SAT Words II Flashcards
-grad, gress
- go, step.
- gradual: step by step, by degrees.
- H.T.R: gradual
-graph, gram
- writing.
- telegram: instantaneous message over great distance.
- H.T.R: telegram.
- flock, herd
- gregarious: tending to a group as in a herd.
- H.T.R: The Walking Dead
- sun.
- heliograph: instrument that uses the sun’s rays to send signals.
- H.T.R: high and hot.
-it, itiner
- journey, road.
- itinerary: plan of journey.
- H.T.R: itinere-to plan in Latin.
-jac, jact, jec
- to throw.
- ejaculatory: casting or throwing out.
- H.T.R: ejaculatory.
-jur, jurat
- to swear.
- jury: group of men and women sworn to seek the truth.
- H.T.R: jury.
-labor, laborat
- to work.
- laborious: difficult.
- H.T.R: laborare- to work in Latin.
-leg, lect, lig
- to choose, to read.
- legible: able to be read.
- H.T.R: lecture.
- law.
- legitimate: lawful.
- H.T.R: legal.
-liber, libr
- book.
- library: collection of books.
- H.T.R: legere- to read in Latin.
- free.
- liberation: the fact of setting free.
- H.T.R: liberty!
- word, study.
- monologue: speech by one person.
- H.T.R: think logical and study.
-loqu, locut
- to talk.
- loquacious: talkative.
- H.T.R: loquacious.
- light.
- lucid: clear.
- H.T.R: lucid.
- great.
- magnify: enlarge.
- H.T.R: magna-great in Latin.
- bad.
- malevolent: wishing evil.
- H.T.R: mal- bad in Spanish.
- hand
- manufacture: create (by hand)
- H.T.R: Mano- hand in Spanish.
- sea
- submarine: undersea craft
- H.T.R: mar- sea in Spanish.
- word, study.
- monologue: speech by one person.
- H.T.R: think logical and study.
-loqu, locut
- to talk.
- loquacious: talkative.
- H.T.R: loquacious.
- light.
- lucid: clear.
- H.T.R: lucid.
- great.
- magnify: enlarge.
- H.T.R: magna-great in Latin.
- bad.
- malevolent: wishing evil.
- H.T.R: mal- bad in Spanish.
- hand
- manufacture: create (by hand)
- H.T.R: Mano- hand in Spanish.
- sea
- submarine: undersea craft
- H.T.R: mar- sea in Spanish.
-mater, matr
- mother.
- maternal: pertaining to motherhood.
- H.T.R: mater- mother in Latin.
-mit, miss
- to send.
- dismiss: send away.
- H.T.R: missile.
-mob, mot, mov
- move.
- mobility: ability to move.
- H.T.R: mobilize.
-mon, monit
- to warn.
- premonition: foreboding.
- H.T.R: monere- to warn in Latin.
-mori, mort
- to die.
- immortal: not dying.
- H.T.R: mortality.
- shape, form.
- metamorphosis: change of shape.
- H.T.R: pottery.
- change.
- mutate: undergo a great change.
- H.T.R: mutate.
- born.
- prenatal: before birth.
- H.T.R: prenatal.
- ship.
- navigate: sail a ship.
- H.T.R: navigate.
Breadth (n.)
- width, extent.
- We were impressed by the breadth of her knowledge.
- H.T.R: bread is wide.
Brevity (n.)
- conciseness.
- Brevity is essential when you send a telegram or cablegram; you are changed for every word.
- H.T.R: very clear.
Bristling (adj.)
- rising like bristles, showing irritation.
- The dog stood there, bristling with anger.
- H.T.R: mad.
Brittle (adj.)
- easily broken, difficult.
- My employer’s self-control was as brittle as an egg shell.
- H.T.R: brittle, break.
Broach (v.)
- introduce, open up.
- Jack did not even try to broach the subject of religion with his in-laws.
- H.T.R: brochure.
Browbeat (v.)
- bully, intimidate.
- Billy resisted Ted’s attempts browbeat him into handing over his lunch money.
