SAT Words X Flashcards
Clangor (n.)
- loud, resounding noise.
- The blacksmith was accustomed to the clangor of hammers on steel.
Clandestine (adj.)
- secret.
- After avoiding their chaperon, the lovers had a clandestine meeting.
Cleave (v.)
- split or sever, cling to, remain faithful to.
- With her heavy cleaver, Julia can cleave a whole roast duck in two.
Cleft (n.)
- split.
- Trying for a fresh handhold, the mountain climber grasped the edge of a cleft in the sheer rockface.
Clemency (n.)
- disposition to be lenient, mildness, as of the weather.
- The lawyer was pleased when the case was sent to Judge Smith’s chambers because Smith was noted for her clemency toward first offenders.
Clench (v.)
- close tightly, grasp.
- “Open wide,” said the dentist, but Clint clenched his teeth even more tightly than before.
Cliché (n.)
- phrase dulled in meaning by repetition.
- High school compositions are often marred by such clichés as “strong as an ox.”
Clientele (n.)
- body of customers.
- The rock club attracted a young, stylish clientele.
Climatic (adj.)
- relating to the highest point.
- When he reached the climatic portions of the book, he could not stop reading.
Clime (n.)
- region, climate.
- His doctor advised him to move to a milder clime.
Cloister (n.)
- monastery or convent.
- The nuns lived secluded life in the cloister.
Clout (n.)
- great influence (especially political or social).
- Gatsby wondered whether he had enough clout to be admitted to the exclusive club.
Cloying (adj.)
- distasteful (because excessive), excessively sweet or sentimental.
- Disliking the cloying sweetness of standard wedding cakes, Jody and Tom chose to have homemade carrot cake at the reception.
Coagulate (v.)
- thicken, congeal, clot.
- Even after you remove the pudding from the burner, it will continue to coagulate as it stands.
Coalesce (v.)
- combine, fuse.
- The brooks coalesce in the large river.
Coalition (n.)
- partnership, league, union.
- The R. Coalition united people of all races in a common cause.
Coddle (v.)
- to treat gently.
- Don’t coddle the children much; they need a taste of discipline.
Codify (v.)
- arrange (laws, rules) as a code, classify.
- Take the varying rules and regulations of the health agencies and codify them into a national code.
Coercion (n.)
- use of force to get someone to obey.
- The inquisitors used both physical and psychological coercion to force Joan of Arc to deny that her visions were seeing God.
Cogent (adj.)
- convincing.
- It was inevitable that David to go to Harvard: he had several cogent reasons for so, including a full-tuition scholarship.
Cogitate (v.)
- think over.
- Cogitate on this problem, the solution will come.
Cognate (adj.)
- related linguistically: allied by blood or akin in nature.
- The English word “mother” is cognate to the Latin word “mater.”
Cognitive (adj.)
- having to do with knowing or percent related to the mental processes.
- Though jack was emotionally immature, his cognitive development was very advanced.
Cognizance (n.)
- knowledge.
- During the election campaign, the two candidates were kept in full cognizance of the national situation.
Cohere (v.)
- stick together.
- Solids have a greater tendency to cohere than liquids.
Cohesion (n.)
- tendency to keep together.
- “Divide and conquer,” means of lies and trickery, sought to disrupt the cohesion of the federation of free nations.
Coiffure (n.)
- hairstyle.
- You can make a statement of your choose of coiffure; there are sixty styles to choose from.
Coin (v.)
- make coins, invent or fabricate.
- Mints coin money; counterfeiters coin fakes.
-able, ible
- capable of.
- legible: able to be read.
-ac, ic
- like, pertaining to.
- cardiac: pertaining to the heart.
-acious, icious
- full of.
- audacious: full of daring.
- pertaining to.
- logical: pertaining to logic.
-ant, ent
- full of.
- verdant: green.
- like, connected with.
- dictionary: book connected with words.
- to make.
- enervate: to make weary.
- that which is.
- irritation: annoyance.
- state of being.
- accuracy: correctness.
-eer, er, or
- person who.
- lecher: person who lusts.
- becoming.
- pubescent: arriving at puberty.
- making, doing.
- terrific: arousing great fear.