Sampling Flashcards
Opportunity Sampling
Taking the people available at the time
Volunteer Sampling
Taking the people who have volunteered
Random Sampling
Taking a sample of the population with no bias
Stratified Sampling
Taking members of the population in an unbiased way but guaranteed to be representative in certain ways
e.g. a certain strata of boys & girls, then filling these stratas randomly
Random Sample eval.
Unbiased, all population have equal chance of selection. Not all may agree to ppt however
Not always random as some may not agree to take part
Stratified sample eval.
All subgroups are represented in proportion to the numbers in the population
Specific groups can be chosen according to the variables considered to be important by the experimenter - control over extraneous variables
Decision of which subgroup to use may be biased
Very lengthy to do and ppts. selected may not always agree to take part
Volunteer sample eval.
Ppts. less likely to drop out
Can get specialised groups of students e.g. if looking to study behaviour of medical students it would be better to put an Ad in a med school than stand in the street hoping to find med students
Volunteers more likely to be highly motivated or more spare time than GP
Maybe more prone to responding to demand characteristics
Opportunity Sample eval.
Most convenient and least time consuming
Biased as is only taking people from a certain place
Ppts. may refuse to take part, so has weaknesses of volunteer sample like being more responsiveness to demand characteristics