- H.T.R: beat.
Brunt (n.)
- main impact or shock.
- Tom Sawyer claimed credit for painting the fence, but the brunt of the work fell on others.
- H.T.R: punch, pow.
Brusque (adj.)
- blunt, abrupt.
- Was Bruce too brusque when he brushed off Bob’s request with a curt “Not now!”?
- H.T.R: rude.
Buccaneer (n.)
- pirate.
- At Disneyland the Pirates of the Caribbean sing a song about their lives as bloody buccaneer.
- H.T.R: eye patch.
Bucolic (adj.)
- rustic, pastoral.
- Fileld with browsing cows and bleating sheep, the meadow was a charmingly bucolic sight.
- H.T.R: countryside.
Buffet (v.)
- slap, batter, knock about.
- To buffet something is to rough it up.
- H.T.R: muffet.
Buffoonery (n.)
- clowning.
- In the Ace Ventura movies, Jim Carrey’s buffoonery was hilarious: like Bozo the clown, he’s a natural buffoon.
- H.T.R: the word is pretty silly itself.
Bulwark (n.)
- earthwork or other strong defense, person who defends.
- The navy is our principal bulwark against invasion.
- H.T.R: punching bag.
Bumptious (adj.)
- self-assertive.
- His classmates called him a show-off because of his bumptious airs.
- H.T.R: confidence.
Bungle (v.)
- mismanage, blunder.
- Don’t butch this assignment, Bumstead; if you bungle the job, you’re fired!
- H.T.R: mistake.
Buoyant (adj.)
- able to float, cheerful and optimistic.
- When the boat capsized, her buoyant life jacket kept Jody afloat.
- H.T.R: bouncy.
Burgeon (v.)
- grow forth, sent out buds.
- In the spring, plants that burgeon are a promise of the beauty that come.
- H.T.R: flower bud.
Burlesque (v.)
- give an imitation that ridicules.
- Rick Moranis burlesques Darth Vader.
- H.T.R: movie with Christina Aguilera.
Burly (adj.)
- husky, muscular.
- The burly mover lifted the packing crate with ease.
- H.T.R: burly, big shoulders.
Burnish (v.)
- make shiny by rubbing, polish.
- The maid burnished the brass fixtures until they reflected the lamplight.
- H.T.R: shine bright like a diamond.
Bustle (v.)
- move about energetically, teem.
- David bustled about the house packing for the camping trip.
- H.T.R: my best friend.
Buttress (v.)
- support, prop up.
- The attorney came up with several far-fetched arguments in a vain attempt to buttress his weak case.
- H.T.R: your butt gives you support.
Buxom (adj.)
- plump, full-bosomed.
- Fashion models are usually slim and willowy rather than buxom.
- H.T.R: flower.
Cabal (n.)
- small group of persons secretly united to promote their own interests.
- The cabal was defeated when the scheme was discovered.
- H.T.R: cable keeps things together.
Cache (n.)
- hiding place.
- The detectives followed the suspect until he led them to the cache where he stored his loot.
- H.T.R: hope no one catches it.
Cacophonous (adj.)
- discordant, inharmonious.
- Do the students in the orchestra enjoy the cacophonous sounds they make when they’re tuning up?
- H.T.R: jarring.
Cadaver (n.)
- corpse.
- In some states, it is illegal to diss cadavers.
- H.T.R: c for cadaver and c for corpse.
Cadence (n.)
- rhythmic rise and fall (of words or sounds) beat.
- Marching down the road, the troops sang out, following the cadence set by the sergeant.
- H.T.R: like a rollercoaster for music.
Cajole (v.)
- coax, wheedle.
- Diane tried to cajole her father into letting her drive the family car.
- H.T.R: persuade.
Calamity (n.)
- disaster, misery.
- As news of the calamity spread, offers of relief poured in to the stricken community.
- H.T.R: danger.
Caldron (n.)
- large kettle.
- The savage, heating the caldron, wanted Cruz to stay over for dinner.
- H.T.R: kettle cooked.
