Act 2 - Scene 12 (rewind) Flashcards
Forgot my coat.
You’re nose!
What about it?
I can see your nose!
Very impressive mate. Are you all right?
I’m better than all right I’m alive! I’m alivei And you’re alive tool (Prodding Tom in the ribs)
Yes mate .. we’re both alive.
And you’re all right?
Not now, my ribs hurt. You’re scaring me, mate.
What day is it?
Your birthday! Are you all right?
And the contract, the devils … your funeral. …
I was getting worried about you. I’ve been knocking for ages.
Jane? What are you doing here?
I said I’d pop back to see if you’d finished cleaning up. You were going to walk me
home, remember?
Walk you home? Oh, yeah … of course I remember.
Are you all right?
I love you!
I. .. 1 … love you too.
What about Terry?
Terry? Are you okay? You look a bit pale.
It’s just been one of those nights. (They embrace) Come on, we’d better lock up and get
off home.
I thought we could stay here and have a quick drink first. Jt ‘is’ your birthday.
What are you doing down there? Jack, there’s someone I want you to meet
You! But you’re, you’re …
(Patronisingly) Duke?
get up
you’ve come highly recommended so I thought I’d pop down with the contract and ….
I’m not interested!
I don’t think you understand what I’m offering here.
I think I’ve got a pretty good idea. Thanks, but no thanks. I’ve got everything I need right
(Signing the contract) Look at this - signing autographs already.
I’d read that through carefully if I were you.
Well, unfortunately for you - you’re not. So pipe down.
Don’t say I didn’t warn you.
if you know what I mean.
(To everyone) See you around.
Not for quite some time.
Look at you all… this is supposed to be a birthday party isn’t it? So Jack, how do fancy a
job here?
I’ve got a job here.
On the stage I mean. It looks like I’m going to need a new act to replace Heathcliffe, if
you’re interested. To be honest, I never liked the guy anyway.
Well. ..
(Handing Jack Heathcliffe’s coat) This will look better on you.
(Putting on the coat) Well, what do you think?
Burn, baby, burn!
I’d rather you didn’t say that.
- end of number
Well, that’s my story. I told you it was weird, in fact I’m not sure that I
believe it myself, but that’s the gospel truth. We never did see Heathcliffe after that.
Well, that’s my story. I told you it was weird, in fact I’m not sure that I
believe it myself, but that’s the gospel truth. We never did see Heathcliffe after that.
So it’s like my mum said, Be careful what you wish for because one day that wish really might just come true. There’s
probably a lesson there somewhere for all of us. Anyway, I better get back - I’m missing
my own party. Later!