SAPs Flashcards
An employee who is temporarily unable to perform the duties of his/her classification may be temporarily reassigned without reduction in pay, in accordance with the Civil Service and Personnel Rules and Regulations, to other duties commensurate with the employee’s qualifications, his/her physical and psychological restrictions and appropriate employment for up to ___________.
One year
The primary consideration regarding injured personnel is the provision of _____________________. Processing the appropriate forms is the secondary consideration.
Prompt evaluation & necessary treatment.
The Worker’s Compensation Law is clear in specifying that the City of Jacksonville, as an employer, is _______________ for unauthorized medical expenses, unless the City of Jacksonville fails to provide remedial treatment.
Not responsible.
In all cases, if the injury is of an emergent nature, the Company Officer or immediate supervisor will immediately notify__________ and ensure that all necessary equipment/personnel are en route. As soon as the Company Officer or immediate supervisor is able, he/she will contact the _____________________ at (904) 718-HURT (4878), 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
Health & Safety Officer
If the injury directly affects the status or manpower of the company or station, the Company Officer or immediate supervisor will immediately notify FRCC of the inability of that apparatus to respond. The ____________ will then notify that company’s District/Battalion Chief. The Company Officer will contact the Health & Safety Officer at (904) 718-4878.
The FRCC Supervisor
For non-emergent job-related injuries or illnesses the Company Officer will immediately contact the ______________ (904) 718-HURT(4878) 24 hours a day, 7 days a week..
Health & Safety Officer
If illness/injury occurs while on an activity for which a CCR # has been assigned, ___________ will be used.
That CCR#
After receiving the initial diagnosis from the medical facility, the _________________ will report the employee’s status to the employee’s District/Battalion Chief.
Health & Safety Officer
Note-The District/Battalion Chief will then notify the employee’s Company Officer.
All OJI personnel recovering at home are required to contact the Health & Safety Officer every Monday before _____________ at (904-718-HURT)
10:00 AM
All personnel who are already assigned to a Limited Duty location need only report to that work location prior to __________, unless otherwise instructed.
8:00 AM
If an employee wishes to go out-of-town while on OJI, permission must be obtained from the appropriate ______________ through the Health and Safety Officer.
Division Chief
If the employee will be off work for an extended period, the ______________________ will be responsible for keeping the appropriate Division Chief informed of all pertinent information.
Health & Safety Officer
Unless contraindicated on the doctor’s slip, personnel on OJI shall be assigned to _________________ by the Health and Safety Officer.
Limited duty (40 hour work week).
Personnel assigned to limited-duty will be required to report to ____________unless directed otherwise
When personnel assigned to limited-duty are unable to report to work due to sickness, they must notify the Health and Safety Officer no later than _________that same day
7:30 AM
Personnel assigned to limited duty that wish to be off on Annual Leave (AL) the request must be made according to the procedures outlined in the ___________________.
Collective Bargaining Agreement
Limited Duty personnel assigned to Headquarters will
request the time off through the ____________. Personnel assigned to other Divisions (Training Academy, Tactical Support, etc.) must coordinate the request through their immediate supervisor.
Health & Safety Officer
Short term disability. Impairment is of limited duration or _____________ & is treatable
Less then one year.
An employee on short-term limited duty for a year who does not qualify for a long term limited duty position as described below shall be subject to ______________ in accordance with the Civil Service Rules and Regulations as a result of that employees’ inability to perform the essential functions of his/her job.
A Short-Term Limited Duty Committee consists of the following members:
Deputy Director/ Assistant Fire Chief
Chief of Rescue
Chief of Fire Operations
Health & Safety Officer, & the JFRD assigned Human Resources Manager.
Which employees are not eligible to enter a long term limited duty position?
Those who have entered DROP
Those who are eligible to retire (20 years of service.)
All “fit-for-duty” examinations will be determined by the _____________________.
Civil Service Rules & Regulations.
The JFRD shall make available a combined number of positions up to _____of the total uniformed staff and will designate them as long-term limited duty positions.
Note- Seven positions as of April 2009
Each employee who wishes to be placed in a long-term limited duty position so designated must be able to perform the functions of that position with the exception of the ability to____________________.
Respond to an emergency.
Assignment to a long-term limited duty position shall be for 12 months, reviewed annually, and may be renewed up to a maximum of _____________ of service and eligible to retire.
20 years
An annual medical exam of those employees who qualify for long-term limited duty may be required and reviewed by the ___________________.
Long Term Limited Duty Committee
A Long-Term Limited Duty Committee consists of the following members:
Deputy Director/ Assistant Fire Chief Chief of Rescue Chief of Fire Operations Health & Safety Officer JFRD assigned Human Resources Manager JFRD Finance Officer.
Note- This committee shall meet at least once annually.
