Sarcoid Flashcards
Lofgren syndrome (4)
Hilar adenopathy
Erythema nodosum
Heerfordt sydnrome
Parotid gland enlargement
BAL findings typical for sarcoid?
CD4/CD8 over 3.5 (but only in 60%)
CT findings in sarcoid?
Subpleural reticulonodular changes
Peribronchial thickening
UPPER LOBE PREDOMINANT INFILTRATES (also hypersens pneumonitis, silicosis, langerhand cell histiocytosis, TB, pneumocystis)
When do you treat sarcoid?
When there are symptoms
Staging- describe
0 normal 1 hilar LN but normal lung parenchyma 2 hilar LN + abnormal parenchyma 3 no LN but abnormal lung parenchyma 4 Parenchymal changes with fibrosis and architectural distortion
Once 3, less than 1/3 spontaneously remit.
Classic cranial nerve palsy?
What is the most specific skin finding?
Lupus pernio
-chronic raised purplish lesion on face or nose- pathognomonic
Can also see erythema nodosum
Paniculitis lower limbs- painful nodules
Cardiac sarcoid- what happens?
Heart block and sudden cardiac death
Can look with cardiac MRI
Hypercalcaemia- how??
noncaseating granulomas secrete 1,25 vitamin D–>hypercalcaemia and hypercalciuria via enhanced GI absorption.
ACE sensitivity?
60% at diagnosis
spec 70%
ACEi articficially decrease level
Leprosy, miliary TB, hyperthyroidism and Gauchers disease also increase.
Most common PFT abnormality
Reduced DLCO 15-20%
If DLCO goes below 60 or sesat to below 90 on 6MWT, then they are 12 x more likely to get pulmonary hypertension!
When would you treat sarcoid?
If extra-pulmonary sarcoid
Deterioration in PFTs
Troubling resp symptoms
Steroids 0.3-0.6 mg/kg and taper over 1 year
MTX or AZA as steroid sparing or steroid nonresponsive agents.
Topical steroids ok for ocular disease
Can use inhaled CS for bronchial disease if mild cough or
MRI findings in cardiac sarcoid?
T1-weighted (cine) imaging –>wall motion abnormalities, hypertrophy due to possible infiltrative disease, wall thinning, or heart failure.
Late gadolinium enhancement –> assesses fibrosis or scar and may represent chronic rather than active disease
Look for non vascular territory involvement.