Saul5:28,29Aug, Flashcards
The printer isn’t letting me print because it´s out of ink.
La impresora no me deja imprimir porque le falta tinta.
think of the printer as a living empress of oro that makes an impression in the primir place
an empress in premier place
dejar a uno inf
Su mamá no le deja salir a jugar.
If you don’t speak the language, you can use a translator like Google’s to give you an idea of what a phrase or text means.
Si no hablas el idioma, puedes usar un traductor como el de Google para darte una idea de lo que quiere decir una frase o un texto.
translator - profession = el traductor, la traductora ‘ think try a doctor (it wouldn´t work) ‘ this is the suffix or-ora to make a profession
interpreter - el intérprete
traducir = to translate
to found/establish/set-up
to fund
the funds
financiar = to fund or to finance
los fondos
My friend, Ahmad, worked as an interpreter for the U.S. Army and now he can’t get his parents, his brothers and his brothers´ families out of Afghanistan.
Mi amigo, Ahmad, trabajaba como intérprete para el ejército estadounidense y ahora no puede sacar de Afganistán a sus padres, sus hermanos y las familias de sus hermanos.
interpreter = English
intérprete - Spanish just drops the r, and stresses second syllable
printed matter - plural noun
printed - adj
The printed matter was sent through mail.
Los impresos fueron mandados por correo.
preterit = you mail it once and it is a done deal
There’s a typo in the printed brochures.
En los folletos impresos hay un error de tipeo.
A group of friends established a fund for children with autism.
Un grupo de amigos fundó un fondo para niños con autismo.
They are installing new huge water pipes on the main road at the end of my driveway.
Están instalando nuevas y enormes tuberías de agua en la calle principal al final de mi entrada.
I could have gone if I had wanted to but I probably would have had an accident.
Podría haber ido si hubiera querido, pero probablemente habría tenido un accidente.
They didn’t have it wrong.
They didn’t do it right.
No lo hubieran mal.
No lo hicieron bien.
haber - to have
hacer - to do/to make
Your story isn´t very credible, rather it is incredible.
Tu historia no es muy creíble, más bien es increíble.
sino que doesn´t appear to work here
más bien - used to rectify or explain: rather
to transfer, handover, give up, give in, yield
to give/grant
Me concedieron una beca. I was granted-given a scholarship.
Despite the threats, I will not/refuse to give in to blackmail.
A pesar de las amenazas, me niego a ceder al chantaje.
chantaje ‘ think of that dick boy in high school chanting chanting I´ll blackmail you
azar = chance
God grant me the Serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the Courage to change the things I can, and the Wisdom to know the difference.
Dios me conceda la serenidad para aceptar las cosas que no puedo cambiar, el coraje para cambiar las cosas que puedo, y la sabiduría para conocer la diferencia.
Can also use para saber la diferencia pero LC says it might sound a bit redundant / Sabiduría-saber so possibly better to use conocer and no caps on the three things