Samplex 2014 Set B (Parasitology) Flashcards
The primary vector of malaria in the Philippines is
a. Anopheles maculatus
b. Anopheles balabecensis
c. Anopheles mangyanus
d. Anopheles flavirostris
Which of the following is not transmitted by Pediculus humanus humanus?
a. trench fever
b. relapsing fever
c. murine typhus
d. epidemic typhus
Mechanical transmission of disease agents by non-biting flies is facilitated by the following except:
a. presence of hairs on the body of the fly
b. the filthy feeding habits of flies
c. the presence of both sexes
d. provision of the sponging lapping mouthparts
What is the beetle intermediate host of Raillietina garrisoni?
a. Sitophilus
b. Acanthoscelides
c. Tribolium
d. Dermestes
Vector of Trypanosoma cruzi
a. Rhodnius prolixus
b. Panstrongylus megistus
c. Triatoma infestans
d. All of the above
Refers to the infection of the body by flies:
a. dermatosis b. canthanasis c. myasis d. acariasis
Among insects, sex differentiation can be determined by their:
a. proboscis
b. antennae
c. wings
d. color
Which of the following is not an ectoparasite:
a. body louse adult
b. crab louse nits
c. head louse nymph
d. itch mites
Which of these is not a biological vector?
a. mosquito larva
b. adult fly
c. flea larva
d. Kissing bug egg
The lesions created by this insect are arranged in a zigzag pattern
a. Pulex
b. Culex
c. Cimex
d. none of the above
The following features of the louse are adaptation for parasitism except:
a. small wingless body
b. piercing, sucking mouthpart
c. slender legs with claw
d. short antennae
Human flea:
a. Pulex irritans
b. Ctenocephalides canis
c. Xenopsylla cheopis
d. Tunga penetrans
Which of the following causes specific myiasis?
a. housefly
b. botfly
c. blowfly
d. latrine fly
The following species transmit hepatitis virus except:
a. cimex lectularius
b. cimex hemipterus
c. leptocimex boueti
d. rhodnius prolixus
The following diseases can be transmitted by the flea except:
a) hymenolepiasis
b) dipylidiasis
c) plague
d) scrub typhus
Bancroftian filariasis in the Philippines is transmitted by the following mosquitoes, except:
a. Mansonia
b. Aedes
c. Anopheles
d. None of the above
Man and animals attract mosquitoes by:
a. breath
b. sweat
c. warmth
d. all of the above
Arthropod that burrows itself under the upper layers of skin.
a. Sarcoptes
b. Pediculus
c. Phthrirus
d. Cimex
Sarcoptes causes scabies
This species is also known as the house dust mite.
a. Dermatophagoides
b. Acarus
c. Lepidoglyphus
d. Tyrophagus
This is the biological vector of Japanese encephalitis.
a. Aedes albopictus
b. Mansonia bonneae
c. Anopheles poecillius
d. Culex tritaeniorhynchus
Which of the following statements is true?
a. In a symbiotic relationship, both organisms must benefit.
b. The human pinworm has an indirect life cycle.
c. In a paratenic host, the parasite is alive but unable to undergo further development.
d. Facultative parasites are unable to survive outside the host’s body.
Erythematous rash in a man’s foot caused by cutaneous larva migrans from a dog flea. Man is what kind of host?
a. accidental
b. indirect
c. direct
d. reservoir
Which of the following helminths requires an intermediate host?
a. ascaris
b. blood fluke
c. hookworm
d. whipworm
A man walking barefoot experienced an itching in his foot’s sole. The parasite that caused the itching was a dog hookworm. The man served as what kind of host?
a. Accidental host
b. Intermediate host
c. definite host
d. all of the above
which of the following is a characteristic of trichuris infection?
a. most frequently asymptomatic
b. characterized by lung to GI migration
c. small intestine intussusceptions
d. characterized by autoinfection
What is the symptom of Ascaris infection that should not be included in the following:
a. bowel obstruction
b. rectal prolapsed
c. enhanced migration
c. transient respiratory syndrome
Rectal prolapse is a symptom of trichuris trichiura infection. Symptoms of Ascaris includes abdominal pain, intestinal obstruction and transient respiratory syndrome
In hookworm infection, ground itch is caused by?
a. penetration of skin by filariform larva
b. rhabditiform migration in subcutaneous tissue
c. larval migration from alveoli to trachea
d. allergic reaction from egg antigen
Best way of diagnosing Strongyloides stercolitica
a. eggs in FES (fecal smear)
b. rhabditiform larva in FECT (formalin-ether concentration technique)
c. filariform larvae in Kato-thick smear
d. eggs in duodenal aspirate
People heavily infected with hookworm for several months will manifest
a. pallor
b. rash on the feet
c. vomiting
d. wheezing
hookworm –> anemia -> pallor
All of the following are good control measures against STH except
a. wearing of sleepers and shoes
b. periodic mass treatment with anti-helminthic
c. chemical eradication of filariform larva in the soil
d. avoiding using human feces as fertilizer
the use of chemical might have a deleterious effect in the health of humans living near the area where the chemical was used.