Samplex 2016 Flashcards
Viral damage to host cell is manifested by what inflammation?
a. Suppurative b. Necotic c. Granulomatous d. Cytopathologic-Cytoproliferative inflammation
Morphological characteristics of cellular aging?
a. Hemosiderin b. Abnormal pleiomorphic vacuolated ribosomes c. Abnormally lobed nucleus d. Abnormally folded golgi apparatus
Which statement is correct?
a. Acute inflammation is typified by infiltration of mononuclear lymphocytes b. Chronic inflammation can occur without prior acute inflammation c. Abscess formation is part of fibrinous inflammation d. Suppurous inflammation produces transudates
A deficiency in Gp1b receptor results to which condition?
a. Chokes and bends b. Glanzmann Thrombasthenia c. Caisson Disease d. Bernard Soulier syndrome
Which of the following is inhibited by steroids
a. Phospholipase b. Prostaglandin c. Prostacyclin d. Thromboxane
type of chronic inflammation characterized by activated macrophage with a modified epithelial like (epitheloid) appearance.
a. Granulomatous inflammation b. Suppurative inflammation c. Serous inflammation d. f---purulent inflammation
This condition happens when the embolus has gained access into the arterial circulation.
a. Systematic embolism b. Pulmonary embolism c. Amniotic Fluid embolism d. Air embolism
What is/are the source/s of histamine and serotonin?
a. Mast cell b. Basophils c. Platelets d. AOTA
In this solid tissue hypoxia-induced necrosis is due to autolysis rather than protein denaturation.
a. Kidney b. Spleen c. Brain d. Liver
What is prothromic?
a. Prostacyclin b. Tissue Factor c. Plasmin d. Thrombomodulin
Signaling to neighboring cell.
a. Autocrine b. Endocrine c. Paracrine d. Eccrine
Why is there no inflammation during apoptosis?
a. Rapid phagocytosis of apoptotic bodies b. No enzymes in apoptotic bodies c. No proteins inside apoptotic bodies d. None of the choices
Leukomoid reactions
a. ~15 000 – 20 000 cells/uL b. ~40 000 – 100 000 cells/uL c. < 10 000 cells/uL d. < 5 000 cells/uL
A routine aerobic culture of the respiratory specimen of the pneumonia patient would most likely show
a. Staphylococcus aureus b. Streptococcus pyogenes c. Streptococcus pneumonia d. Neisseria meningitides
What results from the rupture of blood vessel walls?
a. Hyperemia b. Congestion c. Hemorrhage d. Hematoma
This component gives the ability for stretch recoil:
a. Cartilage b. Fibrillin c. Collagen d. Elastin
Which of the following is not oncogenic:
a. HPV b. HBV c. Herpes virus d. EBV
Which one is a benign neoplasm?
a. Hepatoma b. Lymphoma c. Melanoma d. Adenoma
What cell comprises primary hemostasis?
a. RBC b. WBC c. Platelet
A grade school patient exhibited a tan, rubbery to firm, cauliflower-like lesion of about 0.5 cm in diameter on her right palm. What is the etiology of this?
a. HPV 1
b. HPV 16
c. HPV 18
d. HPV11
A classmate in med school developed flu like illness a few days after the start of the sem. A cbcb showed wbc count of 15,000 cells per ml, 55% of which are lymphocytes. A peripheral blood smear has a no. Of atypical forms. IgM antibodies to a certain virus were positive.
Which is the possible causative agent?
a. HSV
b. EBV
c. Dengue
d. HPV2
What is the common cause of increase vascular permeability?
a. Endothelial injury
b. Leukocyte mediated injury
c. Increase in interendothelial space
The following is true about nitric oxide
a. Promotes vasodilation
b. Also known as your endothelial derived relaxation factor
c. Inhibits platelet adhesion and aggregation
True of collagen
a. Collagen in skin and bone is Type I
b. There are at least 5 types of collagen
c. Type 2 is found in basal membrane
d. Vitamin K is essential in the synthesis of collagen
Inadequate granulation tissue formation can lead to
a. Contracture
b. Keloid formation
c. Ulceration
d. Proud flesh
Reactive oxygen species damage the following
a. Mitochondria
b. Cell membrane
c. Both of the above
d. None of the above
Genital warts caused by HPV is usually caused by
a. Increased hormonal stimulation by estrogen
b. Increased production of virus in cells
c. Excessive stimulation of growth factor
Irreversible nuclear change is seen morphologically as fragmentation
a. Karyolysis
b. Pyknosis
c. Karyorrhexis
Solid organ that undergoes autolysis
a. Brain
b. Lung
c. Kidney
d. Stomach
The following involves dysrepair except
a. Apoptosis
b. Necrosis
c. Fibrosis
d. Cancer
Most of the caseating material in TB infections is derived from
a. Lysis of macrophage
b. Karyorrhexis of acute inflammatory cells
c. Pus
d. Liquefaction necrosis
What is the most distinguishing feature of CPC of the liver?
a. Centrilobular necrosis
b. Hemosiderin laden macrophage
c. Presence of fat in hepatocytes
Most important cells in hemostasis
a. RBC
b. Lymphocytes
c. Endothelial cells
d. Epithelial cells
Characteristic of an anemic infarct?
a. Common in organs with loose connective tissue
b. Wedge shaped
c. Common in liver
d. Common in lungs