Satires 2:2 70-79 Flashcards


accipe nunc, victus tenuis quae quantaque secum
adferat. in primis valeas bene; nam variae res
ut noceant homini credas, memor illius escae,
quae simplex olim tibi sederit. at simul assis
miscueris elixa, simul conchylia turdis,
dulcia se in bilem vertent stomachoque tumultum
lenta feret pitvita. vides, ut pallidus omnis
cena desurgat dubia? quin corpus onustum
hesternis vitiis animum quoque praegravat una
atque adfigit humo divinae particulam aurae.


Now learn what and how great [the benefits] that plain living
Brings with it. First you would be really healthy: you should believe
How a variety of things can harm a man, mindful of that food
Which in its simplicity once sat well with you. But as soon as you mix
Boiled and roast [meats], or shell fish and thrushes,
The sweet will turn itself into bile, and the thick phlegm
Will bring disturbance to the stomach. Do you see how pale everyone
Is as they get up to leave the doubtful feast! What’s more, a body bloated
With yesterday’s excesses weighs down the soul also at the same time,
And fixes a particle of divine spirit to earth.

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