Caliber (n.)
- ability, quality.
- The scholarship committee searched for students of high caliber.
- H.T.R: work hard.
Callous (adj.)
- hardened, unfeeling.
- He had worked in the hospital for so many years that he was callous to the suffering in the wards.
- H.T.R: callouses.
Callow (adj.)
- youthful, immature, inexperienced.
- As a freshman, Jack was sure he was a man of the world and when he became a sophomore, he made fun of the freshmen as callow youths.
- H.T.R: young.
Calorific (adj.)
- heat-producing.
- Coal is much more calorific than green wood,
- H.T.R: hot.
Calumny (n.)
- malicious misrepresentation, slander.
- He could endure his financial failure, but he could not bear the calumny that his foes heaped upon him.
- H.T.R: false.
Camaraderie (n.)
- good-fellowship.
- What he loved best about his job was the sense of camaraderie he and his co-workers shared.
- H.T.R: friendly.
Candor (n.)
- frankness, open honesty.
- Jack can carry candor too far: when he told Jill his honest opinion of her, she nearly slapped him.
- H.T.R: blunt.
Canny (adj.)
- shrewd, thrifty.
- The canny Scotsman was more than a match for the swindlers.
- H.T.R: judgement.
Cant (n.)
- insincere expressions of piety, jargon of thieves.
- Shocked by news of the minister’s love affairs, the worshippers dismissed his talk about the sacredness of marriage as mere cant. Cant is a form of hypocrisy: those who can, pray; those who cant, pretend.
Cantankerous (adj.)
- ill humored, irritable.
- Constantly complaining about his treatment and refusing to cooperate with the hospital staff, he was a cantankerous patient.
- H.T.R: me in school.
Canter (n.)
- slow gallop.
- because the racehorse had outdistanced its competition so easily, the reporter wrote that the race was won in a canter.
- H.T.R: horses.
Canto (n.)
- division of a long poem.
- Dante’s poetic masterpiece The Divine Comedy is divided into cantos.
- H.T.R: divide.
Canvass (v.)
- determine votes, etc.
- After canvassing the sentiments of his constituents, the congressman was confident that he represented the majority opinion of his district.
Capacious (adj.)
- spacious.
- In the capacious rotunda of the railroad terminal, thousands of travelers lingered while waiting for their train.
- H.T.R: roomy.
Capitulate (v.)
- surrender.
- the enemy was warned to capitulate or face annihilation.
- H.T.R: gave up.
Capricious (adj.)
- unpredictable, fickle, fanciful.
- The storm was capricious: it changed course constantly.
- H.T.R: never know what’s going to happen next.
Captivate (v.)
- charm or enthrall.
- Bart and Lisa were captivated by their new nanny’s winning manner.
Cardinal (adj.)
- chief.
- If you want to increase your word power, the cardinal rule of vocabulary-building is to read.
- H.T.R: superiority.
Careen (v.)
- lurch, sway from side to side.
- The taxicab careened wildly as it rounded the corner.
- H.T.R: when you have to pee.
Caricature (n.)
- exaggerated picture or description, distortion.
- The cartonist’s caricature of Pesident Bush grossly exaggerated the size of his ears.
- H.T.R: hyperbole.
Carnal (adj.)
- fleshly.
- Is the public more interested in carnal pleasures than in spiritual matters? Compare the number of people who read Playbiy daily to the number of those who read the Bible everyday.
Carping (adj.)
- finding fault.
- A carping critic is a nit-picker: he loves to point out flaws. If you don’t like this definition, feel free to carp.
Castigate (v.)
- criticize severely, punish.
- When the teacher threatened that she would castigate the mischievous boys if they didn’t behave, they shaped up in a hurry.
Cataclysm (n.)
- violent upheaval, deluge.
- The Russian Revolution was a political and social cataclysm that overturned czarist society.
Cataract (n.)
- great waterfall, eye abnormality.
- She gazed with awe at the mighty cataract known as Niagara Falls.
- H.T.R: Niagara Falls.