Research Methods - Cognitive - Case Studies Flashcards
Case Study Pros & Cons
Example for each one
2 Pros, 3 Cons
Pros -
Can be used to investigate instances of human behaviour that are rare or cases that could not be created in research labs (e.g. damage to specific brain areas) e.g. KF
Produces rich, in-depth data because the complex interaction of many factors is investigated, compared to lab studies where variables are controlled. This is useful for psychologists who take a holistic view
Difficult to generalise as each one has unique characteristics. We also cant make before and after comparisons. e.g. Phineas Gage we only have anecdotal evidence of what he was like before the accident
Often necessary to use a recollection of past events as part of a case study. This is an issue as such evidence may be unreliable due to recall e.g. Phineas Gage, only know what he was like before from friends
Ethical issues. Confidentiality is hard as many cases are easily identifiable because of their unique characteristics even when names are not given e.g. HM’s name was hidden until he died in 2008
3 Case Studies in Cognitive
Phineas Gage
Phineas Gage
Rod through his skull and frontal lobe.
Gage was said to be ‘impatient and with little deference’ by his Doctor. His friends said he was a changed man
Hippocampus removed to cure epileptic seizures
He lost the ability to form new memories, but kept memories from prior to the surgery.
Motorcycle accident lost his STM
Case Study AO1
A case study is a study of one single case.
They are usually about one person and usually conducted over a long period of time.
They use a lot of qualitative information