Samplex 2014 B Flashcards
Main cause of BP elevation in pregnancy induced hypertension:
A. increased peripheral vascular resistance
B. increased cardiac output
C. increased reactivity to endogenous hormones
D. increased prostacyclin and thromboxane
What histological findingsdo you expect in a pregnant patient with pre eclampsia?
A. renal arteriole thickening
B. glomerular endothiliasis
C. glomerulus edema
D. renal capsule edema
B, D
Which of the following is not an indication for delivery in a patient with PIH:
A. Low maternal weight
B. Platelet count < 100,000
C. Elevated serum creatinine
D. Eclampsia
Definitive treatment of eclampsia consists of:
A. control of convulsions
B. control of BP
C. delivery
Which of the ff. is not a criteria for severe pr-eclampsia
A. Thrombocytopenia
B. Proteinuria > 5g/24hrs
C. Seizure
D. Hepatocellur dysfunction
The appropriate administration of MgSO4 in our local setting is:
A. Loading: 4-6 mg IV slow+ 5g IM; Maintenance:5g IM drip every 6-8 hrs
B. Loading: 4 mg IV in 20 min; Maintenance: 2 g/hr IV drip (Soluset)
The ff are indications of delivery in patients with PIH (pregnancy-induced hypertension) except:
A. Immature gestation B. Platelet count
A 17 year old G1P0 consulted for absence of fetal movement. She is on her 34th week AOG. Blood pressure is 160/100, heart rate is 102 and RR is 24. Noted persistent uterine contractions 1 hour prior to consult. Upon rupture of BOW, it was noted to be bloody. Diagnosis?
A. placenta previa
B. abruptio placenta
C. uterine rupture
D. vasa previa
A 35 y/o consulted for headache on her 14th week AOG. BP was noted to be 150/110. The corpus was enlarged to AOG with fetal heart rate of 160 bpm. Urine albumin was +1. What is your diagnosis?
A. Pre-eclampsia mild
B. Pre-eclampsia severe
C. Chronic HPN with superimposed pre-eclampsia
D. Chronic HPN
Drugs which can be given to treat pre-eclampsia except:
A. β-blocker
B. Ca+ channel blocker
C. Diuretics
D. ACE inhibitors
The appropriate administration of MgSO4 in our local setting is
A. Loading: 4-6 mg IV slow+ 5g IM Maintenance:5g IM drip every 6-8 hrs
B. Loading: 2 mg IV slow + 2 mg IM; Maintenance 2 mg IM on each buttock 2-3 hrs
C. Loading: 5 mg IV slow; Maintenance 2 mg IM on each buttock 2-3 hours
D. Loading: 4 mg IV in 20 min Maintenance: 2 g/hr IV drip (soluset)
The most frequent symptom preceding eclampsia is:
A. Headache B. Hyperreflexia C. Proteinuria D. Edema E. Visual signs
The follwing are indications for delivery in a patient with PIH except:
A. Mature gestation
B. platelet count of
Screening for gestational diabetes mellitus for low risk patient
B. 50 g GCT
C. 75 g OGT
D. 100 g OGT
Cornerstone of management of gestational DM, except:
A. Metformin therapy
B. Diet
C. Exercise
D. Fetal well-being studies
Fetal effects of GDM except:
A. Hypoglycemia
B. Hypocalcemia
C. Hyperkalemia
D. Hyperbilirubinemia
Abnormal glucose levels for 100 g OGT
A. FBS 105
B. 1 hr 180
C. 2 hr 150
D. 3 hr 135
A 28 year-old primigravid is in her 23rd week age of gestation. She consults your clinic for her first prenatal check-up. Her mother is a diabetic. What will be the appropriate glucose test for this patient?
a. 50 g OGCT
b. 75 g OGTT
c. 100 g OGTT
d. HbA1c
e. All of the Above
Screening for diabetes is recommended for all except which of the following?
a. age>30
b. obesity
c. previous macrosomia
d. previous post term pregnancy
Congenital malformation in infants of women with overt diabetes
a) pelvocaliectasia
b) ototoxicity
c) macrosomia
d) caudal regression
Which of the following is NOT a fetal effect of diabetes mellitus:
a) Congenital anomalies
b) Fetal death
c) Macrosomia
d) Diabetic ketoacidosis
G2P1 on her 26th week of pregnancy with macrosomia 3 years prior with no complications. What lab test would you request?
a. 50 OGCT
b. 100 OGTT
c. Serum triglyceride
d. HDL
Confirm diagnosis in sepsis:
a) + blood culture test
b) + culture test
c) + CSF test
d) + urine test
Which of the following are functions of an antibody?
A. opsonization B. chemoattraction C. complement activation D. A and B E. A and C
E, A, C
Meconium Aspiration Syndrome pathophysiology except:
A. mechanical obstruction B. chemical inflammation C. surfactant Inactivation D. all E. none
Characteristic of HMD (hyaline membrane disease):
A. lack of surfactant production B. associated V/Q mismatch C. hypoxemia and hypercarbia from telactasis D. none
Intrapartum diagnosis of cerebral palsy
A. metabolic acidosis B. metabolic alkalosis C. multiple organ failure D. spastic paralysis in quadriplegic E exclusion of all other possible etiological factors
A hypoxic infant started to have seizures in the first 24 hours of life. Possible etiologies are:
A. hypocalcemia
B. hypoglycemia
C. thrombosis
D. hypoxic encephalopathy
Consequence of asphyxia:
A. seizures B. meconium aspiration syndrome C. myocardial failure D. disseminated intravascular coagulopathy E. bronchopulmonary dysplasia
Indication/s for bag mask ventilation:
A. apnea B. HR < 100 C. A and B D. none of the above
A, B
The following statements are true except
A. umbilical cord is clamped - eliminates placenta
B. first breath taken - lungs expand resulting in decrease pulmonary blood flow and increase pulmonary vascular resistance
C. lung fluid gradually leaves the alveoli
D. all of the above
Fever in the first hours after surgery or delivery of the baby is due to:
a. Gram +
b. Gram –
c. Chlamydia
d. Anaerobes