If required, the following reports shall be completed as soon as possible following the incident by the Health & Safety Officer:
Worker’s Compensation Medical Report Form
First Report of Injury or Illness (online)
Florida Fire Service Casualty Report
JFRD Exposure Report Form
Source Patient Tracking Form
Discipline shall normally be administered by the following progressive measures.
Written reprimand
Reduction in pay/ demotion
Rule infraction charges forms should be forwarded through the chain of command to the ____________________.
Chief of Professional Standards
No charge should come from the field without the _____________ having the opportunity to review the details and provide appropriate input.
District/ Battalion Chiefs
Effective within 24 hours after the arrest, the employee shall notify the ___________________.
Chief or Professional Standards
Note- In cases where the employee is arrested AND jailed, notification must take place within 24 hours of release.
(Arrested employee) will report to the Chief of Professional Standards and will NOT report to their___________________.
Normal work assignment
Any employee determined to require an extended assignment to administrative duty shall have their status reviewed at _____________ days
30 & 180
The employee is responsible for notifying the Chief of Professional Standards within 5 working days of the status of the final legal disposition.
Most offenses have a _____________ statute of limitations.
2 year
For disciplinary purposes, 1 day is equal to:
8 hours for 40 hour week employees
12 hours for 56 hour week employees
In cases where there is potential liability for JFRD (vehicle incidents), notify FRCC by ________________ to relay information to Claims Adjuster. Do not broadcast this information over the radio.
Cell phone
Vehicle incidents. FRCC notifies.
District/ Battalion Chief
Law Enforcement
Tac Support
City Insurance/ Claims Adjuster
Completed Vehicle Damage Reports (VDR) should be delivered to Tac Support the __________.
Same day.
Note- If after hours, deliver on the next business day.
Any JFRD vehicle incident, regardless of damage or injury, shall require completion of a ___________.
VDR (Vehicle Damage Report)
Vehicle Incident Review Committee consists of.
Division Chief or Operations (permanent Chair)
Designee appointed by President of IAFF Local 122
Manager of Tactical Support Facility
Certified EVOC instructor
Engineer selected by the Director/ Fire Chief (1 year term)
Chairman of the Safety Committee (or designee)
Note- The chair has authority to increase committee membership at his/her discretion. At least 3 committee members must be present to review incidents.
Vehicle Incident review Committee. The __________________will ensure that all pertinent VDRs are complete & sufficient data is available for the committee to review.
Recording secretary
The chairperson (Vehicle Incident Review Committee) may request any of the following information regarding the vehicle operator that may be pertinent such as:
Previous Vehicle Damage Reports
Civilian driving record from the Department pf Motor Vehicles (DMV)
Vehicle Incident defined as an incident that was not preventable, or the investigation indicates no fault on the part of the JFRD engineer/ operator. Example; citation issued to a private party.
Class 1
Vehicle incident that has been determined to be the fault of the engineer/ operator and/ or company officer who violated JFRD Rules & Regulations, violated Florida Driving Statues. misjudged clearance, or failed to drive defensively. Examples: backing incidents, any incident where JFRD engineer/ operator is cited by a law enforcement agency.
Class 2
A vehicle incident which occurred because the engineer/ operator and/
or company officer displayed negligence, a willful disregard for JFRD Rules & Regulations, or Florida driving statutes. Examples: Excessive speed, aggressive driving, failure to yield, or DUI on duty.
Class 3 Incident
Refer complaints or issues relating to patient care to _________________.
The Office of Quality Improvement
Refer all other complaints (non-medical) to the ____________________.
Office of Professional Standards
JFRD members are expected to perform their duties in an efficient & courteous & orderly manner. They shall exercise patience & _____________________ at all times.
Good judgment
Discrimination/harassment. The time limit for filing a complaint is within __________ days from the date of the alleged discrimination/ harassment or within ________days from the date an applicant could have been reasonably aware that he/she was discriminated/harassed.
Individuals wishing to file a discrimination/harassment complaint may contact the JFRD’s ________________ Monday-Friday from 0800-1700. After 1700, or on weekends & holidays, contact FRCC to reach the ________________.
EEO Officer (Email: JFRDEEO@coj.ney) Duty Division Chief
Note- An employee may schedule an appointment with the JFRD EEO Officer during normal business hours without loss of time or pay. See provisions in SAP 333
At management’s request. the JFRD EEO Officer will provide a written statement attesting to the employee’s _______________________.
Arrival & departure times
Records of complaints filed at the JFRD EEO Office level shall be maintained for no less than ________________.
2 years
Note- in the event of state & federal charges of discrimination, the department shall maintain all records relevant to the matter until final disposition.
Records shall be stored in a secure file separate from personnel records.
Advise the employee of the right to file his/her complaint at the next level when the JFRD EEO Officer is reasonably sure that informal resolution cannot be reached in _____________.
