Samplex 2017 Flashcards
Smallest living cell?
a. Virus
b. Bacteria
c. Fungi
d. Protozoan
Nuclear region of bacteria
a. Nucleus
b. Mesosomes
c. Nucleoid
d. Nuclear membrane
What type of microorganism has only molecular oxygen as the final electron acceptor?
a. Obligate aerobe
b. Obligate anaerobe
c. Strictly anaerobe
d. Facultative anaerobe
Bacteria that grows as temperature as high as 500 C to 550 C
a. Psychotrophs
b. Thermotrophs
c. Thermophiles
d. Psychrophiles
Primary used stain for Gram stain
a. Crystal violet
b. Lugol’s iodine
c. Carbofuschin
d. Safranin
If the culture of Staphylococcus were prepared several days ago, what would be the appearance in Gram’s stain?
a. Purple
b. Light purple
c. Pink
d. Rainbow
What stage of growth is there slow loss of cells through death that is just balanced by the formation of new through growth and division?
a. Decline
b. Lag
c. Maximal stationary
d. Exponential
Which layer of the endospores outer covering/coat is the germ cell layer?
a. Exosporium
b. Thick Cortex
c. Spore membrane
d. Inner core
Which statement best describes fimbriae?
a. Most Gram positive bacteria have a set of fimbriae
b. Also known as “common pili”
c. Larger than flagella
d. Facilitates transfer of genetic material
Which of the following is true about endotoxin?
a. Commonly referred to as lipopolysaccharide
b. Mostly produced by Gram positive bacteria
c. Staphylococcus aureus produces it
d. Are heat labile compared to heat stable exotoxins
Some bacteria have protein thread-like appendage called flagella. Which of the following statements is correct?
a. Flagella is found exclusively in Gram negative bacteria.
b. The flagella is affixed to the bacteria by a basal body.
c. The flagella is composed of repeating polysaccharide units called flagellin.
d. The bacteria and its flagellin are seen in Gram stain.
One of the distinguishing features of prokaryotes is its ability to exhange genetic information. Which of the following aids the transfer?
a. Cell wall
b. Surface glycoprotein
c. Adherins
d. Plasmid
The process of passing the DNA (from) one bacterium to another in a bacteriophage and incorporated into the recipient’s DNA is
a. Transduction
b. Conjugation
c. Transformation
d. Transcription
Which of the following regarding bacteria DNA is correct?
a. It contains histone proteins
b. It is only single-stranded
c. It is a single circular loop
d. Bacteria only has 4 chromosomes
Cluster of polar flagella
a. Amphitrichous
b. Monotrichous
c. Peritrichous
d. Lophotrichous
Bacterial cell wall are composed of peptidoglycan. What is the other name of this compound?
a. N-acetyl muramic acid
b. N-acetyl glucosamine
c. Murein mucopeptide
d. Mesodiaminopimetic acid
What is periplasm?
a. Area between outer and inner cell membranes in Gram positive bacteria
b. Area between outer and inner cell membranes in Gram negative bacteria
c. Area outside the cell membrane exposed to environmental conditions
d. Area within the plasma membrane
In the growth curve, which is associated with the lag phase?
a. Period of initial adjustment
b. Transitional period
c. Generation time
d. Period of no activity
Who proposed the 5-kingdom classification?
a. Koch
b. Whittaker
c. Jenner
d. Pasteur
Which of the following is absent in Gram positive bacterium?
a. Cytoplasm
b. Lipopolysaccharide
c. Phospholipid bilayer
d. Penicillin binding protein
The bacteria contain pores to alter the passage of nutrients into the cell. Where are the porins located?
a. Outer membrane of Gram negative bacteria
b. Thick peptidoglycan layer of Gram positive bacteria
c. Plasma membrane of bacterium
d. Nuclear area of bacterium
Microorganisms have characteristics that differentiate them. Which is correct?
a. DNA and RNA are both in virus
b. Fungi and bacteria have peptidoglycan in the cell wall
c. Bacteria and fungi undergo binary fission
d. Virus has independent metabolism activity
Bacterial cell membrane is composed of a phospholipid bilayer. Which statement is true?
a. Basic structure of cell membrane contains proteins usually sterols
b. Membrane has roles in synthetic, secretory, electron transport processes
c. Cell membrane is not functional comparable to many eukaryotic organelle
d. Cell membrane of Gram positive and Gram negative are different in composition
Enzyme used by aerobic bacteria to break down toxic forms of oxygen?
a. Coagulase
b. Peroxidase
c. Hyaluronidase
Which of the following organisms are associated with pili?
a. Virus
b. Fungi
c. Gram positive bacteria
d. Gram negative bacteria
How are fungi different from bacteria?
a. Fungi are prokaryotic with true nucleus, 80s ribosomes, mitochondria and ER.
b. Bacteria are prokaryotes, no true nucleus, 70s ribosomes, and no ER.
c. Both fungi and bacteria contain cell wall and cell membrane contain sterols.
d. Fungi are eukaryotic with true nucleus and 50s and 30s ribosomes.
Difference between mold and yeast?
a. Parasitic phase is mold phase.
b. Yeast are single-celled and reproduce by budding.
c. Both have pseudohyphase and blastoconidia.
d. Molds are filamentous and grow by branching pseudohyphae.
