Horace Satires 2:2 80-93 Flashcards


But the other man, when faster than you can say he has given his refreshed [80]
Limbs over to sleep, vigorously gets up for his appointed tasks.
He however, will be able to run across to better [living] at some point
Whether the returning year brings back some festal day
Or he wants to restore frame made thin, and when
The years advance and the weak time of life wishes to be treated [85]
More softly: for you what [more] will be added to that softness
Which you took in advance when you were a boy and strong, whether
Harsh ill-health or slowing old age falls upon you?
Men of old used to praise rancid boar, not because they
Had no nose, but, I believe, with this intent, that a guest
Arriving later would consume it more agreeably when spoiled
Than the greedy master [would] when fresh.


alter ubi dicto citius curata sopori
membra dedit, vegetus praescripta ad munia surgit.
hic tamen ad melius poterit transcurrere quondam,
sive diem festum rediens advexerit annus
seu recreare volet tenuatum corpus, ubique
accedent anni, tractari mollius aetas
imbecilla volet: tibi quidnam accedet ad istam
quam puer et validus praesumis mollitiem, seu
dura valetudo inciderit seu tarda senectus?
rancidum aprum antiqui laudabant, non quia nasus
illis nullus erat, sed, credo, hac mente, quod hospes
tardius adveniens vitiatum commodius quam
integrum edax dominus consumeret.

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