10 days
Upon completion of an investigation. the JFRD EEO Officer will provide a confidential memorandum to the ________________________.
Director of Fire & Rescue
If a complaint is beyond 30 days (discrimination/harassment). the individual should be referred to:
Within 180 days of last harm- Jacksonville Human Rights Commission
Within 300 days of last harm- Equal Employment Opportunity Commission
Within 365 days of last harm- Florida Commission of Human Relationships
The ____________Rule protects the privacy of individually identifiable health information transmitted orally or in writing.
The __________________ protects a subset of information covered by the privacy rule, which is all individually identifiable health information covered entity creates, receives, maintains, or transmits in electronic form.
Security Rule
The Florida Information Protection Act (FIPA- Florida Statute 501.171) expands the definition of personal information to include a person’s___________________.
1st name or 1st initial & last name.
Florida Statute 401.30 states that records of _____________________ which contain patient examination or treatment information are confidential & exempt from the provisions of Florida Public Records Laws (Florida Statue 119.07 (1). 7 may not be disclosed without the consent of the patient to whom they pertain.
Emergency calls
Note- Limited disclosure may be made without consent for the following:
Patient’s guardian
Next of kin if the patient is deceased
A parent if the patient is a minor
The receiving hospital personnel for use in conjunction with treatment.
A geographic subdivision with ___________or fewer people (includes street address) is considered to be an individually identifier.
Employee health information muse be stored in a file or location that is ______________ from an employee’s personnel file.
Note- Must also be locked with limited access.
JFRD can disclose the following to identify or locate a suspect, fugitive, material witness, or missing person.
Name & address Date & place of birth Social security number Blood type Type of injury Date & time of treatment Date & time of death Distinguishing physical characteristics such as height, weight, gender, tattoos, etc.q
A law enforcement official requesting PHI should be directed to contact ___________________.
JFRD’s Privacy Officer
In the absence of a signed authorization for release of PHI from the patient, the PIO or District Chief may only release:
Number of patients Age & gender (unless it can be reasonable used to identify patient(s) Designation of personnel Hospital Type of transport One-word patient condition.
One word patient conditions.
Undetermined- patient has yet to be assessed
Good- vital signs within normal limits, patient comfortable
Fair- vital signs within normal limits, patient uncomfortable
Serious- vital signs not within normal limits, patient acutely ill
Critical- vital signs not within normal limits, patient unconscious
The identity or names of injured/deceased patients shall only be released by the appropriate ____________________.
Law enforcement agency
Upon completion of their intended use, any such photos (photos taken during an incident) must be forwarded to __________________ for compliance with public records retention laws.
Note- Photos must then be permanently deleted from the phone/camera.
Radio communications on hospital channels is ____________.
A written __________________ is provided to all transported patients via mail as soon as it is reasonably practicable to do so after the emergency has ended.
Notice Of Privacy Practices (NOPP)
Note- This notice is also available at
Personnel who receive a subpoena for testimony or deposition shall immediately forward it to the ____________________.
Privacy Officer at
Once the date, time, & location of the appearance are scheduled (in response to a subpoena) personnel shall notify their ____________to ensure proper time record entry & compensation.
District Chief
If copies of JFRD incident reports are needed, personnel shall contact the __________________ or Privacy Officer for assistance.
Records Specialist
Uniformed personnel shall wear _____________or _____________ uniforms when appearing in-person or via videoconference for a JFRD-related subpoena.
Class B
Class C
Breach notification will occur within 60 days of incident & include notifying news media or posting online if breach affected more than ___________patients as required by law.
Types of impairments that prevents an employee from being able to perform the duties required of his/her position.
Unless hospitalized, all personnel shall report their status _____________.
OJI personnel currently admitted to a facility, are required to contact the JFRD HSO __________________ in order to process all the required paperwork.
After they are discharged
All OJI personnel recovering at home are required to contact the HSO every Monday before _______________.
10:00 AM
Note- If Monday is a City of Jacksonville recognized holiday, you must call them the next business day.
When personnel assigned to limited-duty are unable to report to work due to sickness, they must notify the HSO no later than ______________ that same day.
7:30 AM
The short term disability committee will meet _____________ to assign personnel to limited duty work & check the injury status of all personnel on short-term limited duty.
Definition of Long Term Limited Duty
Extensive duration (more than 1 year) & requires ongoing treatment.
All “fit for duty” examinations will be determined by the ___________________.
Civil Service Rules & Regulations.
The combined number of positions up to ___________ of the total uniformed staff are designated as long-term limited duty positions.
Note- There were 7 as of April, 2009.
Authority for SAP 323 is provided under________________.
Executive Order 92-161
JFRD members are expected to perform their duties in an__________________ manner.
Efficient, courteous, & orderly