the place go! I let the place go. Where were you……
…..In bed with your - Polak!”
Steve: “Playing poker tomorrow night?”
Stanley: “Yeah - at Mitch’s.”
Mitch: “Not at my place……
…..My mother’s still sick.”
Stage Directions -
“Since earliest manhood the centre of his life has been…….
……pleasure with women.”
Stage Directions -
“Animal joy in his being is implicit in all his……
…….movements and attitudes.”
Stage Directions -
“With the power and pride of a richly feathered…….
…….male bird among hens.”
Stage Directions -
“That bears his emblem of the gaudy…..
Stage Directions -
“He sizes women up at a glance, with sexual classifications, crude images flashing into his mind and determining…….
……the way he smiles at them.”
Stanley: “Where you from, Blanche?”
Blanche: “Why, I - live in Laurel.”
Stanley: “In Laurel, huh? Oh, yeah, in Laurel, that’s right…….
……Not in my territory.”
Stanley: “You going to shack up here?”
Blanche: “I thought I would if it wasn’t……
……inconvenient for you all.”
Stage Directions:
[A cat screeches by the window. Blanche…..
……springs up.”
“The boy - the boy died. [She sinks back down.] I’m afraid I’m - going to be…..
“I’m looking for my sister, Stella DuBois. I mean - Mrs…..
…..Stanley Kowalski.”
Blanche [faintly to herself]: “I’ve got to keep hold…..
……of myself!”
Stanley [bellowing]: “Hey, there! Stella…….
Stella [mildly] in response - “Don’t holler at me like that.”
Stage Directions -
“He heaves the package at her. She cries out in protest but……
…..manages to catch it: then laughs breathlessly.”
Stanley: “Catch!”
Stella: “What?”……
…….Stanley: “Meat!”
Eunice: “Tell Steve to get him a poor boy’s sandwich ‘cause……
…….nothing’s left here.”
Stage Directions -
(Blanche arriving at Elysian Fields)
“Her expression is one of shocked disbelief. Her appearance is incongruous…….
…….to this setting.”
Stage Directions (Blanche) - "She is daintily dressed in a white suit with a fluffy bodice, necklace and ear-rings of pearl, white gloves and a hat, looking as if she were arriving at a......
……summer tea or cocktail party in the garden district.”
Stage Directions (Blanche) - "She is about five years older than Stella. Her beauty must avoid......
……a strong light.”
Stage Directions (Blanche) - "There is something uncertain about her manner, as well as her white clothes, that suggests......
…….a moth.”
Eunice to Blanche: “What’s the matter, honey? Are you…….
“They told me to take a streetcar named Desire, and then transfer to one called Cemeteries and……
……..ride six blocks and get off at - Elysian Fields!”
Blanche: “They mustn’t have - understood - what number I wanted…”
Eunice: “What number you lookin’ for?”
Blanche: “Six Thirty Two.”
Eunice: ………
“You don’t have to look no further.”
Eunice [hollering down from above]; “Break it up down there! I made the spaghetti dish and ate it myself.”
Steve [going upstairs]: ……
…….I told you and phoned you we was playing. [To the men] Jax beer!”
Blanche to Stella: “You haven’t said a word about my……….
Stella: “You look just fine.”
(Talking about Stanley)
Blanche: “An officer?”
Stella: “A Master Sergeant in the Engineers’ Corps. Those are his……
Blanche: “He had those on when you met him?”
Stella: “I assure you I wasn’t just blinded by all the brass.”
Stella: “But of course there were things to adjust myself to later on.”
Blanche: “Such as his……
……..civilian background?”