SAT Vocab 4 Flashcards
posthumous (adj.)
after death
officious (adj.)
domineering, intrusive, meddlesome
degradation (n.)
deprivation, poverty, debasement
burgeon (v.)
to grow, flourish; to bud
ogle (v.)
to stare at, observe in an obvious manner
robust (adj.)
strong, healthy, tough
burnish (v.)
to polish
euphony (n.)
pleasant sounds
levity (n.)
flippancy, joking about serious matters
olfactory (adj.)
concerned with the sense of smell
potable (adj.)
safe to drink
ruminate (v.)
to ponder, contemplate
delineation (n.)
the portrayal, outlining
byline (n.)
the line that tells you who wrote an article
liniment (n.)
a soothing lotion
saccharin (n.)
a sweet tasting synthetic compound
cacophony (n.)
a discordant of loud noise
sacrosanct (adj.)
very holy, inviolable
exceptionable (adj.)
objectionable, causing disapproval or offense
exculpate (v.)
to free someone from blame, pardon, to acquit
onus (n.)
a burden, responsibility
deplore (v.)
to disapprove of
execrable (adj.)
very, very bad
exegesis (n.)
a scholarly explanation/interpretation
precept (n.)
a guiding principle
precinct (n.)
a district of a city, boundaries
sallow (adj.)
candor (n.)
honesty, frankness
ordain (v.)
to grant holy orders on a priest; to decree; to predetermine
opaque (adj.)
not transparent
immoderate (adj.)
excessive, extreme
cantankerous (adj.)
bad-tempered, quarrelsome
precipice (n.)
steep slope
truant (n.)
someone absent without permission, who evades work and responsibilities
ambulatory (adj.)
able to walk around
capacious (adj.)
exhaustive (adj.)
complete and thorough
impious (adj.)
wicked, profane
ossify (v.)
to turn into bone; to become fixed and rigid
sanctimonious (adj.)
hypocritically holy, making a show of being morally superior to other people
desist (v.)
to stop, cease, abstain
lummox (n.)
a clumsy person
turpitude (n.)
depravity, wickedness
expatriate (n.)
an emigrant, refugee
sanguinary (adj.)
bloodthirsty, bloody
castigate (v.)
to scold strongly
overt (adj.)
obvious, not hidden
expedient (adj.)
convenient, practical
destitution (n.)
hardship, poverty, misery
machination (n.)
plot, plan
unalloyed (adj.)
pure, unreserved
overwrought (adj.)
in a state of nervous excitement or anxiety
incarceration (n.)
putting in prison
analgesic (n.)
medicine to combat pain
maelstrom (n.)
a whirlpool storm in the ocean
savant (n.)
a person with knowledge
unctuous (adj.)
oily, using excessive flattery
incipient (adj.)
just beginning
palisade (n.)
fence made of posts
cavalcade (n.)
a procession of vehicles
extradite (v.)
to deport from one country back to home country
maladroit (adj.)
clumsy, unskillful
censorious (adj.)
disapproving, critical
malady (n.)
a disease, illness
palpable (adj.)
easily felt, easily perceived
extrinsic (adj.)
irrelevant, on the outside
malediction (n.)
a curse
panacea (n.)
a remedy for all ills
unfrock (v.)
to remove a priest from his position
scuttle (v.)
to sink
malefactor (n.)
a wrong-doer
seminary (n.)
an institution in which priests are trained
malinger (v.)
to deliberately avoid work, shrink
proclivity (n.)
tendency towards
certitude (n.)
a certainty
dike (n.)
a dam, embankment
chary (adj.)
wary, cautious
prodigal (adj.)
wasteful, extravagant
upbraid (v.)
to scold, reprimand
fastidious (adj.)
punctilious, meticulous