Scene 1 - Act 1 (Intro to disco inferno) Flashcards
Hurry up and get in here
All right Duke?
What time do you call this?
Closing time?
Very funny
Look, Ive got a really good excuse this time
Oh yeah what like all the others
What’s that supposed to mean?
German measles whooping cough.. pmt?
Not mine, Janes
The queen mother’s birthday
There’s nothing wrong with being patriotic is there
You had your appendix taken out
What’s wrong with that
One of those auditions of yours
And which little Birdy would that be?
Do it in your own time got it
Yeah but
No buts Duke throws cloth
Welcome to our club, Disco Inferno. Now the story I’m gonna tell you is probably the weirdest you’ve ever heard
Welcome to our club, Disco Inferno. Now the story I’m gonna tell you is probably the weirdest you’ve ever heard
It was the summer of 1976, and it was as hot outside as the hits and fashions were in. Hottest summer ever recorded apparently.
It was the summer of 1976, and it was as hot outside as the hits and fashions were in. Hottest summer ever recorded apparently.
Do you know they even started rationing the water. It was Friday night.. my 21st birthday of all things. Not that anyone remembered.
Do you know they even started rationing the water. It was Friday night.. my 21st birthday of all things. Not that anyone remembered.
If that weren’t bad enough, Duke, the boss, had just told me that I had to make up the time I’d missed this week after hours.
If that weren’t bad enough, Duke, the boss, had just told me that I had to make up the time I’d missed this week after hours.
I’d been working in here for quite some time, cleaning tables and stuff but I was destined for bigger and greater things.
I’d been working in here for quite some time, cleaning tables and stuff but I was destined for bigger and greater things.
Mind you, at least I had a job, not to mention good mates and a sweet and understanding girlfriend.
Where have you been?
Well two out of three ain’t bad. Happy birthday, Jack. How did the audition go? Fine thanks!
I forgot. I’m so sorry honey
Forget it
So how did you get on at the audition?
I never even got a chance to sing. I wasn’t what they were looking for apparently.
Oh I’m sorry
Its all right.. I’m used to it
Maybe I could make it up to you after work
I can’t, Dukes told me I’ve got to stay behind
Not on your birthday *Terry walks over
So you’ve forgotten as well?
Don’t look at me love it’s not my department
Well well well look at you
Well it’s a special occasion isn’t it
Finally, at least someone’s remembered
Who’s talking about settling down
Tom, women are hardly falling over themselves Mates
What about her then
Come on Ter give him a fighting chance
Please don’t hit my face
Tom, wake up! You’ll have to forgive him when he gets like this.. advanced trance syndrome they call it. Terrible just terrible
I better try and catch her up! I’ll pop back in half an out hour and you can walk me home
See you later
I hear you failed another auditon today (laughs)
I just wasn’t what they were looking for, that’s all
Style that’s what counts
I got style!
I’m not sure anyway, its good advice it is.
Give my regards to Jim
Where did you get to
I was gonna walk Maggie home
What happened
So I thought I’d pop back and give you a hand
Cheers, mate
But you won’t kiss me will you
Just give her time
I’ve even told her that I love her
Thats the worst thing you can do
You never told your Jane
Well.. yeah.. no! Not exactly. I mean I wanna tell her and I know it would mean the world to her but I just can’t bring myself to it.
Couldn’t you fix me up with someone
What about Deb’s? No that’d never work
She knows you. Maybe I could fix you up with a blind date
I’m not surr
What’s wrong with that
Are you coming
No, I have to stay here and finish off. Janes popping back in a while
*Tom exits
There was only one thing I ever wanted in life and that was to stand up in front of a packed audience at the Hackney empire or the roundhouse.
There was only one thing I ever wanted in life and that was to stand up in front of a packed audience at the Hackney empire or the roundhouse.
Well it was a bit of a family tradition - headlining at the roundhouse. You see, all my family were in ‘the business’. Even our sewing machine was a singer. I often wished that someone would come down and wave a magic wand, but I’ll tell you something my old mum used to say to me… She used to say ‘son’, ‘cos that what I was.
Well it was a bit of a family tradition - headlining at the roundhouse. You see, all my family were in ‘the business’. Even our sewing machine was a singer. I often wished that someone would come down and wave a magic wand, but I’ll tell you something my old mum used to say to me… She used to say ‘son’, ‘cos that what I was.
‘Son be careful of what you wish for because one day that wish might just come true. It didn’t make much sense to me either.. at the time.
Aren’t you finished yet
You made me jump, I thought you’d gone home.
I wanted to have a word with you
Look, if its about me being late then I..
Whats he Really got?
Money. Nice car. His own flat!
All of it.. superficial
Listen son, do you mind if I call you son?
Why not, my dad does
And not what you can give them
Heathecliffe’s got Kathy
What was her name?
Yeah well I better
Those were the days
Very interesting
How long have you been with your Jane noe
Six years. We met back in December 1970. I remember it clearly because it was the same day the Fab Four split up. Everywhere you looked, girls crying over the news. Mind you, it dont stop me from being my usual charming self.