Sabouraud’s dextrose agar is used to culture fungi because
a. Low pH does not allow bacteria to grow
b. High dextrose does not allow bacteria to grow
Which of the following situations that allow fungal microogranisms to be introduced into the host would not result in dermatophyte infection?
a. Playing with cat
b. Playing in soil
c. Inhailing conidia
d. Walking on soil
e. Sharing a towel
Dermatophyte infection
a. No chronic
b. Keratinized
c. Diffused alveolar
Which fungal elements is not normally found in the host’s body?
a. Reproductive mycelium
b. Vegetative
c. Yeast
d. Cyst
[T/F] Yeast are unicellular and fungi are filamentous
[T/F] A mass of intertwined hyphal elements is called a mycelium.
[T/F] Conidia are specialized nonmotile structures with asexual spores formed from hyphal wall.
[T/F] Fungi can also have sexual sporulation
[T/F] Asexual fungi are medically significant fungi.
[T/F] Dimorphic fungus exist as yeast during sapropobic phase.
[T/F] The sequence of monosaccharides make up the prokaryotic DNA.
[T/F] Plasmids are RNA chromosomes that encode for antibiotic resistance.
[T/F] Antibacterial capsule is a major virulence characteristic of bacteria.
[T/F] Viruses are destroyed by heat but they can thrive in adverse environments if they are naked.
A 7 year old stumbled on wood with protruding nail. He got fever due to infected wound. What type of immunity was developed?
a. innate
b. natural active
c. artificial
d. natural passive
Volunteer got leptospirosis during habagat, what did he develop?
a. innate, inborn immunity
b. natural, active, specific/adaptive immunity
c. artificial, active, specific/adaptive immunity
d. natural, passive, specific/adaptive immunity
e. artificial, passive, specific/adaptive immunity
What immunity does a baby gain when his mother have him vaccinated with BCG, etc.?
a. Inborn/innate immunity
b. natural active specific immunity
c. natural passive specific immunity
d. acquired active specific immunity
e. acquired passive specific immunity
Which type of immunity is manifested by a healthy person infected by intracellular bacteria and/or fungi?
a. Humoral cell response
b. Cytotoxic T-cell response and mainly cells of the innate, inborn, non-specific immunity
c. Classical component cascade pathway
d. Alternative complement pathway
Which are mainly involved in elimination of extracellular bacteria?
a. Antibodies
b. Cytotoxic T cells
c. Helper T cells
d. Natural killer lymphocytes/LGL
For viruses, CMIR is the major immunity activated to eliminate the pathogen, which of the following is/are the evasive mechanisms/s used by viruses to evade the immune system?
a. Masking of the surface antigen
b. Sialic acid content recognized by immunocompetent cells as “self” since cells have sialic component
c. Release of protease and other enzymes
d. Phase variations of antigen
Hypersensitivity Type I
a. CD
b. IL 6, 8, 10
c. IgA
d. IgE
Synthesis of antibodies activated by lymphokines.
a. Cytotoxic T-cells
b. T helper 1 cells
c. T helper 2 cells
d. T repressor cells
Effectors of mucosal immunity?
a. Alpha beta T and IgA
b. Alpha beta T and IgE
c. IgG and IgE
d. Gamma delta and IgE
e. Gamma delta and IgA
Structural unit of viral capsid
a. Capsomere
b. Protomer
c. Hematogluttin
d. pocholol
What is the term used for the entire infectious unit or complete virus particle?
a. Nucleocapsid
b. Virion
c. Viral envelope
d. Viroid
The statement “viruses contain only one type of nucleic acid, either DNA or RNA is
Viruses only infect eukaryotic cells
Viruses that are not enveloped have external capsid.
The statement, “viruses are cultivated in cell cultures from animal specimen” is
Used to classify virus
a. Genome property
b. Type of respiration
c. Type of cell culture
Biopsychosocial model:
a. States that health and illness is attributed to physiological fracture which can be determined
b. Uses a systemic approach
c. Is the traditional model
d. A, B and C
e. A and B only
The biopsyhosocial model of health and disease:
a. State of illness is a dynamic state
b. It is an interaction of several factors
c. Composed of distinct entities: mind and body
d. A, B and C are correct
e. Only A and B are correct
The BPS model applies:
a. Cardiovascular diseases
b. Depression
c. Diabetes mellitus
d. All of the above
e. A and B only
[Response to Stress] A woman with repressed sexual urges insists that all men are preoccupied with sex.
[Response to Stress] A preacher who become crusaders against “loose morals” may be struggling with their own sexual impulses
Reaction formation
[Response to Stress] Daydreaming about winning P100 M in the next lottery draw
[Response to Stress] A woman has sexual affairs because she is angry at her husband
– Acting out
[Response to Stress] Anger and resentment of the advantages of others can be funneled into obsession to excel in lucrative field
[Response to Stress] Rape victim unable to recall the details of what happened the night of the crime
[Response to Stress] College student says he really didn’t want to go to Bali when he missed the change to go with his family
[Response to Stress] When a teenager cannot express her anger at her parents and begins to hate herself
Refers to infestation of the body by fleas:
a. Dermatoses
b. Canthariasis
c. Myiasis
d. Acaniasis
Sex determination of mosquitoes
a. Proboscis
b. Antennae
c. Compound eyes
d. Legs
The following are human ectoparasites EXCEPT:
a. Body louse adult
b. Crab louse nit
c. Head louse something
d. Itch mite adult
Vector of Chikungunya virus?
a. Aedes albopictus
b. Culex
c. Anopheles
d. Culex tritaeniorynchus
All of the following are vectors of Bancroftian elephantiasis
a. Mansonia
b. Aedes
c. Anopheles
d. None of the above