SC6_Cell Tour Video Flashcards
Goal 1: List and explain the function of various cell structures Goal 2: Understand how cells are organized in a multicellular eukaryote Goal 3: Analyze cell function with respect to another system
Cell Wall
A rigid layer of nonliving material that protects and supports plant cells
Cell Membrane
Controls what substances come into and out of the cell
Cell Control Center that directs all the cell’s activity
Ribosomes are made in this structure that is inside the nucleus
Thread-Like genetic material, or loosely packed DNA inside of the nucleus
Watery, Jelly-like substance that surrounds the cell
An Organella that breaks down glucose or food to produce cellular energy
Plant organelle that captures the sun’s energy to make food
Protein factories of the cell; NOT considered an organelle because it is NOT surrounded by a membrane
Endoplasmic Reticulum
Organelle that acts as the cell’s highway; It carries proteins and other materials from one part of the cell to another
Small storage areas in a cell; they may store food, water or waste; typically found in animal cells
Central Vacuole
Large, plant storage organelle
Golgi Bodies
Organelle that is the packaging factory; Takes materials from the ER and packages them for transport around and out of the cell
Organelle that acts as the cleanup crew; it contains chemicals that break down harmful subbstances and recycles old cell parts; responsible for apoptosis
Whip-like structure used to move a cell forward